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Everything posted by Debi

  1. I'm sure it was something like "Crap, I have to get ready for work" since it was my first day back in 6 days. Oh, and I wanted to let Lynne know not to worry about being the most unfit person in Oklahoma. As long as I'M in the state, there is no chance of you being the most unfit!!
  2. Debi


    Well, I had tests last week and my Oncologist appointment today and all is good, I go back in 6 months. Thought I would add my good news to all the rest today. I know we all need to hear some, it's been a long hard summer.
  3. Andrea, I'm thinking of asking my cancer center and/or hospital gift shop if I can leave some cookbooks there on a consignment basis. Is this something feasible that we can do, do you think?
  4. Ummmm Frank, there is a difference. These are NEW blonde jokes, not the SAME OLD blond jokes that you guys repeatedly tell ... Anyway Ginny, they were funny!
  5. Cindi, Wow, I feel like a horse's *ss!! How could I have missed that you're going in for surgery tomorrow??? I will be thinking of you all day and looking for your post from Command Central as soon as you can type. You will be fine Cindi! Do you need chickens?
  6. Thanks, as always, for all the responses. Now I have to vent!!! Well, court was hell. About 20 people (locals) went before me and the judge would have them pay the fine, and then ask them how long they have been driving and if they have any other tickets. He would then give them probation, and as long as they didn't get any tickets in the next 6 months, this offense wouldn't go on their license. He had people going 75 in a 40, 55 in a 25, etc. So I tromp up there when my name is called and I start explaining what happened. He says to me "Were you speeding?" and I said, "Yes, I was speeding but I was PASSING someone who sped up and I ran out of dotted line, I had to make a judgement call". And he says "Okay, thats $188.00". So I said "Will this go on my record" and he says to me "Well, you were speeding, weren't you?" I told him that I have been driving 33 years without a moving violation (even though I was the only one he DIDN'T ask), and he said "Well, now you have one! Next!!" I actually had to force myself to walk away from him, I'm glad my son was there, becasue I was really pissed. I am trying NOT to let this SOB get to me but WHY did he let EVERY PERSON in front of me have probation and I get this on my license?? I was PASSING someone, I know it is still speeding but I was not just tooling down the road 40 miles over the speed limit like some of these people. I was 8 MPH OVER, PASSING someone that sped up to mess with me. HE should get the damn ticket. And Frank, leave the Explorer out of this!! Now that I'm home and reading your posts, I'm thinking the nice judge may need a nice chicken sandwich.. Anyway, the job interview went really well. I had two actually, with 2 different people and spent 3 hours there. I am supposed to hear something from them in the next 2 weeks. So the day wasn't a total waste. Thank you all for your thoughts!!
  7. Pat & Brian, No slogans or advice, I think everyone up above covered just about everything.. Just wanted to let you both know that I'm thinking of you.
  8. I just wanted to share this. I had a job interview by phone yesterday and the interviewer progressed through the usual questions. Its been a while since I interviewed for anything so I am a little rusty anyway. After about 15 minutes, she asked me "What is your greatest accomplishment in the last 2 years?" My gut reaction was to say "staying alive", that is my greatest accomplishment EVER, thus far in this life. Of course I couldn't say that, that's not what she wanted to hear. But I was rendered TOTALLY speechless, the one OBVIOUS answer to it was all that I could think of, and I couldn't think beyond that one answer. I scrambled, knowing that it must have been a full 30 seconds of dead air, before I came up with some politically correct, work related, bureacratic, BS response. Anyway, they called me back today and I am going up for an interview tomorrow with the Hiring Manager. Its up by my daughter, so it would work out if I got the job, even though I'm nervous about it. I was going up there anyway, since I have to fight a speeding ticket in some small town up there, aka "My Cousin Vinny". So wish me luck with both, its going to be a long day!! And by the way, my greatest accomplishment is, and will always be, being a survivor NOT maintaining the highest wrap up percentage in the enterprise for a catalog brand!! How trivial you need to be at times!!!!
  9. Andrea, Just going to add what everyone else said.. PILLOWS! Lots and lots of them. I think I had like 8 of them in my bed, you couldn't even see me. As I got better, I got rid of them one at a time...
  10. I would buy myself a house, and one for my daughter. I would then buy myself a new car, and buy a huge van for my daughter and her family. Then I would buy furniture for both houses, book an Alaskan cruise for me & my sister, a Disneyworld vacation for me, my son, my daughter and family, a Vegas vacation for me and my friend Charles, and a few long weekend vacations just for ME. Oh, and I'd join Ginny on her Scandinavian cruise hoping for a cabin boy named Sven. Anything left over I would give to charity.
  11. WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO JAN!!!!! I was laughing, how right you are about being happy at the news. Remember the days when we would have panicked at the word cyst?? Great to hear your news!!
  12. Debi

    deja vu, episode II

    Geri, How the heck are you finding all these cute docs?? Everytime I go anywhere there are doctors that have about as much sex appeal as Dom DeLouise. The ONE time that there was a good looking doctor, he was crazy as hell. Story of my life... Anyway, glad to see that you are on the right track now. Hope your breathing becomes steadily better, I know it must have been scary for you. Rest up and get better soon!!!
  13. Debi

    Going Slow

    Sure Fay, I'm sure the prayers helped but don't forget the chicken sacrifices... Okay, Ry, Beck, hop on the Queen's car (humour her, she's on steroids! ) and swing on down here to get me. Becky, you bring the pot ! I'll be the one walking west along the highway with the bag of chickens over my shoulder... Anyway Fay, I'm glad you are doing better. Was worried about you.
  14. Debi


    Okay, I hope no one takes this the wrong way.. Have any of you run into someone who you haven't seen for a while and they look at you like they've seen a damn ghost?? It happens now and then when I see someone I haven't seen in a year or two and they know that I had been diagnosed with lung cancer. There is like this unspoken question in the air, you can almost hear them thinking "You're STILL alive???". Yesterday I ran into my old landlord's wife in a store and I swear, she actually looked like she saw a ghost. Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and stayed there. She just stared at me and when she finally spoke, she said, in a surprised tone, "You look good???". This has happened to me before, in several different variations. Even when I go for my follow up with my Oncologist from hell, he looks at my reports and says, puzzled (and I swear to God, he has actually scratched his head while saying it), "wow, everything looks good". (This, of course, was the same man who when he first saw me told me that I have a very aggressive cancer and it will be back). Yeah Dr., thanks for the vote of confidence, again! Anyway, I'm not really complaining, I am glad to be here to surprise people! I was just wondering if anyone else has any ghost stories to report ..
  15. Addie, You are so absolutely right! I always say to people - This IS the internet, anyone can be whoever they WANT to be. IN the past, we have had people pretend they were cancer patients, etc etc. I agree with you Addie- I really have no idea what kind of morons would want to "play" with lung cancer survivors/caregivers, but it takes all kinds I suppose... Anyway, I'm kind of glad something like this happens now and again, just to remind everyone (and me!) to not forget to err on the side of cautiousness. We can give anyone support but before giving out any personal info, etc.. we need to feel confident that they are 'real'. Thanks for the reminder Addie..
  16. Thank you to all my friends for your birthday wishes.. and thank you Bruce for always remembering! I ushered in my birthday at midnight last night, standing outside with 4 policemen as they dusted my car for fingerprints. I had noticed from the house that my inside car light went on all of a sudden; someone had decided to steal all my CDs from my center console. Of course, these are the same CDs I have spent several years buying to replace the CDs I had to leave in NY with my ex. Some people believe that you keep going through life to learn lessons; I'm starting to think I'm going through life to hold onto these damn CDs. Anyway, as frustrated and violated as I felt, it could have been worse and my car could have been stolen, or the stereo. I woke up feeling bad not only because I had 4 hours of sleep but because my CDs were gone. Then I felt bad that my family isn't near me and my daughter is 3 hours north of me so my birthday isn't really a big deal anymore. Then I went to work. My desk was covered with balloons and gifts and flower arrangements and a huge cake. I always forget how they take care of me there, and make me feel special. So my day got better... Then I got home and checked the board and saw all your birthday wishes and now my day is even better. Its great to have family around you on special days, even if they're not 'related'!!! Thanks all, you guys rock!!
  17. Debi

    Year #1

    Ginny, I can't believe that it is a year either since you lost Earl. Your story with the Duke was an amazing one, a love story. I remember always thinking how lucky you both were (ironic isn't it?), but true.. you had each other, even in the darkest days there always seemed to be light shining through your posts. You were always gracious and possessed a dignity & strength online for both yourself and Earl, and made us know and love him. You painted him so brilliantly for us with your words. I hope that today has passed okay for you and you were able to find comfort in your memories. I'm glad you stayed around with us...
  18. My yellow Livestrong bracelet that I got from Katie and Rick's Lung Cancer benefit last November. No explanation needed.
  19. This is long.. sorry .... There is a folded up receipt from a local restaurant here in town that since has burned up. And on the back of it, it reads, "I love you! Happy Belated Birthday. Linda Lou". I had gone out to eat my first year here in Oklahoma a week after my birthday, at a place where one of my employees waitressed part time. She waited on me and refused to take my money, giving me the ticket back, with the note scrawled on it. It has always meant alot to me because my first month in town, after Christmas, I was tasked with firing a group of reps including Linda Lou since they didn't think that she was going to make it as a Customer Service Rep after 2 weeks. I was only a manager a month, but I went to the boss (a daunting task in itself since he wasn't the most approachable person!), and begged for Linda's job. Linda was 38, heavy country accent, had always been a waitress, never worked on a computer, etc and had a reputation as the town drunk. But she needed the job and she had had a hard life. And she was good on the phone..and something just touched me about her vulnerability... Long story short, my boss said okay, she was put on my team and Linda Lou became a center legend. She was a character for sure, and can't really be described here. She had a great sense of humour, and although her calls weren't necessarily always handled in the conventional sense, her customers loved her. She went on to be a floor supervisor and helped out holidays in the training department, constantly amazed that she was able to do it. When another call center opened across country, Linda Lou was flown out to help set it up and train the new reps. Although Linda Lou is no longer with the company, her note in my wallet still means alot to me. There have been many Linda Lous in the last 5 years, and most of them DON'T work out. There have been more than several times when I thought what am I doing, my job sucks, this is the worst job in the world, etc etc etc.. and I find myself unfolding Linda Lou's worn note and reading it. It reminds me that sometimes you don't have to do great things to make a small difference in someone's life, that sometimes all you need is someone to believe in you. The rest just falls in place..
  20. Cindy, I'm not going to stick around the pub since I don't drink and everyone thinks I'll be their damn designated driver! Now THERE'S a good time! Anyway, what great great news you have! This means I cussed like a sailor for nothing, which, of course, I have NEVER ever done before ! SO glad that everything turned out A-OK for you woman... enjoy those margaritas!!!
  21. I don't know what I would change it to, I'm used to it now, but I always HATED my name. Like Fay, I was surrounded by millions of Debbies growing up (hence at 13, I started using Debi when I saw it in a book, it was a futile attempt at being different!) To make matters worse, my middle name was (ack, I can't believe I'm admitting this!) MAE. So all the kids would be, oh.. Debi Mae or Debi Mae not. GRRRRRRR
  22. OH Don.. As we say here in Oklahoma..Double rats and chickens. I have no DOUBT that your Lucie, with you at her side, will take on this latest setback with the grace, strength and dignity that she has always maintained and once again, come out on top! Good thoughts are coming down from the north of you...
  23. I've been thinking about Andrea and family and looking for a post. Thanks Denise and Connie for posting the update! Hope all is okay and Andrea remembers that we are all there with her in spirit..
  24. Okay.. a few comedies off the top of my head, there are so many, but .... My Fellow Americans (this one cracked me up) Friday (I can watch this over and over again) Booty Call (everything made me laugh in this one) There's Something About Mary (that "hairgel" part was priceless- I laughed for about 15 minutes) And recently- Are We There Yet? and Guess Who
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