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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Jorja--

    Sounds like you're feeling the "normal" mixture of emotions but that doesn't make things any easier. I'm sorry your father won't be there for your wedding. My mother wasn't there for my sister's wedding a few years ago. We had her picture there and I carried her special occasions purse. I'm not that much of a spiritual person but I truly felt that she was "there" sharing in my sister's big day just as I'm sure your father will be at your wedding too.


    gail p-m

  2. Congratulations, Debi. You go girl! Enjoy that choice of jobs and find yourself a great home!!! You deserve -- as someone (was it Don M?) said, "Go forth and live!" Sounds like wonderful advice.

    gail p-m

  3. Can't believe it's been a year already. Dave was a lot of fun and certainly livened up this board. He was a very special man who loved his family above all.

    Thinking of you and Faith on this difficult day.

    gail p-m

  4. Just don't know what to say. What an incredible story -- I was truly riveted to it. You're one amazing lady, Heather! Thanks for sharing your story and Reader's Digest should be read by many. What a forum to let people know about lung cancer. You've made a difference!

    gail p-m

  5. Don --

    Appreciate all your posts and there are LOTS! Will always think of your "wisdom" of "Don't borrow trouble". Not easy for me to do but that's my mantra in the back of my mind during hard times.

    Congrats on an astouding 8,000 posts.

    gail p-m

  6. Shellie--

    I'm glad things seem to be "coming together" for you. I assume your sister who is getting married is the one with breast cancer --- and is doing well! Or do you have a couple of sisters? As for your move, that's very exciting. Having grown up on LI, I thought it was ugly but I always thought the area around Albany (the Northway) was gorgeous). Anyhow, enjoy the KEYS!

    gail p-m

  7. My computer went "down" just as I tried to send you a post last night. Anyhow, Kasey, sorry you went through your appendicitis saga but glad to hear you're on the mend and will be fit for travel to the LC Bash. You take care now and let Fred wait on you "hand and foot." May as well get something outa all that pain.

    gail p-m

  8. Congratulations, Frank. 4000 is quite a number! Was that 4000 chocolate donuts and Bud Lites though?

    Thanks for your never ending support and many laughs.

    gail p-m

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