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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Lisa,

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your Gram. You certainly were with her during a very difficult time. I'm sure she appreciated you beyond words and you'll always be glad you were there too.

    My sincerest condolences.

    Gail P-M

  2. Oh, I just have to chime in here too. I read your posting at least 3 times to make sure that I didn't miss something. Another opinion or two seems needed to me at least until you REALLY understand what is going on. Something just doesn't make sense here.

    Take care.

    Gail P-M

  3. Glad to hear there is a plan. It's also nice to see hubby's docs are working together and are on the "same page." Sounds like the "watchful" approach rather than invasive. They'll "treat" when and if needed.

    Sounds like you and husband are content with the plan ---

    Have a great weekend. That snow will stop one day.

    Gail p-m

  4. Betty,

    Sorry to hear about your awful back pain and how difficult it is for you to get relief without strong meds. Praying that you get some relief soon and you're back "glued" to the puter. I miss seeing your posts regularly. And I like your psychic friend too. She sounds like a very smart lady.

    Gail p-m

  5. I am so sorry that your Gram is in so much pain. It must be so difficult for you to watch this too. But if your Gram doesn't want to go to the hospital, the best you can do is be there for your Gram as you have been, hard as it is.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Gram.

    Gail P-M

  6. Thanks for the update on Frank. I'm sorry to hear that things are not going well for him. He and Connie are always in my thoughts and prayers but extra prayers are going out today for a speedy and safe resolution to Frank's problem.

    Gail P-M

  7. How frustrating -- to be starving, all prepped and then ----- nothing!!!!!!!!! Wednesday has to go better, doesn't it? In the meantime, take the advice of others --- eat and DRINK!!!!!

    Good thoughts being sent for Wednesday-----------

    Gail P-M

  8. Hi Bev--

    Welcome to this wonderful website. Although I live in Canada, my Dad who has lung cancer lives on L.I. too. I grew up there. I'm curious as to why you were having regular CT screenings. Was that because you were a former smoker? Just wondering as I am the daughter of someone with lc and a former smoker.

    Good luck on this journey. We're right along side with you.

    Gail p-m

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