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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Sorry to hear the news about your mom. That's definitely not what you or your mom need. As others have mentioned, second opinions are sometimes helpful when things seem hopeless. As for Dave, prayers going out that he is "empty headed". Your about due for some good news I would think.

    Gail P-M

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Grumpy (Mike). I always enjoyed his posts. He will be truly missed. Prayers and thoughts go out to his family during the difficult days ahead.

    Gail P-M

  3. Have been missing your regular posts but now it's our turn to support you. Have to tell you that we're glad chemo is doing its job. Hope you're feeling better soon -- and adding my thoughts and prayers being sent your way. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Gail P-M

  4. I agree with Sharyn. There's nothing wrong with taking shortcuts. The kids love pizza and fast food. Order in Chinese food. It could be a real treat for them when Dad is away and why not??? As for lunches, there are those ready made crackers with meat and cheese -- yeah, they're expensive but for once in awhile, why not? The laundry as Sharyn said can wait. If they have enuf socks and underwear for the schoolweek, go for it. Not sure how old your kids are but they can help and make lunches and tidy the kitchen after dinner... Don't exhaust yourself. It's not worth it. Prioritize what really has to be done and what has to wait. Enjoy the week -- don't let it stress you.

    Gail P-M

  5. So sorry to hear of your neighbor's passing. Prayers and thoughts being sent to her little girls and husband in this very difficult time.

    Gail P-M

  6. Oh Carol Anne==

    I've had very similar feelings quite often, in fact. When my dad was first diagnosed, the surgeon said that he was 85% sure the cancer would never come back. I live 3000 miles away and my sister lives near my Dad. I was there during much of that summer because my Dad had been sick and the doctors could not figure out what was going on. Once the cancer was diagnosed and he had his operatioin, the little bit I did question to my sister, she would get very upset with me. My Mom had passed away 2 years before and my father was less than anxious to discuss the possibility of a recurrence. To be honest, we never even talked with an oncologist then which I can hardly believe now. However, my Dad was followed with CT scans which did catch the recurrence. Anyway, I frequently have these feelings of "guilt" or whatever thinking that perhaps had he had some chemo, perhaps there never would have been a recurrence. But circumstances such as they were at the time and me not living there, it would have been very difficult to push an oncologist visit. My father can be very difficult to deal with at times. I suppose this sounds like excuses, perhaps so. However, I felt my hands were tied at the time and I believed the surgeon. Believe me, I have learned from this experience. Always question, question, question, push for what you want and if you don't get it, fire your doctor.

    Anyhow, good luck to you and your mom.

    Gail P-M

  7. So sorry to hear about your loss. But I'm glad he made it to your wedding; that obviously meant so much to him that he "held on". No doubt this expresses the great love he had for you.

    Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Gail P-M

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