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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Appreciate the update on Lucie. Glad she's having a break from the chemo and has the energy to enjoy activites like your church dinners. Keep us posted on how she is doing.

    Gail P-M

  2. Prayers being sent your way that the "peas" are nothing. And if they are something, as you said, you have too much to live for -- that wonderful wife of yours and that beautiful little girl and a supportive extended family. You are a fighter!!! But you deserve a break and hope this is a "false alarm".

    Gail P-M

  3. I also sent Dr. Joe a PM and sincerely hope that he reconsiders and stays with us. Although I haven't had the need to ask him a question, it has given me great peace of mind to know that he was here if needed. And I know how much he has helped so many. Whether you come back or not, Dr. Joe, thank you for all your time and the compassion and kindness that you have shown us. Your a very special man!

    Gail P-M

  4. (((((((Cheryl))))))) ---- Wish I could do more than send hugs and prayers. By all means, ask a doctor for something to help you sleep. When you're exhausted, everything seems even worse. You've gotten through some hard times before and you'll get through this. Remember we're here for you.

    Gail P-M

  5. ((((((((((CHERYL)))))))))) and prayers are being sent your way. As others have said, you're still in this trial once those darn brain mets are taken of. You and Jack are fighters and you'll get through this but I'm sorry you have to deal with this ---- you've been through so much already! Remember we're here with you --- when you need love and encouragement, we'll be here.

    Gail P-M

  6. I'm so sorry to hear about Baby. I know how difficult it is to lose a pet when it has been your best friend for many years. They truly are part of the family. These words seem so inadequate ---- but I do understand, I really do.

    Hugs to you.

    Gail P-M

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your Dad. Your mutual love shined through in each and every word. You were blessed to have your Dad and he to have you.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this very difficult time.

    Gail P-M

  8. Sharyn,

    So sorry to hear about your loss but glad to hear you got that special signal from your Dad. There was no doubt in my mind from your posts that you were very special to one another. My condolences to you and your family.


  9. I am so very sorry to hear about your Caesar. I have a 12 1/2 year old dog with degenerative liver disease and I know I will have to make that decision too but she is also my best friend. It's not easy; that I know. So sorry you have to go through this along with everything else.


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