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Posts posted by kentwisc

  1. Hi Doug; From SE Wisconsin as well. I am a SCLC survivor of 6+ years and 54yo. Looking back, I can clearly remember the gamut of emotions I went through. It was MANY. Be prepared for these, as this really does help with all you may have to deal with. Many people had told me I was a "Trooper", though I never thought of myself as strong emotionally. Best of luck to you. Kent

  2. Hi Sonia; I am a 48 yo male Dx with SCLC in jan 03. I just completed PCI about 4 weeks ago and assure you that I do not have any long or short term memory loss. I did lose my hair as a result, and the scalp is a bit dry, but was given a product (Aquaphor) by my radiolgy oncologist that helped a great deal. Best of wishes to both your Mom and you. Hope this is of help. Good thoughts and prayers, Kentwisc.

  3. Hi Peg; Sorry, I did not ask the oncologist at the time as to who the manufacturer was. Actually I was so upset hearing this news that I forgot to ask. This trial was actually brought to my attention by an oncologist at the University Of Wisc Madison hospitals. She told me of this trial in feb when I saw her for a second opinion on my Dx. She told me of it again in the middle of May and assured me it was still planned. When I phoned her about the 2nd week of June, she informed me of the Phizer purchace. I had hopes of contacting Phizer to see if they were considering the trial in the future or if it was just not going to happen. I am not sure how to go about this. I hope and pray your husband improves and we all have the strength to fight this. Best wishes, Kentwisc.

  4. Hi Johnathan; I have heard of "Gemzar", but do not know anything about it. Whenever I ask my oncologist about these new meds, he simply replys that they are not yet "proven" or "approved". I was told that when I was in a "no evidance of disease" postion (presently my currant Dx) I would be eligible for a vaccine trial showing encouraging promise for preventing re-occurance. Then only a few weeks ago, the vaccines manufacturer sold out to Phizer which then canciled the trial. Needless to say, I was very dissapointed by this news. Currantly undergoing Cranial Irradiation and will see the oncologist on the 21st of July. Any information regarding new treatments or trials would be greatly apprerciated. Later and thanks, Kentwisc.

  5. Dearest Jan and Larry; You are right about ones world being "Rocked" by the news of cancer. Jan, my situation is almost identical to yours. I showed a area of cancer in my right lung and also a small spot on my liver and possible "Hot Spot" on a lymph node. My oncologist prescribed a combination of Cisplatin, vp-16 and radiation all at the same time. After having dealt with that all pretty well, the scans showed no evidence of disease and they decided that the liver spot was not a concern. I am presently 1/2 way through Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation (PCI). and that also seems to be going well. I wish you both the best in your fight, and will remember you in my thoughts and prayers. Kentwisc.

  6. Hi Connie; That news also has made my day!!! In fact I am presently in the position where I must decide about the PCI. I am very concerned about this controversial procedure. Especially from the standpoint of long term Neurological side effects. Obviously your good friend has not experienced problems in this regard. Again, Glad to here news like this and I wish you and your friend the best. With Prayers, Kentwisc.

  7. Joanie; Great news!! I really helps us all when someone has good news. If I may ask, did your oncologist suggest Cranial Irradiation at all with you? I am also in your similar situation with good scans and have heard different opinions about this therapy. Please let me know what you have heard. Thanks, Kentwisc.

  8. Hi John; Those are very impressive results. I was diaognosed in Jan,03 with limited SCLC. My oncologist is very good, but does not seem too open to new therapys. I will bring this report to his attention when I see him on the 9th and get my CT results. Thanks, Kentwisc.

  9. Hi All; I recently read an article in cancernews.com regarding COX-2 Inhibitors as a complimentary therapy to chemo. This medication is more commonly known as Celebrex or Vioxx and is prescribed for arthitis patients. The study seems to have shown some very good results when treating lung cancer. If anyone out there has heard of this or even undergoing a therapy like this, I would like to hear from them. I did get a reply from someone in another website that is taking this therapy and awaiting results. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Kentwisc.

  10. I recently read an article on the use of COX-2 Inhibitors (Celebrex & Vioxx) as a complimentary medication used with chemotherapy. I found this info on cancernews.com. This therapy study showed some good progress in treating lung cancer. I had posted this info in another website and got a reply that a members sister-in-law was placed on this therapy by her oncologist. I would like to hear from others who might have heard of this, or are undergoing the same therapy. For those not familiar with this med, it is commonly prescribed for arthitis patients and has few side effects. Any information is most welcome. Later, Kentwisc.

  11. Hi Greg; Although not as young as you at 48 yo, I too feel, and have been told, that I am too young for this type of cancer. I don't mind telling you that I am very concerned for my health, however the standard therapys seem to be having some positive effects. The waiting game is getting real old though. I was dx in Jan,03 ( limited stage SCLC) and have had the radiation and chemotherapy treatments. It has remained in a limited stage. Hope your therapy go well and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Perhaps we cha chat in the wed night chat room. Later and take care, Kent. :lol:

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