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mary colleen

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Everything posted by mary colleen

  1. Ernie, this sounds really good to me. I'm happy for you.
  2. What harm can there be for giving it to him? He can use it or not. Even if he is not the "moral support" type, this place is just great for information. (I, too am sorry about the diagnosis.)
  3. I am with you in thought and spirit as well.
  4. Mitchell... I read this as being "value-neutral", as we say in my world of math statistics. However, in my world of gut feelings (a different matter....) your lovely mother is going to do GREAT. Please tell Kathy I say hi! MC
  5. I am so very sorry for you. I wish you peace and comfort.
  6. Mitchell, as far as I know, grade (degree of differentiation) and EGFR expression are 2 independent factors. I believe that EGFR expression (or lack thereof) is part of the "genetic signature" factors that there is so much recent literature on. Has it been determined yet if your Mom's tumor is EGFR positive?
  7. Tami, your son is in my prayers. I hear every word you are saying. I have a son that had a very similar and rough adolescence, to the point where I literally felt desperate and hopeless about helping him. However, as a Mom, I never, ever gave up. Long story short: without my knowledge, he went off his anti-depressants and joined the Army in 2002. At first, I was very upset...certain that he could not succeed under the circumstances. I was convinced that disaster would ensue. He not only succeeded, he thrived. Today, he is 24 years old, a Staff Sergeant in the Army, has had one year in Iraq, and is doing wonderfully. He looks, sounds, and acts like an entirely different person. He is loving and responsible. I am not telling you that the military is the answer - I am telling you that many times, in the most unexpected ways, kids can find ways to turn themselves around. Much of it probably has to do with maturing past mid-adolescence. I believe that as long as you continue to love him and nurture him (and you no doubt will), that seed will somehow germinate at some point and he will become the man he is intended to be. Stay strong - I know what you are going through.
  8. Aaron, I suffer from an annoying gut sometimes, too. Thought it isn't from Tarceva, Ry's point about the antibiotic hit home with me. My symptoms are usually exacerbated when I am on an antibiotic. The other points help me as well - OTC IBS meds, and yogurt. I hope that you give them a try. I understand your issue with work - I deal with clients and my staff all day, and it can get a little stressful on bad stomach days. I am really very happy to hear that you are starting to feel like yourself again. It made my day.
  9. Teri, I can't answer that as well as others probably can, but: does your onc track tumnor markers in the blood?
  10. I'm so sorry. Are you managing ok? Do you have help?
  11. Please know that so many are thinking of you daily. If you have time, let us know how it is going. mc
  12. Shelley, I understand what you are going through. My husband was diagnosed in October, not so far back, but it seems like 100 years. I too, read many times a day, though I don't post all that much lately. You hang in there, and know that you are not alone!
  13. This is so very hard. Hang tough, you will see it through.
  14. Bless you - I know that your family fought hard. I pray that he is surrounded by peace, and that you can be as well.
  15. Hi Bucky, Others here will probably be able to answer this better than I can, but my understanding is that recurrences can be successfully treated in many cases, and new recurrences avoided after that. mary
  16. I am so very sorry for you and your family. Even when you are in the fight and know that this is a possiblity, it has to be stunning when it begins to happen. Knowing that you work and are raising children, I would lean toward wanting you to have hospice help, if he can accept it. Does the doctor feel that hospice is appropriate at this point? Again, I am so sorry that you are dealing with this. You'll be in my prayers. Please lean on us here. Mary
  17. Aaron, Though I have normally seen radiation used for this type of met, I want to caution you not to make assumptions that this IS a met. I understand that it is difficult not to do that, but - please see the doc and find out. Don't jump too far ahead. I'll be thinking of you.
  18. My husband is also Stage 2b, also had 2 positive lymph nodes. I have been told that after surgery and platinum based chemo, both of which he has had, there is a perhaps 2 in 3 chance of the cancer never returning.
  19. T, Mu husband has surgery on 10/9, prior to any chemo. I would definitely say that he found surgical recovery easier than he later found chemo to be. He did not have significant complications,and was out for 6 weeks. If he had a job that did not involve lots of physical activity, he probably could have gone back in 4 weeks. Regardless of any "drama" going on at your workplace, you know that you have to put your health first. Is your place of employment subject to FMLA laws that would require them to hold your job for you while you are recovering? Good luck - you're pretty tough so far, I think you will recover from surgery like a pro!
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