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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Tami,I cant be of help to you but hope you find an answer soon.
  2. I hope everyone had a good day. School here starts Wenesday. I dont know why they dont run it longer in May when the weather is still unpredictable and let the kids have all of August off. August is usually the hottest month of the year. I remember when I was a kid,school usually started after labor day. Goonight everyone and May God bless and guide and comfort you all.
  3. Im glad you enjoyed it Barb!
  4. Quiet day here, wife is working and no grandkids here. Just me and the dog.Speaking of beans Dawn,my mom used to make ham and beans that I just loved. She would soak the beans over night before cooking them. After mom passed away 8 years ago I never had them again because I figured it took to long to soak the beans and all. Then about a year ago I was in the store and I noticed great northern beans in the can. I never knew you could buy them already cooked. I bought some and they tasted pretty darn good altho they do have some of the undesired side effects my mom's also had.
  5. Waiting for more rain. I dont think I have hardly watered my yard this summer. We have been blessed with some much needed moisture this year.Grandson is coming to spend the night,we always have a good time. It alows me time to be a kid again.Have a nice weekend also girls!
  6. Welcome Debra,I cant give you much information from a caregiver point of view but your father sounds like he has been blessed with a very wonderful daughter.Im sure many more will be checking in shortly to welcome you and help you with any caregiver questions you may have. I am glad you found this board and my prayers are with you and your father.
  7. Marci,I am so sorry also and have said a prayer.
  8. Stable is good. Im happy for you and your mothers latest results.
  9. So very sad news! I know she was very much loved here.
  10. Anne Judy and Michell,I hope you can get things worked out for a meeting. That would be neat. I have been taking Lexapro again because I could feel the depression returning. It works well for depression and anxiety but I hate some of the side effects. Even tho I know I am one of the very fortunate ones with lc I have bouts of depression that I cant seem to shake without medication. I need to get back into exercizing more also.Hulk Hogan was on tv last nght and I asked my wife if she could believe him and me were about the same age,We both got a laugh out of that.
  11. I gotta go with Marcus Welby for my primary and Ben Casey for my surgeon. I have never watched any of the medical sitcoms for the last 20 years so these are the only 2 I remember.
  12. Hi everyone,my computer bit the dirt so I was using the one at the library. I finally bought a cheap little one at walmart for 350.00 but it seems to serve my purpose well. Sometimes I think I should cut costs and do away with internet and dish network but when I am without it makes me realize how much I would miss them. I hope you all had a nice weekend. Goodnight all. (click).
  13. beatlemike

    Happy Day!

  14. Ann, Yes clotheslines bring back many fond memories to me. It seems like yesterday my mom was out hanging clothes or bedding with her favorite flowers in the background wearing a dress.Back then I dont remember seeing her in anything but a dress. I didnt realize it growing up but when I look at the pictures I realize my mother was such a pretty woman. Yes I put up a clothesline about 8 years ago mostly for memories sake but it gets used quite often.Funny how the word clothesline brings back such peaceful memories.Thanks Ann.
  15. Hi everyone,today has been a good day very unlike yesterday. Yesterday I sat and waited all day for the electrician who was supposed to come and look at the dryer but he never did show. Last night I went to the cancer walk here in town and I was on my ex wifes team. About 2 hours into it a bad thunderstorm started. It got real mean looking out and hailed and rained and blew like crazy while we all sat in their tent. It only lasted about 20 minutes but when it was over many tents and displays were leveled and all the luminaries were flattened. Altho I am not a big fan of the American Cancer Society,I really did feel sorry for all the voulenteers who worked so hard to put it on. After that everyone packed up and went home.
  16. All joking aside,69,seems since I graduated high school 1969 it keeps coming up all the time,telephone #s,bank account,addresses,ect. I wouldnt say its lucky but it keeps popping up. Go ahead and have your laugh but thats my #.
  17. beatlemike

    Holy Cow!

    Thats great news Jen!
  18. A few weeks ago we bought a new outdoor grill because our old one was shot and we hardly used it. Since buying the new one I have been grilling outside about every night,Its nice not to heat up the kitchen or clean up the mess.Then today I rememberd something I heard a long time ago about how grilling can cause cancer.I googled it on the internet and all kinds of things came up. Now Im about half afraid to grill out anymore. Do any of you have thoughts on this? Or is it just a bunch of internet spoofs?
  19. Prayer said for your Dad that all goes well Jen!
  20. Judy I do hope your allergies get better,that has to be the pits. I know I have some allergies and some mornings I wake of rubbing my eyes. About once a month I rub a little to hard and break a blood vessel and walk around for about a week looking like someone poked it with a stick. I had a great Sunday,grandson and I went fishing,he did better than me again but that makes it that much better.Hes turning 13 next month and is changing so much. How I miss sometimes the way he always followed right behind me like a shawdow. We still spent some quality time together but not near as much. Ann posted a saying awhile back that went something like(Dont be sad that its over but smile because it happened). How many times I have thought of that since she posted it.
  21. I quit so many times I cant remember. I was a chain smoker for 35 years,sometimes I think it was more a compulsive thing more than an addiction. The only way I was able to quit was by using skoal chewing tobaccoo. I was smoke free about 3 years when dxed with lc but still very much addicted to skoal. Then when I was in the hospital I gave up the chew by using nicotine lozengers which I still use on a daily basis. My onc doesnt seem to worry about my lozenger use as long as I dont smoke.I find it silly that after 7 or 8 years of not smoking I am still addicted and using nicotine. Is that additive behavor or what?
  22. Well heck,it seems someone was here and left the door open when they left. Looks like some bunnies came in and then left,there is rabbit poop all over. I quess I will get it cleaned up before Judy gets here in the morning. Goodnight everyone. (click)
  23. beatlemike


    Thats good news Barb!
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