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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. One thing I dont understand Barbara is why they did not perform surgery. To my understanding most 2bs are able to have surgery. I have never heard of radiation as the only treatment for stage 2b but I may be wrong. This may be a good question for Dr. West.
  2. Wonderful day here in Nebraska. 82 with a blue sky and plenty of sun.Went to my daughters for a Mexican dinner and recieved phone calls from my sons saying Happy Fathers Day.I'm trying to tie dye some tshirts,I dont know how that will turn out. Maybe it would just be easier to start acting my age but whats the fun in that?
  3. Sounds like good news to me also Muriel! Im happy for you. I wish that nodule wasnt there to cause you to worry but for today lets concentrate on the good.
  4. You and your Mom are in my prayers at this very difficult time.
  5. Magical Mystery Tour by the Beatles.
  6. Janet,If it werent for that darn trim I wouldnt mind painting at all. Inside or out.
  7. beatlemike

    Great news

    Thats fantastic Lily. This is the kind of story that gives everyone hope.
  8. We had a loud and stormy night last night and it looks like we might have another one tonight. Donny it sounds like you have had a rough couple of days,I hope things get better. Judy you want to be careful with those mixups. Last time i had one I got my viagra and rogaine mixed up. I ended up with a hard head and a fuzzy litle pecker. My wife told me I couldnt keep the baby guinea pig.
  9. LOL at your post Katie! Im the same way. Talking about my resentments can really get me going.
  10. I understand how you feel Janet. We are finally getting some sunshine and blue sky after about a month of that gray and rainy weather. It gets depressing after so long.I saw a young guy in walmart last night with one of those new electronic cigarettes. It looked like the real deal.Even the vapor looked real. I asked him if it was like a real smoke and he said it helped but he still smoked about a pack a day of regular cigarettes. Im afraid it would lead me back to smoking the real mccoy if I tryed them.
  11. Tammy,Im sure you are worried but hopefully it is nothing more than a cyst! My prayers are with you. I know this may sound kind of silly but once in awhile I ask my folks(who have both passed away) to say a prayer for me.
  12. Jamie, Thats fantastic. Enjoy your summer!
  13. As my old friend Fred would say 'Yappa Dappa Do!
  14. beatlemike


    Thank you all so much for your replys. You are all the greatest!
  15. Thats great news Barb! I hope you can get out there and have a fantastic summer.
  16. beatlemike


    My ex wife asked me if I would be on her team for the walk for a cure in July put on by the American Cancer society. At first I was going to go into detail how I dont think much of their organization and how little they actually do for many of the cancers except a few. But after some time and thought I told her I would be glad to. Even tho I dont agree with many of their policys most of the volunteers mean very very well. And most are like I was when I was first diagnosed,thinking cancer was cancer no matter where it was located and are hoping for a cure.She lost her mother to pancreatic and her father to lung cancer. So their hearts are very much in the right place and they truly believe they are helping to find a cure for all cancers. I remember when I was first dxed how I wanted to talk to someone who actually survived cancer. I didnt care if it was breast, colon, or any kind. So even tho I dont agree with all of their policies I do believe they have helped with many cancers. And the volunteers who help put on these things are doing so out of the goodness of their own hearts truly believing they are helping find a cure for all cancers. I dont want to rain on their parade because for all I know they do more than I realize for other cancers. I kind of have mixed emotions. I figure if it helps some with cancer lets go for it. Any input would be appreciated.
  17. beatlemike

    Three Years

    Three years! thats wonderful Lilly. I also thought I would have 3 to 6 months to live when I was diagnosed. Im sure glad we were wrong.
  18. Eight years,Wow! Heres to many more. Your story is a great inspiration to many of us.
  19. Hi Hope,I had my right lung removed in aug.05 and I seem to do ok. I do not have near the function I used to have tho. In my case their was no decsion to it. But your fathers case is completely differant than mine.To my understanding the right lung has 3 lobes and provides 60% of your lung funtion while your left lung has 2 lobes and provides 40 %. If he could have the surgery and still have plenty of lung function I would say go for it. But I also have a sister with severe emphasyma and I know that there is no way she could have a lung or even a lobe for that matter removed. I know this must be a tough decsion and my thoughts and prayers are with your family!
  20. Linda, I can hear Fred Flintstone yelling Yappa Dappa Doo all the way from Bedrock and I will 2nd that!
  21. beatlemike

    I slept....

    Im glad you had a good nights sleep. I hope you can get back ino a regular routine again. I wish you the best Caren.
  22. Im so happy for you also Alisa.Heres to many many more!
  23. This sounds like wonderful news Tina! Thanks for posting.
  24. Hi everyone,nice morning here in Nebraska.My sister and her husband headed back to Montana today after staying here for about a month. It was very hard for them to leave.I have another sister here in town who is in very bad shape with copd and it was very hard for my sisters to say goodbye knowing it may be their last visit together. How I hate so much cigarettes and what they have done to my family and scores of others. I remeber about 15 years ago the spokesmen for all the tobbacco companys appeared before congress defending their products saying they were not addicting. One of them even had the gull to compare them to his use of gummy bears. How I would have loved to stick his gummy bears right up his -ss. Sorry about the long rant. I quess Im just in kind of a sour mood today.
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