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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Donny,I hope you get to feeling better and that the new treatment works well.
  2. Judy Im sorry your having trouble sleeping.For me problems always seem their worst at nightime. So maybe getting out of bed and putting some of those thoughts on here will be of help. I hope so.Right after I was dxed,my wife and I made out a living will and a 5 wishes will(available from your doctor and they are free and do not take long to fill out.We even bought a plot at the cemetary and a stone. Hopefully we wont use any of these in the near future but I am glad we had it done so it is out of the way and a few less things our kids would have to deal with if something did happen. And it lets me put all that stuff aside and helps me to deal with the present more. Sending you a big cyber hug. Mike
  3. I only have one kidney so I used to worry about mine but the onc told me that lung cancer usually spreads upward id it spreads.
  4. I almost forgot ( Happy Anniversary Janet). Have a great day!
  5. Judy, We will call you whatever you please. Remember the old slogan :Call me anything you wish but dont call me late for supper." Is Bertie Higgins still big in that neck of the woods? I always loved his song Key Largo. He was kind of a one hit wonder and I have never heard anything of him since. Your post brought to mind an old Andy Griffith episode where Guber was doing his Cary Grant imitation. Judy Judy Judy. Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  6. beatlemike


    Hi Carol,Just wondering if you ever recieved your results and what they were. Good I hope!
  7. Sandra,I'm sending you a big hug from here in Nebraska! I hope it doesnt have any trouble with the border patrol.
  8. Happy Birthday Katie!
  9. Im on my 2nd cup of coffee Judy. I still need 2 in the morning to get my brain working right. I used to drink a lot of coffee but after I quit smoking I lost alot of the enjoyment in it. It seems like they went well together.Happy Memorail Day everyone. To all the veterans out there,I SALUTE AND THANK YOU!
  10. Caren,I am so sorry about your father.
  11. Hi Mitch,You look great buddy! Im also happy for your Mom's good results. I always remember your posts because your Mom and I were both dxed 2b. I used to hang out in the bars alot in my younger days. They are the only place I know where a fight can start because someone looked at someone wrong or who's quarter was up next on the pool table.
  12. Hi Pixie,sorry your not feeling to well right now. My thoughts and prayers will be with you for good results Wenesday!
  13. I agree with Katie also. I dont know where they get off on saying it is a religous decision. I read where they are Catholic and I know for a fact that the church has no problems with chemo or cancer treatment. Im a Catholic and no way would I turn down treatment for myself or my children.
  14. Ned.I think lowlife is the proper word for whoever did this. Life can be hard enough without BS like that. I hope Mitch recovers fast and continues with his great weight loss results. I also hope his mother is still doing well.
  15. beatlemike

    My niece MJ

    Judy,I am sorry about the bad news on your niece. My prayers are with were at this difficult time.
  16. Jamie, I hope the very very best for you on Monday. I'm sure you will do a wonderful job!
  17. Hello everyone,12:30 here and windy. Threw the baseball back and forth with my grandson for awhile but had to get out of the wind. Did anyone else watch the Farrah Fawcett story Friday night? I never was a Charlies Angels fan or really paid much attention to her but I really have a sincere respect for here now. She is battling anal cancer that has now spread to her liver. But its a story that so many here know all to well. Its so uplifting at times and so very sad at others. At the end when her son comes to visit her in his jail suit and ankle cuffs and she doesnt reconize him is a real tear jerker. And it also shows all the pain the caregivers go thru.Anyway, I quess just have had that show on my mind since watching it. Im hoping the wind fades out a little so I can ride my little honda 250 awhile this afternoon. Hope you all have anice Sunday.
  18. I dont know how to read The Dr. reports but from what I have seen here it sure sounds good Denise!
  19. That sounds like great news Shelley!
  20. Judy, Im sorry you had such a rough night. Hopefully tommorrow will be better and I hope you can get some sleep.
  21. Im glad you had a good trip Jamie. Thank you so much for getting the word out there!
  22. Hi Katy and welcome. I hope you find this site informative and supportive.
  23. Nothing more that I can add but I wanted to welcome you.
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