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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. Kind of chilly here today but its better than that below 0 stuff. I thought about putting off mowing the yard for one more day but if I wait to long I will have to bag it.My wife commented about the dandelions, I always wait until the darn things show up before I put on the weed and feed and by then it is to late. I remember as a kid almost everyone had dandelions and noone thought a thing of it. Sometimes I wonder if all the weed killers and lawn products we pile on our lawns and gardens dont have something to do with all the cancer and asthma.Not to mention what the farmers use.
  2. Are there any television commercials that get under your skin? I know compared to some of the other things going on that a commercial is pretty petty to complain about. The one that annoys me the most is the one for Kaplan college(formerly Hamilton college) where the young girl is complaining about her job. I hate my job because I dont make enough money,I dont make enough money because I cant go to school.I cant go to school because I dont make enough money. I swear they show that damn commercial 10 times a day at least! Wow.Im glad I got that off my chest!
  3. 8 hours with a couple of brief wakeups. I usually take a antihistimine before bed and that seems like that does the trick. If I dont take it I usually dont get much sleep. Does anyone know if taking a small does of antihistimine is harmful to lung if taken daily on a regular basis?
  4. Welcome Donny, I hope you find as much support and information here as I have.
  5. Yabba Dabba Doo! Good for you!
  6. I really like the new look and and layout Katie. Thanks for all your time and hard work!
  7. Good for you Ry! Im happy you have been able to move forward.No real big highllights this weekend but I enjoyed it.
  8. I wasnt joking about getting on that trip. From what I have read about your crew and navigation team you may very well end up over by Africa instead of Hawaii. On a bright note tho,I don't think the pirates will keep you guys hostage to long once they realize what they are dealing with.
  9. After I posted this I reread it and it sounded kind of vulgar. I hope you all know I was joking.
  10. It would be a cold day in hell before I got on that bus!(Not that I was invited ). But I want you all to know my thoughts and prayers will be with you.And you might want to remember to say your own before you get onboard.Watch out for pirates because I dont think the navy seals will come to your aid.
  11. Sounds like really good news!
  12. Lexapro worked very well for me. I think cancer and its treatment are known for bringing on depression and anxiety.
  13. Last summer I took my grandkids to a remake of a old horror classic. the languge that was being used in the first 10 minutes of the movie made me realize this movie wasnt suitable for children so we left the theater. I was so angry when we left and the ticket salesman realized it to but didnt offer a refund. Its the last time I have been to that movie house.
  14. Hello and welcome Joan! Hope your walk is a success.
  15. This is fantastic news!
  16. Bands name would be Loose Stool and my name would be Exlax!
  17. Windy and sunny here,Yesterday on the news I saw a report that Nebraskans were the happiest in the nation because they live modestly and dont spend more than they earn. I wish someone would tell my wife that!
  18. beatlemike

    My Mom

    I am so very sorry Tina.
  19. beatlemike

    I done it!

    Good for you Caren! Two thumbs up!
  20. Judy,you remind me of someone that has a very good sense of humor. Not eveyone has that and I feel so sorry for them. They are so serious about everything and you can tell when they do laugh they are not comfortable with it.
  21. I had so many plans for the day. I got up early and took the grandkids to school and then came home and laid back down on the couch. I am getting so lazy anymore and I just cant seem to pull myself out of it. I know my lung capacity isnt what it used to be but Im caple of doing alot more than Im doing.Very very windy here today but at least the sun is out and supposed to get up to 50 tommorrow.
  22. We are in a winter storm warning here for today so I think I will just hibernate for the day. Judy, I so much understand your compulsive behavior. I am the same way and it drives me nuts! My wife laughs at me because I always check the doors 2 or 3 times each night to make sure I locked them before bed. And once you get to bed you realize that you may have left a burner on the stove turned on so downstairs I go to check it and it is always turned off.
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