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Everything posted by beatlemike

  1. beatlemike


    I also remember you Wendy. I am so sorry for your deep loss.
  2. Homemade tacos.I like to add tomato sauce to the ground beef. Most people find it gross but I love it. Dang it Ann,here I am getting hungry for tacos and I been trying to give up meat for lent on Fridays.
  3. Hi everyone, Im babysitting my old dog today. I had to get rid of her when I was going thru surgery and chemo because she was to big and hyper for me to handle. The people next door took her so I still get to see her all the time.We have the same weather forcast as you Donna so I wanna get out and enjoy the day a little. Have a nice weekend everyone.
  4. I had to laugh at your post Janet. I bet you did hear the same joke over and over and over again. I always recall my Dads death on this day. He passed away on April 1st 19 years ago. Time passes so fast. Makes me realize that even if I was fortunate to live another 20 years that it would still be here in the blink of an eye.
  5. I am very happy for you Judy and we will celebrate again for you on May 5th when you get more good news!
  6. Welcome Mike from the other Mike. I hope you find as much support and information here as I have.
  7. We are having a mini blizzard were in Nebraska. Not much snow but alot of wind and cold air. Good day to keep my butt inside.
  8. I just noticed that our lawn is turning nice and green.Signs of spring Man is here working on the electric garage door. My wife seems to think she cant live without it. Have a good day everyone.
  9. Hi Tracy,Im sorry about the rough times you have been going thru. Cancer is hard enough to deal with besides the other problems that come along.I hope your trial works well for you and you and your family are in my prayers!
  10. Rock On Patti and Tom!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Hi everyone.I never did really participate much in the air but I do miss it when no one posts on it. I was at walmart yesterday and they would have ya beleive its summer already with all their lawn and garden stuff out already. I learned my lesson about planting my tomatoes to early. Have a good day everyone.
  12. Im so happy for you Ellen and I have a feeling you will be making this same post a year from now!
  13. Hi Tina,your Dad must have been a very loving man. I am sure he wants you to have a happy birthday.
  14. One of those juiceman juicers. Im a sucker for some of those info commercials. It would have cost me about about 10 dollars a day for fresh fruit to get enough juice for a 8 oz.glass.Also I have been a sucker for some of the exercise equipment.
  15. That sounds like wonderful news!
  16. Having cancer is tough enough to deal with. I jope you find a more compassioante onc. Sounds like good news on your report tho!
  17. beatlemike


    Thats really good to hear. Many more stables to come!
  18. beatlemike


    Carol,You took the words right out of my mouth.
  19. Prayer said for your mom Tina! I hope she gets to breathing better fast.
  20. Im just sitting here trying to think of a good Friday 13th prank to pull on someone. uppose to get up to a whopping 44 degrees today.
  21. I was put on lexapro and had fantastic results with it but also had some side effects .So now I just take half of a pill or take a full pill every other day and it seems to work pretty well for me.
  22. Thats wonderful news Patti!!!
  23. This is so sad! I was just thinking of her earlier today and how she hasnt posted lately.
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