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Posts posted by blueherron

  1. Hello--this is the first time I've posted here, but I've been reading since my little sister was diagnosed with extensive SCLC--with mets to the brain in November of 05. There ARE experimental treatments.

    Immediately after initial diagnosis he received six rounds of chemo treatments at University Hospital in Cleveland; followed up with daily radiation to the chest (3 weeks) and brain (4 weeks).

    Upon getting her annual pap smear, gyn found ovarian cancer...that turned out to be SCLC. She had surgery to remove the mass and is now undergoing a clinical trial of chemo using Rebeccamycin. Her Onc., Ashwan Dowlati, is a professor at Case Western Reserve, and has been working with this new drug for a couple of years. My sister says she's feeling much better and that the side effects are a lot less severe than the first chem/radiation side effects. She gets her next MRI today.

    I'm also aware of a clinical trial at the Moffit Center in Tampa; but she was unable to participate because she also has MS--

    Hope this helps.

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