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Everything posted by fillise

  1. http://obits.pennlive.com/obituaries/pe ... =132036962 He was a 10 year survivor of lung cancer. Susan
  2. fillise


    Lily--that's the best news EVER! "Couldn't find any cancer"---I have tears of joy from reading those words Susan
  3. Mom likes italian Ices. Sometime ice cream upsets her stomach, but the ices always go down easily. Applesauce is good as are bananas Try everything until you find something she likes. Susan
  4. Barb, You are just amazing. No matter how the rollercoaster dips and turns you manage to handle everything. Bill is so lucky to have you. Susan
  5. That's great news from the Docs at GRACE. Cynthia, while having ANY LC stinks, you are fortunate to have the best possible scenario. I'm thrilled for you. I hope your recovery from surgery continues to go well. Susan
  6. Hi Casey--Welcome to our little corner of cyberspace. If you will tell us what drugs your hubby is on, we can answer any questions you may have. Susan
  7. Welcome Cecil! I'm glad your treatment has been successful. We need good stories like yours! Susan
  8. I like your road posts Judy! I hope the trip is a good one and hope you got your meds at the Brunswick Walmart. I was home this morning with a nasty headache. Got into the office around 1:00. I think it was sinus, but strep is going around the office and someone who had it pointed out that theirs started with a headache. . . Susan
  9. fillise

    Final chemo

    Donny, You'd said 4 of my favorite words: No Cancer. No Chemo! Everyday you can get stronger and feel better. No Chemo. No Chancer. YIPPEE! Susan
  10. I'm glad you've got him home and you both get a break from treatment for a few weeks. Susan
  11. Gene IS taking care of you. Having both the STD and the LTD meant that he was thinking about taking care of you no matter what. I will wager that there are many of us out here who do not have diasblility policies. The scan results are great. They are really good news! Susan
  12. HHH here again today. May get some thuder storms this evening. I'm looking forward to the weekend, since I can relax a bit. Last weekend was pretty hectic with the unscheduled trip to NC. I'm lookng forward to R&R this weekend! Foorball season begins in two weeks and around here that means no leasurely weekends through the fall. But it's great fun! Susan
  13. I'm so sorry about your mum. Yes, this disease is awful, but we are al lifted by the people we travel with on this road. We will continue to be here for you in the days and weeks ahead. Susan
  14. HHH again here today. Y'all can just copy that for me the next month or so--LOL! It has been busy at work today and I'm headed to the grocery store. I've got a lot of fresh basil growing on my patio, so I think I'll make some fresh pesto fettuchini for dinner tonight. Susan
  15. I had a great weekend with my mom and returned to work on Monday ready to work my you-know-what off for this company! I've always liked working here, but I'm more commited than ever to doing the best I can for them! Susan
  16. No matter how long you've been in the fight, I'm glad you found us. As my mom has lost weight, she has been fussing at my dad for gaining. Of course she taked 2-3 bites of her food and gives the rest to my dad to finish. Of course he's gained weight! LOL! Susan
  17. What do you think your mom would tell you? Listen to her. You were wonderful. Susan
  18. fillise

    CT scans

    At least the Onc understands that this inunacceptable. Doesn't the person who read them have anyone who covers for him/her while on vacation> Sheesh. Go get 'em! Susan
  19. Randy, A friend of mine from HS and her daughter are going to do it. They are really looking for the daughter to have a way to earn some money (she is developmentally disabled. She can do many things, but in this market it is really hard for her to find a job). If that doesn't work out, I'm calling Mary Poppins from Craigs List! Thanks, Susan
  20. It's a little cooler in East Alabama since Claudette came through. I went home at 4 pm yesterday and went to sleep. I had gotten up at 2:20 to catch my EARLY morning flight and then spent half the day stuck in Atlanta. I was so tired when I finally got to the office at 2 pm I could only work for a couple of hours before the ol'brain just shut down. I'm MUCH better after 14 or so hours of sleep! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. Susan
  21. fillise

    Thom Harmon

    Jean, I'm so sorry to read this. I'm sending you all the ((((hugs)))) I can and prayers for strength and comfort. Susan
  22. Hi Debra--I'm late to welcoming you, but I've been in NC with my mom who was diagnosed with LC two days before your dad! So we've been in this battle for about the same amount of time. This is a great community and we will help you feel connected and answer whatever questions we can. Susan
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