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Everything posted by fillise

  1. fillise

    3 Years Ago Today

    Tracy, You have my prayers for the treatment you are on now and for everything else going on in your life. As if the cancer isn't bad enough! You know we will always be here for you. Susan
  2. What a beautiful testiment to the power of love and its ability to transcend even death. Your dad sounds like he was very special to think of you on this day. I hope that memory will warm you for years to come! Susan
  3. fillise

    Roger C

    I'm so sorry to read this news. He will be missed by very many people. Susan
  4. Woo-Hoo!!!!!! That's FABULOUS news! Susan
  5. You go ahead and cry. This is difficult news to absorb. After my mom got her dx, I started being very fearful about how little time we might have left, but one day I realized that I was thinking about it all wrong. Each day with her still here is a gift. After that, each day became something joyful rather than something sorrowful. It's a small change, but it made the biggest difference. There is no day beyond today. Pop-Pop is here today and that deserves a celebration! I know it is easier said than done, but try to appraciate every day with him now. ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  6. I'm so sorry Johnny. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  7. Don't worry about venting--that's what we are here for and we've all done it here! I am sorry that Pop-Pop isn't doing better. This disease is so cruel and unfair. I pray that there is a treatment for Pop-Pop and that he gains strength. Susan
  8. http://www.ajho.com/Improving-survival- ... le/128565/ this article discusses the research at one cancer center with an overall 30% LC 5 year survival rate as opposed to the 15% nationally.
  9. fillise

    Nancy Bellemeur

    Sean, What beautiful tribute to your mother! I'm so sorry to read this news. Your mom made an impact on a lot of folks. Susan
  10. Teardrop, I am so sorry to read this. I hope it will bring some comfort to know she is at peace now. Please know that I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  11. fillise

    My mom

    Kelly, I'm so sorry to read this news. I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Susan
  12. fillise

    The 17th

    Alyssa, Please come here anytime you need to. That's what we are here for. I believe the cardinal was a message from your mom. She knew it would bring you comfort and help you remember happier times. Susan
  13. ((((Ann)))) I hope you can remember and celebrate the love you shared with Dennis even as you miss him. Susan
  14. Denise--I'm thinking this sounds like pretty good news. If they do the new test it will be out of an abundance of caution, but it sounds like everything else looks normal. Susan
  15. Jill, I'm so sorry to be reading this. I know there is no good time for a cancer dx, but 10 days before your sister's wedding is just too cruel. Let her know that she has the thoughts and prayers of the LCSC with her (and with you too). Susan
  16. Jill--I'm sorry the news is so grim. My prayers will be with your family and especially your sister and her husband-to-be. This is terrible news anytime, but 10 days before their wedding is just not fair. Especially after what y'all have gone through with your mom. Let us know. Susan
  17. Annie--Good luck to you on quitting smoking! I am almost willing to bet that your mom will approve of your decision even if she can't stop herself. As long as nothing else changes when you sit and talk together, it should be ok. I'm sorry to hear about your mom's Dx. The others are right. Different tests show different things. My mom is a 2 year (and two months!) stave IV NSCLC survivor. There are good treatments that can help. My mom was really afraid of chemo, but it wasn't nearly as bad as she feared it would be. She had a chemo on Tuesday and went out to lunch with friends yesterday. Check back with us to ask any other questions you may have. Someone on this board will be happy to share their experiences and the rest of us are here for support. Susan
  18. I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom is now pain free and at peace and I hope that brings you comfort. Susan
  19. Great news Patti!!! I think 'stable" is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. Right after NED! Susan
  20. Jill--I'm so sorry about your sister's fathr-in-law to be. I hope the fact that they are doing surgery means they caught it early and there is a high chance of cure! Will say prayers to that effect. Susan
  21. A link to Carole's story on this messgae board is provided. http://www.dailycamera.com/obits/2009/m ... mett-cook/ Carole Jean Hammett-Cook, Boulder, CO Carole Cook Carole Jean Hammett-Cook, 63, of Boulder, CO, died Thursday, March 5, 2009 after a long battle with Lung Cancer. A personal account of her life & cancer journey titled "My story: Quality of Life" can be found at http://www.lungevity.org/l_community/vi ... hp?t=36841. Carole is survived by her daughter, Chrissy Hammett; her step-grandchildren, Amanda & James; her mother & step-father, Verdean & Lawrence Werder; her half-sister, Cathy Hammett Gilbert; her step-brothers, Carl & Paul Werder; four aunts, one uncle, & numerous nieces, nephews, cousins & good friends. Carole chose to donate her body to Science Care for cancer research & no services will be held at her request.
  22. fillise

    Marcia Greer

    I am so sorry. Marcia's family and friends have my deepest condolences. Susan
  23. fillise


    Thanks Linda for letting us know how valuable the hospice support is to you. Did you ever get your kitty problem resolved? Susan
  24. It may sound like a cliche, but it is important to take it one day at a time. Don't spend today worrying about what might happen tomorrow. If your Pop-pop is a little better today than he was yesterday--that's good. Keep adding those together and you can handle it. Many folks on this board experienced a good bit of time between dx and treatment so that is probably not as urgent as getting the pneumonia cleared up. We will be here for you. Susan
  25. Teardrop, I pray you will have many more good days to hear your sister's voice and know that she is getting stronger. I know how hard it is to be far away. I will keep you and your sister in my prayers. Susan
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