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Posts posted by SherryNeedsToLaugh

  1. Tammy,

    I am glad you found this place as it is wonderful support. I have found that any time you have a question just ask and you will have many different answers. I have done both gemzar and taxol. The taxol was way easier but you have to remember that everyone is different. Always ask the doctor for meds to help with any side effects that come with chemo. There are so many out there that if one isn't working there will be another to try. Hope all the scans go great.


  2. Tanner,

    I have been on taxotere since march. I do it one day for 2 weeks then a week off. I have had no side effects until this week. My nails are really bothering me but it is not something that I would ever give up treatment for. I was also told that I would lose all my hair again. It had just started to grow back from the carbo/taxol that I was on before. So far I have proven the doctor wrong again because my hair did thin a little but I still have most of what had grown back.

    My doctor told me that taxotere is similar to the taxol that I was before. I have not had Alimta so have no clue about side effects for that chemo. I know everyone is different and how they tolerate one chemo and not another. My doctor told me that if I did have problems there was always another one we could try. I did have major problems with Gemzar but have heard others say they had no problems. I would say pick one and if she has problems go back to the doctor and asked to be switched to something else.

    Hope this helps


  3. Hello everyone,

    So I had chemo thursday. Taxotere. I know the side effects can include finger nail loss but I have been on it for 2 months now and this is the first time I am having nail problems. Is there anything I can do at home or do I need to call my dr? My nails are so red and hurt. I am doing so well with this chemo that I don't want to stop just because I am losing my nails. I know that they will put my hands in ice water next week when I get treatment but is there anything I can do at home right now?

  4. Jacob, age 92, and Rebecca, age 89, living in Florida, are all excited about their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss the wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they go in .

    Jacob addresses the man behind the counter: "Are you the owner?"

    The pharmacist answers, "Yes."

    Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"

    Pharmacist: "Of course we do."

    Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"

    Pharmacist: "All kinds."

    Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism and scoliosis?"

    Pharmacist: "Definitely."

    Jacob: "How about Viagra?"

    Pharmacist: "Of course."

    Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis, jaundice?"

    Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."

    Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for Parkinson's disease?"

    Pharmacist: "Absolutely."

    Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers?"

    Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."

    Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry

  5. Way to many of them desribe my family.

    My 24 year old asked how I got the black lines on steak. I took her to the grill and showed her how to cook steaks. She then asked if I had put black paint on them beforehand. Yes she is a blonde.


  6. You are at the right place for support. I know that what you are trying to deal with right now is hard but being here will help. I think it helps to know that you are not alone right now. If there is something I can do let me know.


  7. Happy Birthday

    I can understand how you feel about your mower. My family took both of mine away from me last year when I got sick and they still are refusing to give them back. My yard right now really needs mowed and still no one has showed up to do it for me.


  8. Hi Jim,

    I have been on chemo since June of last year. My doctor gives me lighter doses but do it more often as the side effects don't seem as bad. Heck I even had my hair start to grow back until my chemo was changed in March. My chemo was changed the first time because my tumor had grown slightly the second time was because I asked to have it changed as it was making me to sick. I have only taken a couple of short short breaks. Like missing one week because I was sick. One week because of counts. My doctor has no plans to give me breaks as far as I know. He told me he wanted me to do as much chemo as I could take.


  9. Thank you all for the support. Of course I did NOT sit around all day and worry. I did some searching on the net and found something that said 80% of lumps found turn out to be nothing. That is such a relief. Way better odds then if they had found something in her lungs. The risk for lung cancer is great in my family as there have been way to many cases of it, not counting all the other kinds of cancer. When you come from a very large family that makes the odds even greater I suspect of there being more cancer.


  10. Hi Snoop,

    Wanted to welcome you and tell you there is hope. I know you are feeling right now that nothing can be done but I just wanted to tell you a little bit about me. I am 43 and last year I nearly died before I even knew I had NSCLC stage 3b. Yes I was that sick. It has been a long road this last year but I wanted to tell you that I am going to try to go back to work in the next few weeks. If you would have said that to my family last year they would have said it was impossible. Just goes to show what determination can do. I still have good days and bad days don't get me wrong and maybe I will never see retirement age but I am going to give it everything I have to aim for that goal. I think your mind has alot to do with how your body acts. Tell that man of yours that the end is not near but he is just going through a tough spot right now. Eating is the most important job he has right now to make himself better. It might be a tough job but he needs to do the best he can. Hey if he does the job real well he might even be over weight in a few short months. That is what happened to me.

    Good luck to you and your family


  11. Hi all,

    Ok so I am sitting here crying because my sister just left. She told me that she might have breast cancer. This really can't be happening. We wont know for sure until the 7th when she goes back to the doctor. She says she found the lump a couple of weeks ago. It is the size of a golf ball and getting bigger. She said the mammogram showed another lump on the other side around her arm pit. I know that this is not good.

    I am to upset to talk to any family because they will not tell me anything again if they know I am upset. That is crazy but how my family is.


  12. Hi Kg,

    This is a great support place. Sounds like your dad might need a MRI also but I am sure the doctors will order one of them soon. It is great to be able to know what the doctor is talking about before hand so that you can ask questions there and then, so research as much as you can and ask as many questions as you want right here.


  13. Hi Kathy,

    So we already have something in common. Kasey set out to delete both of us at the same time. You know she owes us both big time. I am thinking chocolate? Yes I always have food on my mine.

    It is great that you posted again. So far it has been great to be at this site and already I feel at home. I hope you will to.

    The hair thing is a big issue for me as well. Mine was very long most of my life and now I feel naked. I had never worn a hat before but all last winter I could not walk outside without one or I would freeze. It took me awhile but I finally got over being bald and now go everywhere without a hat. Hey if it is ok for men to be good looking and bald why can't I?


  14. Hi Dana,

    Pain pills and icecream work for me. I know everyone is different and what works for one will not for another so you will have to try all kinds of different stuff till you find what works. While I did radiation I was not allowed to swallow anything that was not thickend to honey thickness so I was dehydrated alot. Yes I lost weight but trust me when I was able to eat and drink anything I wanted I went a little crazy and have gained so much weight that I had to buy new clothes. My doctor loves that. I don't. It is so easy for someone doing chemo to lose weight that a few extra pounds is a good thing so I think about the extra pounds as insurance for when I might lose it. I did lose 10 pounds in one week because I could not keep anything down.


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