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Posts posted by rinksgal

  1. I'm glad there is still people here that remember us!

    I remember too well how important it is to hear the suvivor testimonials! It gives us hope and everyone needs hope and a positive outlook! My husband refused to change his life because of his cancer, he continue d his routines and even drank his beer at night until the radiation made his throat to sore and then he switched to wine. Even when he was too weak he still went to all of his sons football games. Lots of time it was against what I thought was best for him, I was able to talk him into wearing a mask which wasnt easy.

    I think in some ways his cancer was harder on me if thats possible, I was so worried about losing him that I couldnt even enjoy the little time I thought we had left. Someone sent me an email from this site calling me out on it, in a way that it made me open my eyes and realize I was wasting valuable time and I didnt even realize that I was doing that. I printed her email out and read it all the time and it made me quit focusing on the negative and truely live the life we still had. I was behaving as if he was already gone. I just couldnt see past the gloom that comes with this horrible disease. I was letting it ruin the time we still had! I will always be grateful to that person that opened my eyes to that . I know I still have that letter somewhere.

    I know I don't come on this site much, but it was my life line and almost my only support system! This site truely kept my sanity! Thank you so much for being here when people have no where else to turn!

    My love, thoughts and prayers are with all of you!


  2. Kasey,

    Thanks for the toast! I am so glad to see you are a suvivor also.. I hope and pray for your continued Good Health! Like my husband says even though he has aches and pains from getting older, at least he is getting older! We now have one 3 year old grandson and his daughter is expecting another baby in Nov. 2011. They live with us. Our grandson Kyler is such a joy to my husband and I.

    I will look for your pm...


  3. Hello, some of you might remember me, others I'm sure don't know me. I just wanted to let every one know that my husband is still cancer free. He was a stage 3B back in 2003.

    This website really was my life line in keeping my sanity and gave me soo much support and education on LC..

    Darrell has been released now and they aren't even doing CT Scans anymore. This kind of makes us nervous but they will do one anytime he feels the need for one. They said no reason for him to get anymore radiation than he already has had. They consider him cured.. but it is always in the back of our minds.. but we live our life now to the fullest!

    My only advice is ask, ask and ask.. always know what is going on and what your options are and to KEEP A POSITIVE MIND! I know at times that is almost impossible to do, but I believe it helps.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you that are battling cancer or have a loved one with it. Stay Strong!!

    Love to all of you that helped me through my horrible time and gave me the truth and support that I needed to help get my husband and myself through it. I will always be so grateful! :D

    Christy Rinker

  4. I don't know how many remember my husband. His name is Darrell Rinker.. Well he is a cancer suvivor.. I don't know for sure if 5 years is a cure or not. I remember early on reading or hearing that somewhere.. Well at that time him and I were not married but now we have been married 4 years.. and he will be cancer free as of October 2008 five years.. We have been together 10 years in March... I truely believe my husband being alive almost 5 years later is a miracle.. He will be cancer free 5 years in Oct... He was staged a 3 B and I truely believe in prayer and miracles.... and I believe in a possitive attitude too! I have stood by his side through so much and I really truely didn't think he would still be here.. but he has almost made it to 5 years and his last treatments was 5 years ago.. with no signs of cancer of any kind in his body.. For some reason God has spared his life and he is still with me.. I thank God everyday for his life and for his gift that he has given me.. This is the first year that he went a year with out any testing.. and it really worried both of us.. but hes clean once again! I feel so lucky to have him by my side everyday! God has blessed my life with this man and has allowed him to stay with me. I pray to God everyday that he has been cured and I thank him for what he has given us.. Darrell is everything to me and my main goal in life was to help him live and to do whatever I could do to see that this happened.. I've heard a cure is 5 years but I don't think we will ever let our guards down and feel totally safe.. I think it will always be in our minds and worries.. No matter what God has given me 5 more years with this man and I am so very thankful for that!!

    I hope and pray for all of you that is sturggling and feel that its hopeless...but don't give up because my husband is living proof that there is always hope.. If my husband has made it this far so can you! So just keep a positive attitude and never give up because we never know what Gods plan is for us and our loved ones! I wish all of you the very best of luck and my prayers will always be with all of you that are going through this horrible battle with Lung Cancer.. You can beat this.. Just don't give up!!

    Our first grandson was born in April and its a miracle that Darrell is here to love and know him.. His name is Kyler.. Hes such a blessing in our lives!!

    My prayers are with all of you!!

    Love To All Of You!! Rinksgal (Christy (Reese) Rinker

  5. I don't know how many remember my husband. His name is Darrell Rinker.. Well he is a cancer suvivor.. I don't know for sure if 5 years is a cure or not. I remember early on reading or hearing that somewhere.. Well at that time him and I were not married but now we have been married 4 years.. and he will be cancer free as of October 2008 five years.. We have been together 10 years in March... I truely believe my husband being alive almost 5 years later is a miracle.. He will be cancer free 5 years in Oct... He was staged a 3 B and I truely believe in prayer and miracles.... and I believe in a possitive attitude too! I have stood by his side through so much and I really truely didn't think he would still be here.. but he has almost made it to 5 years and his last treatments was 5 years ago.. with no signs of cancer of any kind in his body.. For some reason God has spared his life and he is still with me.. I thank God everyday for his life and for his gift that he has given me.. This is the first year that he went a year with out any testing.. and it really worried both of us.. but hes clean once again! I feel so lucky to have him by my side everyday! God has blessed my life with this man and has allowed him to stay with me. I pray to God everyday that he has been cured and I thank him for what he has given us.. Darrell is everything to me and my main goal in life was to help him live and to do whatever I could do to see that this happened.. I've heard a cure is 5 years but I don't think we will ever let our guards down and feel totally safe.. I think it will always be in our minds and worries.. No matter what God has given me 5 more years with this man and I am so very thankful for that!!

    I hope and pray for all of you that is sturggling and feel that its hopeless...but don't give up because my husband is living proof that there is always hope.. If my husband has made it this far so can you! So just keep a positive attitude and never give up because we never know what Gods plan is for us and our loved ones! I wish all of you the very best of luck and my prayers will always be with all of you that are going through this horrible battle with Lung Cancer.. You can beat this.. Just don't give up!!

    Our first grandson was born in April and its a miracle that Darrell is here to love and know him.. His name is Kyler.. Hes such a blessing in our lives!!

    My prayers are with all of you!!

    Love To All Of You!! Rinksgal (Christy (Reese) Rinker

  6. Thanks for all of the well wishing for Darrell.

    Don Wood I do remember you and your wife. I'm glad to see things are still going well for you and your wife. I wish all of you the best of luck. I just thought is was time for a new update. Darrell has been doing so good!! Hope all of you had a nice memorial weekend!!

  7. I just wanted to come in here and post a update for Darrell my husband. Some of you might remember us. He was dx soon after his 50th birthday in May, 2003.

    I'm posting this in hopes that this will give some of you that are going through the worse time of your life, some hope. Darrell is still in remission. He has come so very far and we thank God everyday that he has been in remission now for over 2 1/2 years. We might be a long way yet from that 5 year mark, but we've learned to live for today and not to worry about tomorrow! Which is hard to do after battling lung cancer! You tend to live ct scan to ct scan! We still both get grumpy and moody when a new ct scan is approaching. I doubt that will ever change. Darrell took a medical retirement and is enjoying each and everyday. He now does all of our cooking, dishes and took over my garden! Life couldn't be better for now! There was a time that I didn't think he would be here 6 months from now. Especially after they changed his dx to a stage 3b. This forum helped me personally get through the worse time in my life! I want to thank all of you for your support and love through out our journey. I quit coming to this site, because I couldn't look ahead. I was so stuck in the what if's, that I couldn't move forward and enjoy life. I so wish all of you that are dealing with this terrible disease the best of luck and I say prayers for all of you each day! I think of this site so often!! I want to thank the people that has made this site what it is, for giving people somewhere to go when they need so much support. You truely helped me!! thanks! Just don't give up and always know there is hope!! Love and Prayers to all of you!! Christy and Darrell (rinksgal)

  8. I just wanted to let everyone know Darrells ct scan was still good news for now. No visible cancer! I hope he keeps receiving good results. He gets tested again in January. He feels so good, other than his short of breath, but hey thats nothing compared to where he was at one time. Each scan gets scarier for me. Its like I just know its lurking somewhere. But I try to just throw those bad thoughts out of my head. So for now all is good.

    Thanks for the prayers


  9. That is one of things that amazes me about this site. Everyone is so caring and so kind and supportive!! I miss being here, but between working and just spending time with him, I hardly ever get on my computer anymore. I just have him look things up for me if I need something.. Hes watching Jag right now, his favorite show! I think its on 3 times a day! blaah! but oh well..

    I just want to thank everyone for being there always!!! Everyone on this site is so great!! I would reccomend it to anyone that needed it! It is really a great support system! I will try to visit more often. Good luck to everyone!

    love and many prayers! Christy

  10. I am so sorry its been so long since I even looked at this site. I just have a hard time coming here and living our life for now. I have to be a certain way for Darrell and i can't be if I come here... I loved this site so much, and I also need it, but I have to be with Darrell and make good use of our time, however long God will allow that to be... I feel so bad now reading some post.. and Norme I have thought about you so much.. I'm so very sorry that you are sad and you are having such a rough time, I can't even imagine losing darrell, and we've only be together for 6 years. I feel as though I would die inside... So I can't relate to how you must feel... I'm just so very sorry and wish I had something good and smart to say to you... Just know I think about you still, you say only 7 months. that is so long when you consider how long you had your Buddy! Be glad you had so many years of love, most people only dream of that.. I'm sure hes looking down on you and still loving you... Sorry Norme.. I'm sure I haven't said the right things but I still love you..


  11. I'm so sorry, I've been away for a long time. I didn't know about your loss of your dad and to read that now you have to watch your sister go through cancer too, I'm sooooo veryyy sorry!! I don't know what else to say. I can't believe its been a year since you lost your mom..I am truely sorry. I have no words of strenghten for you.. I wish I did...Just know I have never stopped thinking about you...


  12. Sorry to all, but I've been absent from the site for a long time... I need to be in order to survive this for now... Selfish I know, but I have to be what I have to be for him.. and I'm sorry to say I can't be here and be there for Darrell.. We got married June 14th in Panama City, Florida... Things have been really good, at times I can almost forget hes had or has cancer. Hes been cancer free for 7 months now and I pray it continues. Only God knows!! Darrell expects it to come back, I pray that it won't, but deep inside I don't know... Sorry its been so long, I've totally avoided this site, I'm hardly even on the computer now days.. maybe twice a week to check email.. I don't even know whats going on with everyone.. I'm scared to even look. It scares me so! I know whats probably ahead, but I hope we have more time....Darrell gets a new ct scan Oct 4th and we find out results Oct. 7th... I hate to even ask I feel like such a trader, but say a prayer that all is well...I still love ya all and feel for everyone that faces this disease but I have to handle it in the way that I can deal with it... I think about you Norme and wonder how you are doing.. I'm sorry I haven't been in contact....and I also think about shelliemac... shes one of the first to talk to me.. I just read a post from her and I'm so sorry I didn't know you lost your dad, and to think about what your going through now with your sister... I am so very sorry Shelliemac!!! how selfish I've been... Love and prayers to you all! Christy

  13. Angie thanks for letting us know about shelli and her dad.. I am hardly ever on these days, and one of the post I was looking for was about Shellie. I was wondering how things were going. Shellie if you read this my thoughts and prayers are with you!! You and your family have been through so much...Life can be so unfair! Hang in there!! I will pray for you Dad!!

    Love and Prayers Christy

  14. First I want to apoligize for not posting sooner...I haven't been on my computer for 2 weeks.. Anyways Darrell's ct scan was still the same, totally clean for now. Cancer free... What a great word!!! But of course they still want you to know it could grow at anytime! They give ya good news and end it with a sour note in my opinion.. But for now we are content with living 2 months at a time!! We now try to live for today!! I have 5 for days of work left and then we are off to Florida for 2 weeks. and then I will enjoy the rest of my summer at home with Darrell and little Rink (the dog) doing whatever we want!!! Thanks for all the prayers!!! I never ever thought it was even possible for him to ever be cancer free!! A year ago I didn't even think he'd be alive at this time or get to see his son graduate from HS... But this just goes to show "Don't ever give up hope" These days I just pray to God for more time to spend with Darrell!!! I don't ask for years, just "more"...

    Hopefully when we get back from Florida I can get updated on so many of you... I've read a few post, t-bones, snowflakes? (pregnant) I was so confused... I wish all of you the best!!


  15. Thanks again for all of the support. Tomorrow is the day! I sure hope we get another clean scan! I'm almost scared to hope for that! I'm sure by tomorrow I will be a mess waiting for the results. I know Darrell is, even though he feels good, hes still scared... Rightfully so! I'll try to post tomorrow.

    Love and Prayers to you all!!


  16. I just wanted to say thanks for the support, and Nome, yes school will be out real soon, and then I will have the summer off again. Our plans are to go back to Florida 2 days after schools out for a couple of weeks.. I think we are gonna fly this time.. and yes Little Rink is gonna fly too. His ticket is almost as much as ours. (Darrell said that he was gonna request a meal for him, after all he ought to get something out of it.) ha But we can take him right on the plane with us in a doggy bag.. One thats vented.. and once we take off he can sit on our lap...So thats good..I guess everything depends on the results of this test... I also think we are getting married in Florida...I've heard a little rumor! I'll let you know... Darrell tends to do everything on spur of the moment!! Which is what I love about him...

    Oh and his Daughter and her boyfriend are moving out over this next weekend! Yeah!!!! Can't wait!

    My middle son just graduated from Ball State University in Indiana on Saturday. I was so proud of him!! Boy was the ceremony long!! 4 1/2 hours! But I wouldn't of missed it. I just had to share that too!! This was our first trip to Indiana since Darrell had gotten sick.. I had a good visit with my mother too. I hadn't seen her for 16 months...

    Well I will post again after we see the oncologist Thursday and find out the results... Take care


  17. Well Just thought I'd check in and say that Darrell gets a new ct scan May 10th, and we will find out the results on May 13th.. He seems to be feeling really good.. Everytime he takes a nap I worry that somethings wrong. But I tell myself he is also doing alot more now. So he probably needs the extra rest.. Anyway Prayers that we have good results again... I'm not ready to start another battle and watch him be so sick, but who is!! But we will deal with it whatever the results may be. I Pray to God all the time to just give me a few more years with him... I'd love to grow old with this man, but that may not be Gods choice. I am aware that if this disease pops up again in his mediastinumn area that it won't be good. Hes already had all of the radiation he can have there... I also know chemo and radiation works better together... I'm just glad hes alive for now, and I thank God everyday for that... This time last year I didn't know if he'd live long enough to see his youngest child graduate from high school. Well he made it! I'm so thankful to God for that!!

    My prayers and thoughts are with each and everyone of you Daily!!!


    p.s. I will let everyone know how Darrells new ct scan turns out...

  18. This is why I can't get on this site. So many loved ones we have all come to know! They die.. and I cry my eyes out.. I can't handle this. I just know this is the out come that will be for My Darrell and I can't handle this.. I'm so sorry for all of you! Is God even listening to our prayers? Can someone answer this?? Why? Why do we all have to lose our loved ones to this damn disease!!! I can't handle this!! You can't tell me they don't know more!! Its just a damn money making scheme to them.. They don't care about our loved ones.. Or there would be a cure!! For all cancer!!



  19. Darrell and I just got back from florida from a 12 day vacation.. Life was great!! No kids, no work, no chores and no worries for a short time.. The last night of vacation he had night sweats again and soaked 2 shirts.. I personally have done nothing but worry since.. He keeps saying hes fine.. I make him take his temperature... Which so far when he has active cancer growing in his body.. He runs a fever... In March. they said hes in remission.. Whatever the hell that is... They say it means no "visible" cancer in his body that they can see at this time.. Vacation was great, and I'm so glad hes had some good times... He wanted to see the ocean again and to see a couple of good friends and where they lived.. We did...The worry never stops no matter what the doctors say.. I can't help but feel in my heart that that damn cancer is there lurking some where close... Saturday is Darrells 51st birthday.. I didn't even think he'd be here..I have a party planned,which means lots of work and cleaning being we just got back from vacation.. I love him so much...I'm sorry to all of you that I haven't been able to be there for all of you.. I promise one day I will.. I haven't even checked my own email for 3 weeks... My kids problably think I forgot them...My life is so strained! I love all of you and would love to take more time for this site, but I just don't have the time right now.... I know I'm talking in riddles and I'm not making much sense... Sorry! I just wanted to let everyone know I think of all of you and this horrible disease daily... I haven't even been able to read others post for a while.. I promise to soon!! Love to all of you that is dealing with this disease!! Cancer sucks!! I love you all!


    p.s. I plan to post a picture of Darrell and I on Vacation when I have the time...

  20. Thanks to all of you that responsed to my post... I appreciate it.. Everything has gone wrong, but as long as he's is feeling good.. we don't care we were gonna take our surburban, was having it worked on, but ended up with more problems, so we are renting a van... oh well... whats money right? yea right!! Anyways we figure little Rink will cramp our style a little, but oh well on that one too... we will deal with it.. we wouldn't think of leaving him!! He already goes everywhere with us.. He hasn't been away from Darrell more than about 4 hours, and we hired a neighbor boy to do chores being we can't depend on his kids to do them....After all we want the animals to be alive when we get home. Little Rink goes in the car all the time, but this will be a trip he won't long forget.. He is so spoiled!! We found a hotel that accepts dogs, so that was good!!!!!! I will wave when we past by....I wish and pray and hope he feels this good forever, however long forever is...........I pray that it last, but for now thats all I'm thinking about is that he feels good now and right NOW is all that matters!!! I won't waste this time.. I feel bad not being able to support all of you right now, but I will make it up later... hopefully much later! If you know what I mean! Please all understand and know that I do think of you all alot, I just have to be with him for now!!!!!! Thats all we might have!!! Love and prayers to all of you!!!


    p.s. Sunshine here we come.. after 5 inches of snow yesterday it will be a big relief!!!!!!!!!!

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