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Posts posted by Wendykay

  1. I love this site you all make me feel like I am not alone, however somedays I feel like I can't think of anything but my parents. My Dad was just diagnosed with lc. non-sm cell. I am the youngest of 5 childrenn when I say youngerI am 13

    than the sibling right befor me. I am a nurse and when we went to my Dad's first oncvisit they only wanted me and my parents in the exam room. my mom for some strange reason did want to stay. My dad asked about what stage he was in, and how long he has...I had known and didn't say anything I did not want to play doctor. anyway it was the hardest day of my life. watching my Dad's eye's and seeing him tear up...tryin hard to hold back all my tears..tyring to be "strong".

    I am also the only child who lives in the same town. I have been spending everyday with them helping keep there mind off things. Everyone says you have to be strong....for your mom. Sometimes it sucks being the strong one.

  2. I am just wanting some support and friendship dealing with my fathers recent diagnosis. He is in stage 3 squamous cell lung cancer. My mom is a mess !!! I am dealing with a lot and trying to stay strong for my parents. Just wanted to check this site out and not feel so alone. My dad has a lot of hip pain and they seem to think it has nothing to do with the cancer. he has had diagnostic tests done they say he has nerve compression is this commen with his diagnosis?

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