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lindam n

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  1. My mom just called. Said he had a terrible night last night. Shortness of breath, pain in his chest, back & shoulder, and said he was drenched in sweat when she woke up from his coughing.I asked why she didnt call 911, and she said he wouldnt let her. I told her to call his doctor ASAP & get those CT reports back. UGH. Time for a family meeting, although my sis & bro are too wrapped up in their own lives to do anything pro active.
  2. Thanks again for your replies! Just trying to get through the holiday weekend, trying to keep him busy & his mind off of it. Quick question though...he has had pneumonia before. Could scar tisue from a lung infection be confused with a nodule via Xray? I know, Im reaching here, lol.
  3. Thank you all so much for being welcoming & giving me some information! Like the Tom Petty song goes..."The Waiting is the Hardest Part". It's tough with aging parents. Im trying to get them to allow their doctors to call me, Im sure they will have to sign HIPA papers.They do not understand much about tests,or disease, and are "old school" when it comes to thinking doctors are Gods. "What do you mean, get a second opinion???" UGH. At first, my Dad said they found a "polyp" on his lung, lol. I know so much about the type of breast cancer I had (a rare breast sarcoma called phyllodes), I could write a book on it. I will be 7 years out in September. Woohoo for NEDI I just dont know very much about lung cancer. Hopefully, I will not have to. I will keep you posted, have a great weekend!
  4. Thanks, Kasey! Yes....a little info can be a dangerous thing, but knowledge is power! Heck, Im so anal, I had my path report back from my bc surgery before my surgeon did! I was 34 years old. Im 41 now, so Im a happy camper! (I am adopted, and my Dad does not have a family history of cancer) I will wait and post more when I get more info, but I feel in my heart it is not good. He also has been having bouts with dymensia,so I of course have diagnosed him with brain mets. Im the oldest child, and my parents are the type who think "If you go looking for problems, you'll find them". Drives me batty. My Mom just had her FIRST mammogram at the age of 72!!!! You know how it goes with survivors..ya have a pain in your finger, you google it, and convince yourself it is bone mets, only to realize you have a hang nail. UGH.
  5. Hi. Im Linda. I myself am a 7 year breast cancer, and have belonged to an online bc support group, and know how valuable it is! I have a question re my father. Knowing how I am the Queen of Googling symptoms and news regarding breast cancer, Im not sure where to go for lung cancer info. I know the standard answer is wait til the tests come back, lol, but having cancer makes you a bit, well...you know! My Dad is 73, been a heavy smoker for >50 years. He has been losing weight for a year. Had a colonoscopy, all clear. He also has been having pain in his shoulder, down his arm. Doc said arthritis showed up on the XRay? (I of course feel a bone scan should be performed) They saw a >1 cm nodule via XRay, and had a ct scan this morning. It is located in the lower quadrant. Of course, I have been to all sorts of sites, and in my "professional google queen" opinion, feel it is most def. lung cancer. I guess my question is, does anyone know the percentage rate of malignancy of nodules? I know there is no exact way to tell w/o a biopsy, but Im just trying to get my head around this now, although I think I already know the answer. Thank you. Linda
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