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Posts posted by Sylvia816

  1. Thank you all so much for all your encouragement. I feel better about it now. We go back to the doctor on Thursday so he can explain everything to Daddy and I'm not looking forward to that. My brother and I don't think Daddy will continue the chemo/radiation if he's told surgery isn't an option. I'm going to print out all your responses and read them to him. Thanks so much!!! :wink:

  2. After two rounds of full-dose chemo, my Dad's tumor has shrunk but the doctors say it's not enough for surgery. They're saying now that surgery won't ever be an option for him. We haven't told Daddy that part yet because the last few days have been bad ones for him. He really doesn't need to hear such negative stuff right now. Please keep him in your prayers. We were so hopeful - this is not the news we expected/hoped to hear. :cry:

  3. Thanks! He seems to be a nice guy but I just got a bad feeling when he didn't give Daddy much hope. We want to know all the facts, but I firmly believe that attitude plays a big part in recovery and I don't want him saying anything negative that Daddy will take to heart.

    When the doctor told us he had 18-36 months, Daddy said, "Well I'm shooting for 70." He's 68. Every time I talk to him, I tell him about all the wonderful people I read about on this site and others who have beat it and gone on to live many, many years!

  4. It was quite a shocker to us too! He actually said Daddy has 18-24 months, and another 12 with treatment. :shock:

    He also told us that he doesn't think the full-dose chemo (Taxol and Carboplatin) will be able to shrink the tumor. The surgeon is the one who has pressed him to go this route.

    My Dad is a pretty stubborn person sometimes, and doesn't want to get a second opinion or start all over with another oncologist so here we are with this one. :roll:

  5. Thanks, Connie. I'm really not trying to push him. I'm just worried about him. He tells my step-mother (when my brother and I aren't around) that he isn't going to continue with the treatments. I just feel so helpless! I know he's scared and a LOT of things are going through his mind, and I want to be able to fix it for him! It breaks my heart!

  6. Thanks to both of you. I just hear so much about depression and don't want him to go that route (I'm a victim of it myself). I'm used to seeing him on the go and it's really hard to see him just sitting there, not wanting to do anything or go anywhere.

    Thanks for your help.

  7. We've just learned that my dad has Stage IIIB NSCLC. He's on two cycles of full-dose chemo (his first treatment was last Monday). If ("WHEN") it shrinks the tumor, he'll be able to go for surgery. The oncologist told Daddy to stay as active as he can, but all he does is sit/lay in his recliner all day and watch tv. He's nauseous and has no energy. Plus he has COPD and is having trouble breathing. My question is: do any of you have any suggestions for things we can do with Daddy at home? He doesn't even feel like playing computer games anymore. I can't stand seeing him just lay there. :(

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