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Posts posted by Mikee

  1. and it seems like time has passed so fast and at the same time stood so still. My grief has subsided and still floats back to the top from time to time. I still am single and don't have a desire to date or go out with the opposite sex although that could change with meeting the right person I suppose. I know Char wouldn't want me dwelling on the past and not giving myself a chance at being happy for the rest of my life. I have a problem getting out of "The House" when I am not working. I don't have a large support group around me right now and family live 150 miles away. So I go it on my own A lot. I meet with my grief support gals once a month. It is 6 of them and 1 of me. We all lost our spouses close to the same time. I have found that their is not very many Men willing to meet and discuss their feelings in the open and with others. I find comfort in disscussing my plight with others. After this year that has passed I have come to the realization that god isn't sending my Charlotte back to me. I seem to havehad this idea that if I get back home that something myraculus will happen.I have started the process of going through her clothes and belongings. This has proven very a difficult and arduous task for me. I can't help but get melancholy while doing this. I do know that the breakdowns have become longer in between breakdowns. I have become active in more events to occupy my time while not working. Hope and pray for a cure to this dreadful disease that tears lives apart. I refuse to believe that this is in God's master plan for us to accept this disease and not Fight it!! I will do my part to fight this till my very last breath!! To you all I say to you to never give up and fight the battle that you have been delt.

    Till my very last breath!!


  2. Charlotte ascended to heaven quietly in no pain to be with her lord and savior Jesus Christ and the loved ones that have passed before her at 1:56 am on morning of the 13th of March. Charlotte loved Life and loved her children, grandchildren, friends and family. Char had an infectious laugh that could be heard over everyone she was around. I have set up a donation in her memory on the Lungevity website. She fought a hard and courageous battle and never gave up!! Her presence here on earth will be missed. Her presence in Heaven will be welcomed!!

    With love I dedicate this to the people here that are still fighting the good fight!!

    Mike Purcell/ aka Mikee

  3. "ernrol"]I got the results of the latest CT scan on Jan 9th. The results were mixed. The tumor they were radiating has shrunk by 75%, but some new spots showed up in the right lung and a few spots on the liver. The new chemo starts on Jan 16th. It will be Alimta, Gemzar and Avastin. Will have more scans around March to see how it is going. I have seemed to have recovered from the radiation and at about 90% of normal, whatever normal is. The Good Lord is still my chief physician and I put all my trust in him.

    If anyone knows anything good about these drugs, I would appreciate hearing about it.

    Stay positive, :)


    Ernie, I was wondering how U are doing? My wife has the same type of cancer as U do only with Bone mets and she was a smoker for 37 years. Her Onc has put her on alitma only as a second line treatment. He said that alitma is recomended as a stand alone treatment in her case. She was on Carbo/Taxol/avistan before her second line treatment. Hang in there and be strong we are praying for you!! I havent updated my profile and we are now haveing radiation treatments to some bone mets. The lungs seem to be doing very well and also the lympth nodes. She has 4 lesions on the outside of the liver. Good luck to you. You inspire us to have hope!!

  4. Well me and char have been fighting our fight and our scan results are good and bad. First the good. Her Lungs are doing OK as well as the lymph nodes on the chest. The maximum SUV in the posterior Pllower Pleura previously measured 18.0 now measures 1.9. Activity along the superior-lateral Pleura is not changed significantly. Maximum SUV measures 7.0 and currently measures 7.0. Activity in the remainder of the soft tissues is Negative.

    Now the bad news Several lesions are seen in both lobes of the liver. These are new compared to the prior pet scan. We also have multiple osseous lesions throughout the visualized skeleton. We are going to start a new chemo treatment on 1/16/08.

    Carboplatin and alimta. We are also going to sched and appointment with a different oncology group for a second opinion as well as possibly a new doctor. We are happy with our current ONC group but due to the fact that our insurance group and the finance dept at our current ONC group does not get along we may be forced to change. The insurance company says we are out of "network" whatever that means. What IT boils down to is the ONC doctors are trying to be in the pharmaceutical business as well as be doctors :(. The insurance company has a contract with a company named care-mark and the onc group has their "own" drug supplier that they mark up from to make a profit of the patient!!! It is all about the almighty dollar and it make me SICK!!! Ok I vented...jus want to thank all her for their support and Charlotte and I are staying positive despite all the BS!!!

  5. We just took Char in to the Cancer Center and saw the nurse practitioner?sp and we took X-rays because Char is haveing Very extinsive pain in her lower left chest area below the left breast area. While we were there we took the liberty to view her records and low and behold we got this!!!


    COMPARISON:CT of the ado\domen and pelvis 7/31/07; CT of the chest 7/27/07.

    INDICATION: This is a 53-year-old who presents for initial staging of non-small cell carcinoma.

    TECHNIQUE: The patient's blood glucose was 104 mg/dl. After the intravenous injection of 17.mCi of F-18 FDC delayed 3D whole body PET images were acquired from the level of the brain to the mid thigh region. A non contrast CT was used for attenuation correction purposes.

    PET/CT DISCUSSION: There is extensive right-sided pleural metastitic involvement demonstrating a maximum SUV of approximately 17.8.

    Ther issubcarinal disease, right paratracheal desease, aortopulmonary disease. Osseous metastases are indentified in the T1 verebral body demostrating a maximum SUV of approximately 4.9.

    Multiple metastases are indentified throughout the thoracic and lumbar spine as well as the sacrum.


    1. Diffuse metastatic disease involving the right pleaura, osseous structures and mediastinum.

    2. No involvement is noted of the solid visceral organs.

  6. I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this but we visted with the Onc. today and Char's blood level was a little low so they gave her two shots one for white blood cells and one for red. She will also go in tomorrow morning for follow up shots. This is to boost her count so that she will be ok to take her second chemo treatment next friday a week from now. For her white blood cells the is taking NEUPOGEN, (Filgrastim is the generic name) other names are G-CSF, Granlocyte-Colony Stimulating Factor and for the red blood cells she is taking ARANESP. Thanks for all the kind words of support and our hearts and prayers go out to each and every one of you all here on LCSC and everywhere else in this world that is in this fight. Together we will stay strong and beat the odds.

    Good luck and God Bless!

    Mike and Char

  7. Thanks Ned and all here. I guess we are just now catching our breath. I can see there will be highs and lows as we go through this process. We are working on a list for Char's diet and have acquired several ingredients to help fight the effects of Chemo. This site has been a tremendous help emotionally and informatively. We will document our experience here as well and just hope it will benefit others. Thanks and stay Positive!!

  8. Char was sent home Monday after chest tube was removed. Today is Tuesday and we have still no PET scan or plan for attack. Is this foot dragging by our Oncology team? Just wondering. I will try and keep my profile current and only hope they will return our calls. I know that they have to notify the insurance company about the pet scan but it seems like we already know it is andeocarcinoma and should already have a plan of attack in place. Am I being to impatient?

  9. Char was sent home Monday after chest tube was removed. Today is Tuesday and we have still no PET scan or plan for attack. Is this foot dragging by our Oncology team? Just wondering. I will try and keep my profile current and only hope they will return our calls. I know that they have to notify the insurance company about the pet scan but it seems like we already know it is andeocarcinoma and should already have a plan of attack in place. Am I being to impatient?

  10. that WE can win. Char was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma and also had a Malignant Plural Effusion drained twice now. The surgeon went in on Thursday and did a talc treatment and it has worked to this point. She will have an ex-ray this evening and her chest tube removed tomorrow Monday the 6th. The oncologist has set up a PET scan for tomorrow. We will know more after that. I am glad to have a place like this to come to. I have so many questions and very few answers. Thanks!

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