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Posts posted by Ry

  1. Judy-

    I am sure that even though the kids are grown up you still have "the look"-- you know the one that tells the kid do it again and you're dead? That look. That should keep everyone in place.

    Have a good time.

  2. I am very sorry about your father's diagnosis. If you go to the SCLC forum there is a post near the top (a sticky) about beating small cell lung cancer. I think the title is something like "how I beat SCLC" but you'll find it. There is a lot of good information that you could copy and paste into an e-mail for your mom and dad. Even from afar you can help with researching things for them.

    I hope your dad does well with his treatment. Keep us posted on how he does.


  3. Don-

    I am glad you updated us on how you're doing. I hope the radiation does it's thing for you and you get some relief soon. Enjoy the days ahead with the grandkids.

  4. It's harder for you this year because you were still in the shock phase last year. That is how a grief counselor explained it to me. This year will be the the year you really feel the loss because you were still numb last year.

    I know I am having a much worse time then I did last year. Everything seems to be hard and just overwhelming.

  5. If it's not one thing it's another. Rich broke his toe the other day and now he is in the hospital with an infection. They are going to keep an eye on it so it doesn't go to the bone and hopefully they will not have to remove the toe. I think this is a board record for bizarre things happening during lung cancer treatment. I know he will appreciate all your good thoughts and prayers that he kicks the infection.


  6. What the oncologist should have told your mom is that it gets going to get worse before it gets better. The chemo drugs take the good cells with the bad but there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. Once she completes the treatment she should see results. Make sure she gets lots of fluids - that will help. Make sure she doesn't get an infection or pneumonia -- call the onc if she has a fever. Keep us posted on how she does.


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