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Posts posted by Ry

  1. Welcome to the board, I am glad you found us. I'm so sorry your mom is having a hard time I hope she is able to reverse the decline and have some better days. It's hard watching someone you love suffer. Keep us posted on how she does.


  2. Where have you been? I'd fine you for being AWAHP but I am guilty of missing posts so maybe I missed your peachy face. John had Alimta and it started out fine but got progressively harder for him. He finally had to ask for a break to recover so he could do the last treatment. Some people handle it fine but it was a hard one for him-- so ask for a break if you need one. Now-- the good news, he had good results with it and that made it worth the fatigue etc. Good luck -


  3. I went to school for Fine Arts, specifically Ceramics and Metals. I received a Bachelors in Fine Arts from Edinboro University of PA. I operated an art gallery in PA and then when John and I moved back to Michigan I got a job substitute teaching. I ended up taking the E I and Special Ed classes and decided to go back to school for a Psychology degree. So I don't work in the field I originally studied. I now operate a non-profit organization that operates group homes and provides staff for developmentally disabled and mentally ill individuals (lots of mental health workers here :lol: ).

  4. Hi guys-

    I am down to crunch time on getting my walk together. Since I am the head of the committee I have tons to do. I am trying to get on once a day and check on everyone but I am reading titles of posts and probably missing lots of important stuff. I just want to let you know it's not that I don't care, I am trying to keep tabs on everybody.

    I am so excited about the research that has been posted lately and I want this walk to make enough to fund some amazing breaktrhough that keeps other families from going through what mine is. So bear with me.

    If anyone is in Michigan please come to our walk-- we're having a great musician, kiddie walk, giving away a wine fridge and lots of other cool stuff. Oh and Debi is sending Cheryls' cookies-- those alone are worth a 100 mile drive.


  5. Barbara,

    Welcome to the board. The beginning of this ride is so hard. When my husband was diagnosed we had a 3 year old (that's her in the picture). It's hard. Please tell us more about you and your diagnosis so we can help. There are (unfortunately) many moms here with lung cancer in their 30's and 40's that can help you.


  6. Kelly,

    Chemo takes your blood counts down so you are prone to infections and pneumonia. If you are having a fever your doctor needs to know so he or she can check your counts. I know John was supposed to call if his fever was 100.1. What chemo are you on (sorry i know it's probably in another post)?


  7. Hi Maggie-

    I hope you will join in and post more about you. There are many of us here that have lost our husbands, wives, or parents and we know what you are feeling and going through. After I lost my husband I was drawn to others that had been through a loss and knew what I was going through. It helps to have someone to talk to. We will make a rule that Shelli can't read your posts in the grieving section so you can feel free to let it all out-- right Shelli?

    Welcome Maggie.


  8. OH sure like we don't know who the mouth I mean co-conspirator is. I ought to fine you for trying to be sly...Muriel do we have a whipper snapper fine? What am I thinking they probably don't even know what a whipper snapper is in Canada- what with making up holidays for August and all. You don't see the United States having a major holiday in August.

    Ok Bruce...I will give you the farm pass, it's a big cow pie. You know what a cow pie is?


  9. Rich was doing well today for a guy recently in the hospital. His blood counts are getting better and he is losing some of the water weight he put on. I'll let him tell you himself as I'm sure he'll be on and see this soon.


  10. Sorry Judy we don't have any small hall passes. All hall passes are big clunky things so we know whether or not you actually have a pass or not when running the hall. I can however give you the big clunky fake puke pass which is lightweight rubber for people with the yuckies. Seriously....sorry you aren't feeling great, I hope things go well with your family.


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