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Posts posted by Ry

  1. On John's birthday we all went to John's favorite place and had lunch. He loved to go to this small place in town that has the best coney islands. So we all went and the kids ate coneys and toasted his birthday.

    For those of you that don't know what a coney island is, it is a hot dog with a meat sauce on top.

  2. I'm so sorry. I know a lot of people probably read your post and didn't get what the big deal was about the lake house. I live in our lake house, I bought it from my parents, and I would be heart sick if this house left my family. I hope that one day one of my kids will buy it and it will passed on. Is there anyway all you girls could go in and buy the house from him?

    I am so sorry for what you're going through.

  3. I got a call from Rich tonight that he was on his way to the ER because his platelets were too high. I guess there is a risk of blood clots with them being that high. So, when I know more I will pass it on but for now please send him good thoughts, wishes, and prayers. Hopefully he will be out soon.

  4. We must be having the same type of week -- I have been having anxiety attacks and periods where I am just overwhelmed, then I go to frantic mode. I went to dinner last night with another woman that lost her husband and it helps to talk things out with someone else that is going through the same thing. I find many of my friends just expect that I'm past it and don't realize how hard it is to keep going on. It's good you have a grief group.

    I just realized reading your post that John's diagnosis date went by and I never thought about it. It would have been his 6th year in June. I used to dread that day and wonder if we'd make it another year, and now I dread holidays and hitting that one year anniversary of his death.

    Hang in there Terri--


  5. Oh no Flo. I am so so sorry for your loss. He tried so hard. There are many of us that know the pain you are in right now and I hope you will let us help you and support you as you go through this time. My sympathy Flo-- I wish you strength.


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