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Everything posted by Ry

  1. Welcome to our online family. I hope the chemo works well for you-- keep us posted on how you're doing with it. Rochelle
  2. I recycle-- we have curbside recycling here and I have a compost bin for my garden. I don't burn leaves. I also try to donate things instead of simply throwing them in the garbage.
  3. Mary- He has come a long way and been through a lot. I hope the surgery will go well. I am glad you have some good news. Rochelle
  4. Ry

    great news!!!

    This is wonderful! I am so happy for you.
  5. You can go to www.onctalk.com and ask your question to Dr. West for a professional opinion. I am glad you chose to have the biopsy, I hope it turns out to be benign. Let us know how things go and welcome to our board. Rochelle
  6. Ry

    Lost a friend

    I'm so sorry.
  7. I am grateful for a wonderful warm Saturday and great kids that helped me clean the deck.
  8. Oh my God-- E A should stand for "enough already"! It is a good thing you had a feeling and went on for more testing. I hope you turn out to be a surgical candidate. Keep us posted on how it all goes. Welcome to our board- I am glad you found us. Rochelle
  9. Ry

    This weekend

    Of course he knows. I know times like these are hard. The balloons are a wonderful tribute. Rochelle
  10. Unfortunately, blood clots are somewhat common with this disease. The good news is they found it and she is getting treated. I am sure they are watching things closely and they will get it resolved. Many members here have had blood clots and recovered.... take a deep breath.
  11. It's a nice day here too. I am grateful that I met two wonderful ladies that are helping me with the walk. I think we're going to do well.
  12. Ry


  13. Cindy! I've been thinking about you. I am so glad to see your smiling face back here. Rochelle
  14. I am so sorry you have a need to be back here. I hope all goes well with your FIL's treatment.
  15. I probably won't say this well but I want you to know because I wish someone would have told me in detail about brachytherapy before John had it. Of all the procedures and treatments he went through this was the worst and I feel it led to his death. To implant the seeds a pulmonologist must first go in and set wires near the tumor. These wires go in through the nose and down to the tumor. This is not pleasant as you can imagine. Then the patient must go to a radiation room to have the seeds implanted (they travel down the wires). For us, the radiation was done at another location way across town so John had to be ambulanced with all these wires to the radiation oncologist. Once there, putting the seeds in takes a long time. This has to be done 3 times about 3 weeks apart to be effective. So- if you're considering this ask how quickly between setting the wires and putting in the seeds. Also-- and this is the biggie-- ask if the radiation will be close to a major artery where it could cause a bleed. Hindsight is 20/20 and I really wish we'd never gone for this procedure. Think it through carefully. Rochelle
  16. 2 maple, 1 crooked willow, 1 crab apple, 1 barlett pear, 1 pine, 2 elm-- 8!
  17. I am grateful for a wonderful sunny day in Michigan.
  18. Ry

    It's strange

    I have a friend that lost her husband recently also. She is making quilts for each of her children out of her husband's shirts. I thought that was a nice idea and I may pick some out and have someone make a small quilt for each of my kids. I know I can't do it (at least not well). I haven't even thrown out John's medications yet. They are in a bag in the drawer. I did throw away his water jug he always took to chemo because I didn't want a reminder of those days...my daughter brought it back in with a big scowl on her face. It will happen when it happens.
  19. We have sun today too Jackie. I am grateful I have my pottery class today. It's been good for me. Rochelle
  20. Ry

    It's strange

    Julia- I am glad you are here-- I've thought of you many times. I haven't been able to get far with going through John's things. I started on his top dresser drawer and I found so many things, the kids baby teeth, birthday cards, a journal he started. It took me about an hour and a half to throw away some underwear because I had to sit and read the journal, look at all the cards etc. I figure at this rate I will get through his things by 2012. I hope the support group helps you.
  21. It is snowing here this morning. I was hoping we were done with that. I am grateful I have good friends. I don't know how I'd get through some days without them.
  22. Ry

    It's strange

    I think when I'm out with people or at work I play this game in my head that things are normal. When I get home it hits me that it is just a game--John isn't there. I hate the reinventing thing too. Am I a single mother now? Widow with kids? Nut case on the loose? I think it helps that I have kids at home, I'm not alone and they are hurting too but it's hard, hard, hard. The hardest thing I've ever had to do. Group hug ((())))
  23. Why not try calling your local American Cancer Society and see what they say? They may be able to help out.
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