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Posts posted by Ry

  1. I am angry just reading this -- you tell them you haven't come this far to be taken out by a blood clot. I was worried you might have one when you mentioned it in chat. Let us know what happens-- hang in there.


  2. Welcome to our board. I am glad you found us but sorry you have a need to be here. My husband was also diagnosed at stage IIIb. I hope the break helps your husband regain his strength. We are all here to help and listen-- so just ask away.

    Again- welcome


  3. Rich needs to have a heart cauterization done and possibly a stint put in. He's having some kind of allergic reaction -- they believe to the CT scan dye, he can't have it until the rash clears up. So he is stuck at the hospital until he can have his procedure done.

    Keep sending him your good wishes.


  4. Congratulations on 5 years. I say you come to Michigan and we celebrate this milestone with a huge shopping spree. I am so glad for you. I still remember you coming here, I remember your surgery, I remember your daughter posting for you, and now look at you-- it is amazing how far you've come. I am so happy for you.


  5. I got a call from Rich a little while ago. He is being taken by ambulance to the hospital. He hasn't been feeling well and when the home care nurse came to look at his leg today she had him taken in. Send the big guy all your positive thoughts and prayers.


  6. Hi Bee-

    It could be many things causing an irritation in your lungs but you really need to get in to your doctor Call and tell them your symptoms and get your appointment moved up. You are coughing up new and old blood so something is going on. The infection could be getting worse and you need another antibiotic. To answer your question about the blood, my husband had just a few flecks of blood in his sputum about 2 weeks before his diagnosis.

    Let us know what the doctor says.


  7. I am not the survivor but I thought I'd mention how we handled the work issue. We have a wonderful family physician. When John was diagnosed he asked about going back to work and our doctor answered, "Only if you love what you do and it will make you happy-- will it make you happy?" John thought a minute and said no-- it wouldn't, and he never went back to work. We were lucky that he had disability insurance through his employer and that in addition to the SSD was enough to not make a huge dent in our financial situation.

    Once we got into treatments John often said fighting cancer was a full time job.


  8. HI Robin-

    Welcome to our site. Heather left a great legacy and it is wonderful that you wish to do something in her honor. I am the coordinator for the walk in Grand Blanc, Michigan. I will be glad to help you with any questions. LUNGevity will also walk you through everything.

    I am glad you joined us.


  9. Oh Nova- I have been wondering about you and Harry. I am so sorry. As Terri said, let people help you. Let us help you too-- all my sympathy.


  10. Try asking your doctor if there is another drug that is approved for fatigue. I know others here take Concerta. There may be an alternative that your insurance will pay for.

    Good luck.

  11. Dave- There are some members using Concerta (which I believe is a time released form of Ritalin) for fatigue. John had to take a nap every afternoon and that worked for him.


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