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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. I take Darvocet - N when I need a pain pill. I had morphine when I was in the hospital last time and it did not work for me, all it did is cause constipation, lol.

    You might ask about something to keep the nausea away while taking the other pain drugs??

    I hope they can find something that works for you cause pain is NO FUN!!

    God Bless,


  2. Most soda companies will donate product or the use of machines (if it is not being sold already) if you ask them. They are also a good bet for signage (of course it will also say coke or pepsi, lol). Another good place to get donations (money, gift certificates) (and you might think this is funny) is tobacco companies! They all have a budget for this type of thing and they really do like to donate lol.

    God Bless,


  3. Debbie,

    Is your husband bleeding someplace? To get 20 units of blood in 5 weeks is quite a bit. I have had several transfusions and usually get 2 units which holds me for a good 10 days to 2 weeks right now. I would be sure to have the Dr. check in to that if they haven't already. As far as a time line, we are all different. No one can say how long we have (or don't have). If he is now in chemo are they doing CT Scans to see if it is working? Where is his pain? Are they giving him something for the pain?

    Prayers and best wishes being sent your way.

    God Bles,


  4. I am sure you all have a favorite radio station but I thought I would tell you about our local station. KCVO - Spirit FM is located here with translators all over the state. The General Manager, Jim McDermott is a friend of mine and I am working on him to get us some air time!

    I already have them praying for us once in awhile (you can request it too by going to www.spiritfm.org). You can also listen online. I have the station playing in my office (guy next to me listens to heavy metal, lol). They play contemporary Christian music most of the time but every once in a while they will play an old gospel song or an old hymn. Those always make me cry cause they take me back to going to church with my Grandma, lol.

    We have a Christian Music Festival each year (the week AFTER the "Other" festival) and draw people from all over the country. 3 days of great music and fellowship.

    If anyone is interested, click on the listen online button in their web site, you will be glad you did!

    God Bless,


  5. Has anyone experienced vision problems from chemo? Mine seems to get a little "fuzzy" at times and at times I have a sort of gray haze??? They both come and go. I am going to ask my DR. about it tomorrow at chemo but wondered if anyone else had had this?

  6. Andrea, There is NOTHING wrong with being fluffy! I have been fluffy all my life (till chemo). God made you the way you are for a reason. All those skinny people have no idea how good it feels to eat a 2# package of Oreos at one time like I do!!!

    Sorry for them!!!

    God Bless,


  7. Andrea, There is NOTHING wrong with being fluffy! I have been fluffy all my life (till chemo). God made you the way you are for a reason. All those skinny people have no idea how good it feels to eat a 2# package of Oreos at one time!!!

    Sorry for them!!!

    God Bless,


  8. Bev,

    Welcome to tha family. No one can say how long a person has, including the Doctors. There are some folks on the board who are long term survivors and they give us ALL hope. I just recommend you LIVE life to the fullest! It sounds like your sisters Doctors have an aggressive plan in action and that is great!

    My prayers are with you and you family!

    God Bless,


  9. Thanks all. By the time I got home from work last night the lawn was mowed and my sons old boss was playing in the front yard with my grandson! He had done it himself (with a HUGE industrial riding mower) and it only took him about 45 minutes. I thanked him profusely and am sending a thank you card to him today.

    It was so funny to see when I pulled up in the drive way, he squatted down behind Kayden (my 4 year old grandson) and Kayden told me he had a suprprise, lol. Up popped Kane and of course I had to be surprised (Kane is about 6', 290#), lol. They played Tonka trucks for a few minutes and then Kane went home to play with HIS kids, lol.

    I am working out a deal with a couple of guys at our homeless shelter to come mow once a week and that SHOULD keep the yard in good shape this summer. I love my lawn but it has gotten to where it is just to much for me to be able to take care of. Snowflake, I did think about a goat or a couple of sheep but my subdivision does not allow "Farm" animals to be kept outside (and I ain't keeping them INSIDE)!

    God Bless,


  10. Stable is good. Broken computers are bad! Especially when you can't get on line as often as you would like. Good to hear from you in any case!

    God Bless,


  11. I have a HUGE yard that takes me a good 6 hours to mow (when I can). This spring it has gotten away from me as we have had just enough rain and sun to make the grass grow at the speed of light! Right now it is over a foot tall in some places!

    My son used to work for a landscape company here when he was in high school so I called them today to see how much they would charge me to come mow it once so I can (hopefully) get a handle on it for the rest of the season. My son just called me to tell me he had a call from his old boss that they are on the way over to mow it at NO CHARGE! Normally it would have been $75 to $100 to mow it!

    I have to think of something nice to do for the crew for being so kind!

    I am just so blown away that folks I hardly know find it in their hearts to be so kind (especially when people I know well don't have time for me, lol).

    Another of God's blessings!

    God Bless YOU all,


  12. While taking chemo (and radiation) it is best to drink as MUCH WATER as you can. It helps flush the system and keeps you from getting dehydrated. I drank (still do) at LEAST 2 litres of water a day (3 is better). Don't count things like soda (actually can dehydrate you), coffee, juice or other beverages in your water total! Strange cravings?? I wanted certain things that I either had not had in a long time or probably never had together, lol. One thing I made often was mashed potatoes with cheese and peas (all together). It was easy to swallow (esophogus was burned from radiation) and I liked the taste of it, lol. I also ate a lot of luke warm soup, room temp jello and jelly beans (YES sugar is BAD for you).

    According to my Doctor, if you can eat it and keep it down during chemo, go for it, lol.

    God Bless,


  13. I want to know how the friends shoe caused an epiphany??? I hope it wasn't upside the head??

    I miss Andrea also. She may have had a different view point than some but we are all entitled to our own view point! I am sure I have said things that others don't agree with and I have replied to others who have said things I don't agree with. It really all comes down to the Golden Rule:

    Do unto others as YOU would have them do unto you.

    I hope she has just been to busy to pop in and will be back soon!

    God Bless,


  14. I also have sclc and while mine was caught while it was just 1 tumor, I have since developed mets to the liver and lymph nodes. Mine responded very well to the Carbo/vepisid combo and that killed off the original tumor (along with 31 radiation treatments). The second round is doing well for my lymph nodes but not so good for my liver. We are still working on that area.

    Faith in God and a positive attitude are helping me deal with this and get through it. I think you will find most people have developed a stronger relationship with God either for themselves or in praying for others. Aggressive Doctors help also. Mine have never given me a time line of when I am going to die because THEY DON'T KNOW! The stats say I had 5 - 8 months when I was dx'd, that was 10 months ago. So much for stats! I am still here, working every day, playing with my Grandson every night and loving life!

    Your family is in my prayers.

    God Bless,


  15. It does sound like things are going well for your Dad. 1 spot is not bad! The chemo will continue to work even after the treatments are stopped but if he has had only 4 they may decided to do 1 or 2 more (I had 5). Have they done radiation? That may be the next step.

    Prayers of strength and healing being sent your way!

    God Bless,


  16. At worst this is a case of malpractice, at best it is the case of an idiot that made it through opthamology school. In either case I would suggest calling the state board (every state has one) and reporting him. When dealing with cancer of any type you don't "forget" to send a tumor for a pathology report???

    My prayers and good wishes are with you (((((Faye))))).

    God Bless,


  17. SCLC is a nasty beast. It can and does go wherever it wants. The good news is, it usually responds well to chemo.

    Since there are already mets to the brain it would be considered extensive sclc which still doesn't mean it can't be beaten!

    It sounds from your posts like the Dr.'s have a treatment plan in place and I expect they will have some answers for you shortly.

    In the mean time, your Mom is NOT a statistic. Don't focus on the "Bad" news, focus on LIFE and making the most of whatever time you have!

    Prayers for strength and healing are being sent your way.

    God Bless,


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