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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. How very touching and sweet that you and your Mom had such a wonderful relationship. I wish my daughter and I had that. I do envy you the times you spent together. God Bless, MO
  2. Just saw this post and I have tears flowing also. Buddy is and always will be with those boys (and the rest of the family also). I firmly believe we have guardian angels watching over us and I hope I will be able to do the same for my Grandsons when the time comes. God Bless, MO
  3. MO_Sugar

    Last Chemo

    (((((Kat))))), Glad things went better for you this time round. Prayers and best wishes for a clean scan headed your way! God Bless, MO
  4. Glad you made it back safe and sound. God Bless, MO
  5. I want to add MY thanks for all the hard work and dedication Katie and Rick have put in to make this site the "Home" it is. The fact that you have built this as a tribute to Katies Father says so much as to what type of people you are and the fact that you stuck with it after his passing just prove that you are 2 kind, caring, loving people. You have always had a kind word for those that need it and even when your lives have been crazy you are there for others. My prayers and best wishes are with you today and always. God Bless, MO
  6. Thank you all for the good wishes and prayers! I got 2 units of packed red cells and feel MUCH better. We will see on Thursday if they are working! Headed for a good night sleep so I can start the day tomorrow with a good attiude! God Bless you all! MO
  7. Have ya ever woke up in the morning feeling "pretty good" and by 9 am felt like a truck had hit ya and then backed up a time or two to be sure it did the job? I don't know if my count's took a major fall over night or if I am coming down with something or if the contrast from the scan yesterday did something but I can hardly move a muscle today. I have a call in to my DR. to see what he wants me to do but right now it is even difficult to type this message???? I may just need a couple of units of blood or I may have picked up something at the Dogwood Festival last week end. Should know soon. Any and all prayers for a minor glitch would be appreciated. God Bless you all, MO
  8. Welcome to the family Jim! Glad you are able to do the things you love and to spend time with the Grandkids! My Grandson is what keeps me going! Sounds like you have the right attitude to fight this beast! God Bless, MO
  9. At this point all I can do is welcome you to the family and offer prayers for your Mum. Until they have a dx of what kind of cancer she has it is hard to say what the treatment will be or what to look for. What tests have they done so far? What made them do testing in the first place? God Bless, MO
  10. As someone who works at a golf resort, I can see that one will get a lot of repeating around here, lol. Thanks! MO
  11. MO_Sugar

    APB On Snowflake

    I thought it had been awful quiet around here. Come out, come out wherever you are..................
  12. This is a very common side effect of chemo. I have had several transfussions and always feel a lot better after one. I usually get mine over a course of 4 or 5 hours and don't have to stay over night though. Typically the Dr. will adjust the chemo for the next round to try and not have the counts fall so low. I am also on Arenesp and Neupogen. I have my blood tested every week and I can tell the tech when he needs to draw extra to type and cross for a transfussion, lol. Haven't missed yet! Prayers and best wishes for your sister and your family. God Bless, MO
  13. Great news about the clean MRI. Prayers continue! God Bless, MO
  14. We know prayers help so you have all of mine! God Bless, MO
  15. I lost all my hair with the first round of chemo (10 days after I got it). When it came back it came back as white as snow, lol. I lost it again with PCI and now it is coming back almost black (dark, dark gray actually, lol). Since I am on Carbo / Taxol I assume I will lose it again so who knows what it will come back as next time. I figure if I keep trying I may make a true red head yet!!! God Bless, MO
  16. Welcome back! Glad you had a good time. Hope they can get your pain under control quickly. God Bless, MO
  17. David, Glad to hear you are feeling better and had some options. Prayers continue for stability! God Bless, MO
  18. Decadron makes me eat like a horse for a day after chemo. God Bless, MO
  19. MO_Sugar

    Prayers Needed!

    Prayers being said for your Father and your family. This is a most difficult time for all involved (hospital stays). God Bless, MO
  20. Fantastic news! It is the perfect day for riding here also! Best wishes for many more good days to come!!! God Bless, MO
  21. No cough or nausea when I had radiation but I am sure each person is different. The only time I got sick during radiation was when they tried to give me ethyol to HELP the esophogus. Made me sicker than a dog. Best wishes to your Mom and my prayers are with her. God Bless, MO
  22. Not really for "Laughs" but it was funny in a way. Today as I was getting ready to do the breakfast dishes I heard this awful "crying" sound and my big tom cat went flying through the kitchen. My daughter fast on his heels said "Stop him Mom, he has something". I cornered him in the kitchen only to have him drop about a 2 week old jack rabbit at my feet! Poor thing was screeching his lil heart out, scared to death. We got a towel and picked the bunny up to check him over. Didn't appear to have any injuries so now we had to find the nest to put it back. Luckily my daughter had seen which way the cat came from so we had some idea where to look. Under the slide on my grandsons swing set we saw tell tell bunny fur from the nest and sure enough, there it was with 1 more baby bunny in it. We put the bunny back and covered him with his brother / sister and he calmed right down. I hope Momma Bunny comes back soon to check on them. In the mean time we will be really careful and be sure the cats do NOT get out of the house! Ahhhhhhhh spring in the Ozarks!
  23. Remember how much fun we had in the sprintime at age 10??? Catching frogs and chasing fireflies. Swimming till we had prune skin and our teeth were chattering? Staying up late on Friday night to watch a scary movie and knowing that Mom and Dad were right there and "IT" was not going to get you? Well, someplace "IT" did get us and stole all the fun and enjoyment we had at 10 IF we let it! I for 1 am NOT going to let it. Tomorrow I am taking my 4 year old grandson to the Dogwood Festival and we are going to ride the ponies (I have to walk, dang it) and ride the carosel and the rides and eat carmel apples and cotton candy (sugar be damned) and Corn Dogs and probably end up with a belly ache, lol. Yes, I have cancer and yes, I am doing everything I can to beat it BUT one of the most important things I have found is to NOT give in to "IT". "IT" has to work that much harder if you keep a positive attitude and if you live life as MUCH as you can! If all you can do is read a good book or watch a funny movie, wonderful, you are ENJOYING life! If you DO have the energy to get out and about, wonderful, YOU are enjoying life! DO NOT let "IT" get you!!! Try to do something every day for YOU and try to have at least a short "cancer free" period every day where you just don't think about it! The other (and most important) thing I have found in dealing with this disease in my faith in God. I don't want to push religion on anyone BUT I have found so much strength from my belief in God I can't imagine trying to get through this without him. I take all my cares and worries to him and let him take care of them. He usually leads me in the direction I need to go and has the answers I need to cope. HE gets me through my days and nights and he ain't done with me yet! It helps!! God Bless, MO
  24. Boy, it was just on the 31st of March that we hit 1000 and here we are just 2 short of 1050 in about 3 weeks time. I hate the fact that so many people have to look for this type of group to join but I truly thank God every day that he put this group of people together to help each of us deal with a crappy situation. Rick and Katie do an awesome job of keeping things straight and the other monitors do as well. I am so glad I know I have a place I can come to with questions, concerns or just for a cyber hug if I need it. I am also glad for the chance to assist others in some small way in dealing with something none of us every wanted to deal with. I hope we see an end to cancer in OUR lifetimes or at the very least something WE do will help others to beat this disease! God Bless you all, MO
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