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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. MO_Sugar


    Jamie, Welcome to the family. I also posted on your message in SCLC. Please let us know what the Dr. says and feel free to ask us anything or just come by for a hug if you like. We WILL be here. God Bless, MO
  2. MO_Sugar

    New Here

    Welcome to the "Family". Sounds like you will have some of the answers you need today. This is a wonderful, caring, compassionate group of folks and we WILL be here to help you through whatever you need. Prayers being said and best wishes being sent. God Bless, MO
  3. MO_Sugar

    Results are in

    Ray, I am so sorry to hear the beast is back. I am on Taxol / Carbo for my second round of treatment so I have no info on Taxotere. You have my best wishes and continued prayers and remember, as long as you are breathing there is HOPE!! We don't know what treatment is coming down the pipe that could wipe out what we have! I for one am NOT giving up till they pull the sheet over me (and then I may have a surprise in store for them). God Bless you, MO
  4. Hope your trip is going well and you are all enjoying the family time. God Bless, MO
  5. I am so sorry to hear of your Fathers passing. He is now at rest. God bless, MO
  6. Best wishes and good luck! Prayers will continue for remission! God Bless, MO
  7. Have a great time! God Bless, MO
  8. Great news. Prayers for continued healing (for all) being said. God Bless, MO
  9. No words, just a gentle cyber hug (((((Angie))))) to help you through today. You ARE strong but sometimes we have to let God take over in that department. Give it to him and let HIM deal with it as is his will. God Bless you, MO
  10. (((((Andrea))))), I am so sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Prayers being said for strength and healing for your family. She has gone home to be with the Lord and will be waiting for you. God Bless, MO
  11. MO_Sugar

    He has Risen

    Praise God for all the wonderul blessings he has bestowed on us all. In times of darkness when we are down we need to remember that it is HIS will being done. God Bless, MO
  12. Prayers for strength and healing being said. God Bless, MO
  13. This is for all the cat lovers we have. I was visiting with my niece and she was telling me about an older lady she knows in Arkansas who said when she had an ache or pain to hold a cat on the area and get them to purr for as long as possible. Said it helped ease the pain. I tried it tonight with my big tom and a sore ankle and I swear it seemed to help, lol. Now I am sure it is mostly a mental thing but then again, lots of pain therapy IS mental. I know this sounds silly and probably is but if nothing else you spend some quality time with your cat, lol. God Bless, MO
  14. MO_Sugar

    Happy Easter

    A most Blessed day to you also. God Bless, MO
  15. Thank you all for the prayers and well wishes. I did make it to church this morning with my family and I was able to be lecter as had been planned. The wonders of pharmaceuticles (sp)!! Antibiotics seem to be working and pain is somewhat diminished although this pain pill plays havoc with my eyes for some reason. In any case, I did have a wonderful day with family and friends and we will find out just whats up tomorrow. God Bless you all and hope YOU had a great day also, MO
  16. MO_Sugar

    I am back

    I am so sorry to hear of your Grandfathers passing. I am glad you did have a couple of days away though to be able to regroup. God Bless, MO
  17. Karen, Glad you are home and things are going well. I eat like a horse on decadron also! I only have it as a pre-med for chemo so Thursday is MY food day, lol. Hope you have a most blessed and HAppy Easter! God Bless, MO
  18. I was sitting here on a chilly, rainy Saturday night and decided I would take a quick trip over to the local ER. Actually, I woke up with a small pain in my left side that got worse all day until even a Darvocet wouldn't touch it. Thought I maybe should get it checked out so drove over and they did a few tests. No fever, no "illness" just PAIN! Best they can come up with is Diverticulitus which I have had in the past. I will get a CT scan on Monday to rule out other things but for now they gave me an antibiotic and some stronger pain pills to get me through. Bad thing was, I have friends from Minnesota that came down to see me and got here about the same time I went to the Hospital, lol. We had a wonderful chat in the exam area while waiting on the Dr. and then again while waiting for my discharge, lol. Spent a couple hours with them and now I am headed to bed. Hope you all have a blessed and Happy Easter!!! God Bless, MO
  19. Great Pic. Always nice to put a face with a name. Happy Easter! God Bless, MO
  20. MO_Sugar


    (((((Berisa))))), That is wonderful news! God Bless you all and Happy Easter! MO
  21. I had the tattoos and they put a clear, soft tape over the marker lines so they stayed for a week or more. They would redraw them as needed. As for the metalic taste / smell when the machine first starts, in my case it was almost like a burst of chlorine smell. They said is was due to the massive amount of ozone that was charged by the machine. I smelled it both with the radiation to my chest and also during my PCI treatments. Best wishes on your treatments. God Bless, MO
  22. MO_Sugar


    (((((Francine))))), Great news about the tumors but I am sorry you have had so many side effects from your treatment. Prayers being said for some relief. God Bless, MO
  23. Welcome to the family. Prayers of healing and good wishes being sent your way. God Bless, MO
  24. Prayers for continued healing being sent your way. God bless, MO
  25. Best wishes with this procedure. I am having the talc procedure done next month but I have to stay in the hospital till they take the tube out . They won't let me come home with it. I hope this works well for you. God Bless, MO
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