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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Hold on here folks! Who says you can't tell them???? I still "talk" to my Mom and Dad all the time and they have been gone over 10 years. Now I am not suggesting that you walk around talking to invisible people but I am suggesting that you have a time each day where you go over what you want to talk to them about. They are still with you and always will be so why not talk to them? Just how I feel about it but it helps sometimes to just dump all of lifes problems at THEIR feet and then move on to the living that WE have to do!

    Gods Blessing on you all,


  2. This is how I feel about all of us here. Someone IS praying us through!

    God Bless you all


    Somebody’s Praying Me Through

    Pressing over me like a big blue sky

    I know someone has me on their heart tonight

    That’s why I know it’s gonna be alright

    ‘Cause somebody’s praying me through

    Somebody’s praying me through

    It may be my Mother, it might be my Dad

    Or an old friend I’ve forgot I had

    But whoever it is I’m so glad that

    Somebody’s praying me through

    Somebody’s praying me through

    Through the tears, through the rain

    Through the sorrow, through the pain

    It keeps bringing me through

    Over and over again

    So when you’re drowning in a sea of hurt

    And it feels like life couldn’t get any worse

    There’s a blessing waiting to push back the curse

    ‘Cause somebody’s praying you through

    Somebody’s praying you through

    Someone got down on their knees and prayed for me

    Somebody’s, somebody’s praying you through

    Written by Darrell R. Brown and Ty Lacy

    © 2002 Almo Music Corp/Original Bliss Music (ASCAP) administered by Universal Music Group and Ariose Music (ASCAP) administered by EMI Christian Music Publishing.

  3. (((((Andrea))))),

    Prayers for strength and healing being sent your way. Please don't feel guilty for wanting the best for your Mom. I did the same with my Mom when she passed. I told her I loved her and it was ok for her to come "home". As hard as it was (and still is) I DO know she is in a much better place and I WILL see her again. Wish I could give you a hug in person cause they help alot!

    God Bless,


  4. Jane, It is a difficult decision your Dad is facing. Is he is pretty good health otherwise? Did he tolorate the chemo and radiation the first time around? I opted to get the PCI because it was the right thing for me at the time. I want to extend whatever time I may have to be able to spend with my Grandson. My choice, MY decision. Everyone has to make it for themselves. Some opt to wait to see if they get mets to the brain and then try to treat them.

    Prayers for guidance headed his way.

    God Bless,


  5. Welcome BJ. I also was first dx'd with sclc and did chemo along with 31 radiation treatments. Hit a stable point and did PCI then dx'd with mets to lymph and liver (now a combo of sclc and nsclc). I had a few side effect from the PCI, but I would do it agaain if need be.

    Tough decision to make based on YOUR own feelings. Prayers for strength headed your way.

    God Bless,


  6. Andrea, I am going to get me a big stick and come SMACK you for worrying so much girl! Concern is one thing but wasting YOUR life with worry is NOT GOOD!!! I know we all tend to worry and in these cases maybe more than we need to BUT you have to be able to put it in the back of your mind at some point and have a life!

    I truly think I have gotten as far as I have because I DON'T worry much about what is going to happen. I can't change things, I can't stop it, I just do what needs to be done and get on with life!

    I am not preaching (I don't think, well, lol, maybe I am) I am just trying to get you to see that there is very little that constant worry can accomplish so don't waste time on it. Go play tickle foot with that new husband of yours!

    God Bless you sweetie and I hope you have a wonderful vacation.


  7. (((((Shelly))))),

    I am sorry you are feeling so down right now. It is so hard when you have lost 1 parent to contemplate losing the second. I lost both of mine within 6 months of each other and to be honest, it sucks! You CAN make it through however. Spend as much quality time with your Dad as you can and try to put the cancer as far back in your mind as you can. Worry does not solve anything but it DOES take time away that could be used in better ways!

    Prayers for strength headed your way.

    God Bless,


  8. You are correct. I had it done to (hopefully) keep from getting brain mets. It is usually given to folks who show stable or remission.

    Prayers and best wishes.

    God Bless,


  9. I agree with getting the second opinion. Unless this guy has a direct line to God's ear he has no way of telling "when". A best guess or an estimate maybe but thats the extent of it. As long as there are other treatment options available I would pursue them or at least check in to them.

    Prayers and best wishes.

    God Bless,


  10. I am also a true believer and have heard of healings such as this. It would be wonderful if all our prayers were answered in the positive but as with any "Father", sometimes the answer is no. I have come to accept that as his way of saying it is more important for the person to come "home" than to remain here in pain and suffering. I know I would much rather be with him than here, in pain or suffering. I know he loves me and will do what he feels is best for me, no matter what I want, lol. I have always said he has a plan for me and I sure wish he would share it with me so I knew if I was on the right path!

    God Bless,


  11. As has been said, when doing chemo and radiation it is so very important to stay hydrated. By the time the average person is thirsty they are already starting to dehydrate so I have always kept a water bottle with me and I drink 2 - 3 litres a day (more if it's warm). Watch for fever, chills ANYTHING that doesn't "feel right". Good time to become a hypocondriac! His Dr. should tell him what side effects to watch for.

    Prayers for strength and healing headed his way.

    God Bless,


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