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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Prayers that this is the magic bullet for you! God Bless, MO
  2. I got a call today from my Pulm. Dr. asking if we could do a Thorocentisis (sp) at 9am on Monday! Seems the chest xray I had yesterday shows a fluid build up again and he wants to get it BEFORE it hits 2 liters this time, lol. I just had one done last month so I am sure he is going to want to either do the talc procedure or something. I don't mind the fluid draw since it takes just a short time but it would be nice to not have to do it every month! We will see what he recommends on Monday and go from there. And here I was feeling so good this week! Thank you in advance for your thoughts and prayers. God Bless, MO
  3. Deep Breaths sweetie. Thats the only way to get through the day. Prayers for a minor fibroid or some such thing. God Bless, MO
  4. Thank you so much for sharing Becky with us one more time. That smile will be sadly missed! God Bless you, MO
  5. Welcome to the family Deb. Hope you get some sunshine soon! Good Bless, MO
  6. I have been living with SCLC since June 6, 2003 and I have worked just about every day since dx. If he can work and feels like it, go for it. In my case I am a single person and carry my insurance through my employer so I NEED to work if I can. They have been more than wonderful about giving me extra time off for appointments and treatment, etc. Makes life seem a little more "normal" I guess by getting up each morning and going to work. I am afraid if I had to stay home I would go crazy inside a week. Never have been a stay at home type person, even when my kids were small. As far as his stage, sclc is either limited or extensive and once it is outside the lung it is considered extensive. That is not to say it can not be treated and beaten! Mine was caught early as limited but has since spread out to my lymph nodes and liver. I am having good luck with the chemo I am on and we hope to get it back in to at least a stable mode. I will be praying for your Dad. God Bless, MO
  7. Thank you all so very much for your good wishes! God Bless, MO
  8. MO_Sugar


    Wonderful poem! I have had the same thoughts since my Mother and Father passed away and I DO try and tell people I love them every day. I NEVER end a conversation with my son or daughter without the last words being I love you. Those were the last words I said to my parents and the last words they said to me and they mean SOOOOOOOOOO much now. God Bless, MO
  9. Glad you had a wonderful vacation! It was well deserved and I am sure much needed. Do what you have to do for YOU and Rink right now and come back to us when you have the time. Prayers and best wishes with you! God Bless, MO
  10. I have periods of weakness associated with the (at first) radiation and chemo. I find if I slowly walk as much as I can it seems to help a little. I also have major weakness when my red counts are low (no oxygen in blood) so be sure blood counts are good also. God Bless, MO
  11. Prayers and good wishes for a simple surgery with 100% removal! God's blessings on you and your medical team! MO
  12. I spent the majority of yesterday at my local hospital either in Dr. appt's, getting chemo or getting a transfussion. Feeling better than I have in weeks I decided to stop by the grocery store for some much needed groceries. I spent about 20 minutes just strolling the isles looking for bargins and enjoying the fact that I felt so good. Paid for my groceries, loaded my car and pulled out of the lot. The store next to the grocer is Wal-Mart and as I passed their entrance a truck came shooting out of the entry and missed my front end by less than a foot. If I had been going 1 mile an hour faster either I would have hit her or she would have hit me! Have to laugh when I think of what COULD have happened. We always say you never know what tomorrow may bring, you MIGHT get hit by a TRUCK!!! God Bless, MO
  13. Went for chemo this morning feeling pretty low. Hard to get around, short of breath, I am sure YOU all know what I mean. I knew my counts were low so I asked them to draw extra blood for a type and cross (thank heavens I have a wonderful rapport with all the techs!!). Had my chest x-ray and went on to work for a few hours. Called before I went back for my appointment to see what my counts were and sure enough, they already had me typed and crossed for a transfussion. Went to my appt and saw Dr. who said he was very pleased with my white count which is staying up with the neupogen shots every day. My reds were low (hence the transfussion) but all in all it looked pretty good. The better news was I got chemo ANYWAY! He cut it to 2/3 dose but at least I got it. Now for the BEST NEWS!!!!! We have SHRINKAGE!!!!!! Doc was very excited that after just 1 full course of Carbo / Taxol we have over 50% shrinkage in the lymph node (1 was gone totally) and my liver is a good 1/3 smaller than it was! Praise God for prayers answered!!!!! God's blessings on all of YOU who have prayed and been in my corner! I can never express how much your prayers mean! Thank you (((((Friends)))))!!!! MO
  14. Prayers and best wishes on your chemo! God Bless, MO
  15. MO_Sugar

    Bob Mc.

    Thoughts and prayers are with him. God Bless, MO
  16. I have always had low blood pressure but I have noticed since I started the Carbo / Taxol that it is even lower than normal. It was so low the other day they almost took it twice because she thought the machine wasn't working! She said "I saw you walk in here so I know you are alive", lol. She told me to be sure to eat something in the morning because that gets things moving. Best wishes and God Bless, MO
  17. God Bless her, I know what it feels like to be DONE with radiation, I was soooooo glad! Hope she regains her strength quickley and is back to 100% before you know it. Prayers and good wishes sent her way! God Bless, MO
  18. MO_Sugar


    Bob, Prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery are being sent your way! God Bless, MO
  19. KC, We are all filled with woulda, shoulda, coulda's any time a traumatic event happens and that is what you are going through now. I am sure you did what was best and I am sure your Father loved you no matter if you were or weren't there at the very end. There was nothing more you could do at that point. He knew you loved him and that is all that matters. God Bless you and your family as you deal with the loss of a wonderful man. MO
  20. My Doctors have been so wonderful to work with I really feel I have been blessed! They usually call the SAME DAY with test results if at all possible. I have a great relationship with the main nurse that works for my Onc. and also with the girls in the front office which really helps when I need to talk to him or the nurse. Best wishes and God Bless, MO
  21. Welcome to the family. It does sound like you have a good team in place to treat this beast aggresively! Prayers and best wishes for clean scans! God Bless, MO
  22. Sounds like a good idea! CYA is always important, lol. Best wishes on your event! God Bless, MO
  23. Has anyone been able to purchase life insurance since their dx? I have insurance through work but wondered if there was anything else available? Any ideas? God Bless, MO
  24. MO_Sugar


    Fantastic News!!!!! Party on Dude!!!!! God Bless, MO
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