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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Sounds like Carbo/Taxol is the way to go. I started it today myself. Prayers for success headed your way! God Bless, MO
  2. I am glad your Doctor has put together a plan of action for you and is moving forward. Nothing worse than sitting around waiting! Prayers headed your way! God Bless, MO
  3. I just started a Carbo/Taxol regime today so I will let you know what side effects I have, if any. I will have the Taxol once a week and the Carbo once very 3rd week. I had the carbo before and it really kicked my blood counts to the basement (ended up in hospital twice) so I am also starting Neupogen shots in the morning and I will have them every day. Good luck with your treatment and I am praying for you! God Bless, MO
  4. Welcome Billie, glad you joined us. I graduated from Chaska so I am also familiar with your area. Please ask any questions you might have and I am sure someone can answer them. This is a great group of people! God Bless, MO
  5. Well, this is where we are at.................. I have started Taxol (once a week) and Carboplatinum (once every 3rd week). I am also going to start a Neupogen shot every morning to try and keep my counts from dropping off the chart like they did the first time I had the carboplatinum. While getting the pre-med I noticed I was feeling a bit "woozy" so I told my nurse about it. She thinks it was from the Benadryl since I had never had that in an IV before. Sort of gave me a "stoned" feeling (from what I have had described to me as I was NEVER one to do that sort of thing in college). Lasted a couple of hours and then it was gone. Also broke down and ask my Dr. for a handicap plate form so I can get new tags for my car. I held off as long as I could ! Anyway, thats where we are at, I am fighting, my Doctor is fighting and the rest is in God's hands! God Bless you all, MO
  6. They may not be able to operate but they may be able to treat it with chemo or radiation. There are several options still open to her I am sure. I hope she has an aggresive Doctor who is will to make those decisions. I will be poraying for her. God Bless, MO
  7. I am headed out to see my Oncologist about what we are going to try this time to get this dang beast under control. The antibiotics have not really done anything as far as reducing the size of my lymph nodes so I am assuming it is from the cancer and not an infection (dang it). He mentioned on Tuesday when I called that we may look at a different form of chemo as he didn't think the topotecan was working very well (and it WAS letting my hair come in, dang it again). I will know tonight what we are doing and I will let you all know then. Thank you all for being there when needed. You are all such a blessing and I know that is why God has brought us all together. God Bless you all, MO
  8. Karen, Not the one to answer your question but I will be praying that you find the answer and beat this beast! God Bless you, MO
  9. I am sorry to hear that the beast has returned. I will be praying that you find some relief in the coming months. God Bless, MO
  10. MO_Sugar

    good scan

    Congratulations on the wonderful news! To know that it probably will not come back is such a major blessing. I hope that you never have to face this beast again!! God Bless, MO
  11. I am so sorry to hear that the Iressa is not working for your Mom. I am praying they find another form of treatment to be able to continue on for her. God bless you and your family. MO
  12. Thank you all. I do feel a bit better (mentally) today than I have. I can feel the lymph nodes still and there is pressure in my liver so I know we have to do something major tomorrow with chemo. I am still determined to fight this beast! I had a wonderful visit with my baby brother and his new wife today. Sort of bitter sweet as we both assume this was the last time we will see each other. On one hand it was sad but on the other it was a blessing that we HAD this time to be able to say goodbye. They live about 8 hours away and I am sure, when the time comes they will come back but ya never know if they will make it or not. I am glad God gave us this time together. It was also a treat to meet his new wife (they got married Saturday and I wasn't able to go due to being in the hospital Friday). She is JUST what he needs and I am sure the will have a happy, blessed life. They met at church so that is the perfect start!!! She is a very sweet gal! My daughter and grandson were able to join us for lunch so it was nice to have that family time. I will let you all know tomorrow where we are headed with treatment. It is so strange because I FEEL GOOD but I can feel the dang cancer growing! It is true that God works in mysterious ways, lol. God Bless you all, MO
  13. Congrats on that last treatment. I had 31 of them (and 15 to the brain) so I can totally relate to the happiness when they were over! Won't take long to start to feel better now!! God Bless, MO
  14. and I gave up alcohol for Lent....... Hope you all have had a wonderful day! God's Blessing on each of you, MO
  15. MO_Sugar


    Continued prayers for your Dad and family. God Bless, MO
  16. The first time I lost my hair I went from red hair that was almost to my butt to NO hair ANYPLACE on my body . My eyelashes grew in fast which was good. The 3 hairs on my chin were next and then the rest started to grow. I had 1/4 inch hair on my head when they decided to do PCI so of course I was going to lose THAT again. The night before I started we died it BRIGHT red, lol. Looked like a fire truck! It came out about 4 days after I started PCI and is now growing back but in a darker color. I started Topotecan and they said I may not lose my hair this time but it doesn't appear to be working (the chemo) so we are going to look at another chemo on Thursday. That will be the end of my hair once again. I have gotten brave and stopped wearing wigs when in my office. I still keep it with me in case I have to meet a client but if I am just in my office I am Toplesss , lol! God Bless, MO
  17. I am so glad you were able to reach Bob's wife and find out what was happening. The phone number idea is a great one! Prayers that he is able to come home soon and that YOU are feeling better also! God Bless, MO
  18. (((((Deanna))))), A gentle cyber hug and a prayer are all I can offer. I am so sorry to hear of your Mothers passing. God Bless, MO
  19. Jamie, It could be because of many reasons that surgery is not an option. Shrinkage is wonderful thing however and it sounds to me like they are getting the beast under control that way right now. Prayers that they will give you the needed information to help you and your Dad get through this. Remember THEY work for YOU!! Ask the tough questions and make them answer. God Bless, MO
  20. Mine is always around my lung so I am not able to answer. I can however say a prayer that it is something they decide is minor and it goes away on its own! God Bless, MO
  21. Thank you all so much. We don't know for sure what is going on but he called in an RX for a Z Pack in case I have developed an infection. He said it was pretty common when having the fluid draw that a small infection start and since I do have some sort of a "feeling" in that area he wants to kick it early if that is the case. He is also looking at a different chemo when I go in Thursday. Thank you all for your prayers. You guys always manage to bring a tear to my eye with the love and support you show. I am SO blessed that God chose to put each of you in MY life!!!! God Bless, MO
  22. I am sorry to hear about your Father. Prayers of healing going out to your family and friends. God Bless, MO
  23. Howard, You have truly been blessed to be able to spend such wonderful time with your children all together. I am so sorry to hear about your Father but as is evident, you know he IS in a better place and you WILL see him again. God bless you. MO
  24. MO_Sugar

    I Win.....

    You GO Girl!!!! Kick ED's butt back where it came from and open that front door for NED!!! Prayers for a speedy return of NED headed your way!! God Bless, MO
  25. Quitting smoking can be THE hardest thing a person EVER does. We KNOW it is bad for us, we KNOW it can cause health problems, we KNOW it makes us smell like a pile of dirty underwear, we KNOW it can hurt other people who are just in the same room and we STILL smoke! I quit the day I started chemo but there are days where I REALLY want a cig!!!! I can't stand the smell of them on other people, I can't stand to walk through an area where people are smoking but my BODY tells me I want one! I will NOT smoke as long as I don't buy them so I tend to stay away from areas where they sell cigs now, lol. God Bless you all in your fight to quit if you are still smoking. MO
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