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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. This has truly been an interesting day friends. I was pretty sure that it was going to be my last day from the pain I had this morning. When we found out what was causing it I felt a little better but it still hurt, alot! I went back in at 3pm to have the fluid drained and they told me things were "Running a little behind" so it would be awhile. I got in my gown crawled in the bed and waited....................4 1/2 hours!!! They didn't start the procedure until 7:30pm, lol. He got me all hooked up to the bottle that the fluid drains in to and the suction was to much so he had to do most of the draw by hand. Got about 1/2 way through and I had a MAJOR pain in the center of my chest. He told me it was probably my heart moving back into place, lol. Once it moved back the pain was gone! I feel as good now as I ever have, lol. What a day! Thank you all for your prayers! I am sure they are what helped!!! God Bless each of you!!! MO
  2. I would think that if there is a Cancer support group at the hospital you might get recommendations from some of the members? Being new to an area puts you at a disadvantage but that is one place I would look. You might also see if there is a physician referal agency in town and they can sometimes give good recommendations. I really lucked out and got wonderful Doctors. I will be praying that you find a good one! God bless, MO
  3. I agree with Becky, once he is over the illness he may not need to continue with the oxygen. Several folks here have been on and off of it for various reasons. Prayers being said! Gos Bless, MO
  4. MO_Sugar


    Berisa, Prayers for your Dad and your family being said! God Bless you, MO
  5. (((((Friends)))), I am home for a few hours and then I go back in at 3pm to have major fluid drained from my lung again. Seems like my right lung has filled up again and is pushing everything off to the left side which is causing the pain. The Dr. comment when he saw the xray was "Wow, look at all that fluid", lol. We hope this will take away the pain and life will resume as normal. THANK YOU all for the prayers! I know they helped!!!!!!! God Bless you all, MO
  6. (((((Friends))))), I woke up this morning with the most pain I have ever had since dx. My entire left side feels like it is on fire so I am headed to the hospital. Either I or my daughter will let you know whats going on. Prayers appreciated. This one scares me! God Bless you all, MO
  7. MO_Sugar

    Going fishing

    Have a wonderful, family weekend!!! Hope you have great weather and catch lot's of fish! God Bless, MO
  8. No thoughts or ideas, just prayers for a speedy recovery! I know how hard it is to not be able to eat!! God Bless, MO
  9. Got me too! I needed a laugh! Thanks! God Bless, MO
  10. Me too, I need new windows!!!!!
  11. Glad your Mom is home and doing well. Prayers for a speedy recovery! God Bless, MO
  12. Wonderful news for your Mother. Prayers for continued success being said. God Bless, MO
  13. Lucie is one of God's miracles (and so are you Don)! You have inspired so many people and always have a kind word or shoulder if needed. I hope this is the BEST Birthday ever and all of Lucie's wishes are granted! God Bles you both! MO
  14. MO_Sugar

    Fever Question

    Any fever with low blood counts is cause for a phone call. My Dr. gets mad if I don't call him if I get over 100.4. You are so much more likely to catch something when counts (especially white counts) are low. One thing that helps me a lot is washing my hands as often as I can. I am ALMOST to the OCD point, lol. I also try and stay away from large groups of people when my counts are low (the mall, main parts of the hotel, etc.). Prayers for a simple case of the flu or something even less! God Bless, MO
  15. MO_Sugar

    Met to stomach?

    Tell your Dad he is not alone and there are over 900 "Family Members" who would love to meet him and help him through this! Maybe he will talk to someone NOT involved so closely?? God Bless, MO
  16. Welcome Sharleen, I also have SCLC, now with mets to liver and 1 lymph node. Just started Topotecan as my second round of chemo. Please ask any questions you have or answer any questions you have answers to! We all share and share alike here, lol. God bless you and prayers being said for remission (or stability)! God Bless, MO
  17. MO_Sugar

    Met to stomach?

    My CT scans always include the abdomen. They look at the liver (I have mets there now). I doubt if it is his "stomach" but anything is possible I guess. Prayers for answers for you coming your way. God Bless, MO
  18. Congratulations on one year! I hope a company realizes what an asset you could be to them and hires you soon! God Bless, MO
  19. I had almost 2 litres of fluid removed from my right lung a couple of months ago. It was caused from the radiation. We all have a small amount of fluid encasing the lungs to keep them supple but sometimes scar tissue or whatever causes the fluid to build up. It can contain cancer cells (mind did not). Mine may or may not come back. We just watch and see. God Bless, MO
  20. Prayers being said! God Bless, MO
  21. Welcome home. Sorry you had to come home early but glad they caught it and it soubds like you are on the mend! Prayers for a speedy recovery! Remember, I work at a resort with 2 great golf courses (16 in a 30 mile radius) if you want to come play! God Bless, MO
  22. Well, I was right (mark it on the calendar!!). Instead of chemo I got 2 units of packed red cells. My platelets are down to 34 (should be 150 - 450) and my HGB (red cells) were down to 8.3 (should be 12 - 16). I will have to wait till the 18th for the next round of chemo. They also started me on Aranesp to try and build up my red cells. I understand it to be like Procrit but you get it every 2 weeks instead of every week. We will give that a few weeks and see what happens! All in all it was a relaxing day cause I usually nap through the transfusion, lol. Now I am ready to GO!!! God Bless, MO
  23. I go in at 8:30am tomorrow for round 3 but I have a feeling I may be getting a couple units of blood instead! I can tell my counts are WAYYYYYYY down so I think they will refill me in the morning. Side effects have not been to bad (except constipation) so I am sure they will continue treatment on Thursday if I get blood tomorrow. I will let ya know!! Thanks all for the prayers and good wishes! God Bless you all, MO
  24. Constipation can be worse than just about anything else! Always ask it it is a side effect of any new drugs! This is from the official Queen of **IT (the emergency room Dr. said so)!! I have been taking several things over the week end to try and clear it up and it does drain your energy to have to fight it. Are your fathers blood counts up where they should be? That can also cause weekness and fatigue (I am ready for a transfusion myself). Prayers being said! God Bless, MO
  25. Wonderful, sunshiney day here in MO. Spring is in the air, the frogs are croaking and the ducks have come back in to the marina. All is right in the world (or as right as it is gonna get for now). Hope everyone has only GOOD news all week and prayers going out for all! God Bless, MO
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