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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Congratulations to the Duke!!!! Stable is a word almost as good as remission!! Prayers continue! God Bless, MO
  2. Congratulations! Prayers for remission sent your way! God Bless, MO
  3. Prayers headed your way! God Bless, MO
  4. I am sorry for your loss. God Bless, MO
  5. Ok, lol, didn't know where to post this but it just confirms that I am full of **it so thought I would post it here. While at the zoo on Friday I noticed a pain starting in my left side and progressing through my abdomen as the day went on. Pain built up all Friday evening to the point of very little sleep Friday night. Saturday I called my Dr's. office and spoke with the oncall nurse. She thought it was contstipation (major side effect of chemo) and called me back with a liquid laxative to take. She said if it didn't work to go to the ER and get checked out. Well, we cut our trip short so I could be close to MY hospital if need be and came home. I took the liguid (let me tell you "Pleasing Lemony Flavor" LIES)!!!! By 6pm the pain was worse so My daughter and I took a quick trip to ER. We lucked out and got there at shift change so everyone was fresh and ready to go!! They took me in, did a couple of tests and some xrays to be sure there was nothing "growing" anywhere and gave me ANOTHER fine tasting liquid to take. Told me the only thing they saw on the xray was "waste products" so I needed to take THIS liquid. This one (golytely ...again a misnomer) is only to be taken if you are within 2 feet of your own throne because when it starts there is NOTHING you can do to stop it. I took some Saturday night and it helped a little, took more Sunday and it helped a little but then I had to stop so I could come to work today. Will take more tonight and maybe that will take care of it!! God Bless you all and I hope you NEVER are full of **it!!! MO
  6. Ry, Just think of what you learned. Jillian will NEVER need a body guard. If she can take out a grandma at age 5 I can't wait to see what she will do at 9. Prayers being said for a speedy recovery for your Mom. God Bless, MO
  7. Dean, When I was at the zoo the other day I had a 20 something young man make a comment about using the scoot in the zoo. I just looked at him and shook my head. I don't think people "think" sometimes before they make a stupid comment. I know I have caught MYSELF thinking things about folks I see parking a $40,000 vehicle in a handicap space. I don't know if they have a true medical need but I still "judge" them. I am trying HARD to stop that!! God Bless, MO
  8. Rachel, I had a major loss of equilibrium for about 3 weeks after PCI. My Dr. said the "wax" in my ears would harden over the weeks after and to get it flushed once in awhile. It helped a bit. Prayers for contiued healing. God Bless, MO
  9. Adding my prayers to those already said. May God guide you through the coming days with peace and love. God Bless, MO
  10. Welcome to the "family". Glad you decided to join us. It is much easier if you have folks who have been or are at the same place in life. God Bless, MO
  11. Welcome Cookieman, I am glad you decided to "join" the group. You have a very special lady there and she has been a source of inspiration to many of us (as well as a source of humor). Nice to meet you. God Bless, MO
  12. Greg was a very special person who took time to help out the "new guys". It is folks like Greg that make this group as welcoming and friendly as it is. He is and will be missed. God Bless, MO
  13. We had a wonderful time at the zoo! The motorized scoot was really wonderful and allowed me to be with the kids all day. My Grandson (and son) really enjoyed the day and I thik the girls did also. The sun came out, it got yo about 60 and was just a perfect day for being outside all day! We are planning to hit the Kansas City Zoo next month and then we may take a train trip to Chicago in April and hit Lincoln Park! Hope you all had good week ends also! God Bless, MO
  14. (((((Cheryl))))), Prayers and good wishes being sent your way for a speedy recovery for Jack. God Bless, MO
  15. I get the shortness of breath when my blood counts drop to low. I can't do the Procrit but I get a transfusion and I feel better in a day or so. Prayers being sent your way! God Bless, MO
  16. Glad to see things improveing! We have a Jones of New York OUTLET store here and I love it!! Hope the Easter Bunny is good to you! God Bless, MO
  17. Thank you all for the kind words. Seems like the main side effects are dropping blood counts and constipation and we can deal with those. They cut the steroid dosage in 1/2 so I only ate like a pony and NOT a full grown horse on Tuesday! Thank you all again!! Love ya and God Bless, MO
  18. Congratulations on reaching this milestone! I was REALLY glad to be done with the VP-16 and Carbo!! Prayers for clean scans and only good news!! God Bless, MO
  19. MO_Sugar

    Thank you

    Prayers for success and a speedy recovery. God Bless, MO
  20. Prayers for a great outcome are being said. God Bless, MO
  21. Gave up liquor for lent but finished off the Twinkies and now feel MUCH better.
  22. (((((Becky))))), Gentle hugs to you today! I know what you mean about others and their "Bad Hair Days". I am to the point that I have pulled off my wig and asked if they really wanted to talk about a bad hair day! Some days you just have to find the humor in a given situation! God Bless, MO
  23. Today is my son's 27th birthday! He, his wife, my daughter, my Grandson and I are all going to St. Louis tomorrow to go to the ZOO!!! We are also going to the Science Center and taking in part of the Lewis and Clark exhibit at the historical society (making memories for my Grandson)! I am borrowing a page from DeanCarl and renting a motorized scoot to get around the zoo!! That way I will have the energy to do the rest of the things, lol. Hope you all have something fun planned for the week end! God Bless, MO
  24. MO_Sugar


    Wonderful news! Prayers continue! God Bless, MO
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