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Everything posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Added to my prayers! God Bless, MO
  2. (((((Shell))))), Prayers and good wishes being sent your way. I know how hard it is to consider the loss of both parents (mine were 6 months apart) but your Dad is still here! Miracles happen every day and we are praying for one for him! God Bless, MO
  3. Prayers and good wishes being sent your way. I had 15 days of PCI and fatigue was the worst side effect I had. A few days in Florida would have gone a long way to help that!! Have a wonderful trip! God Bless, MO
  4. Prayers and good wishes being sent your way. I also wonder how much my 4 year old grandson will remember but I am making memories for him right now with lots of pictures, videos and letters I am leaving for him. Treasure the time you still have! God Bless, MO
  5. Prayers and good thoughts being sent your Mom's way. God Bless, MO
  6. That sounds like great news! Prayers for only good things continue! God Bless, MO
  7. MO_Sugar

    Combo Kid

    After a long wait, I finally got the results back from my biopsy! They have discovered that I now have a combination of small cell and non-small cell going on in my liver (and lymph node in neck). Non small cell "appears" to be poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. We will continue with the topotecan and see what happens from here!! Thanks for all your prayers and the love and concern that have been shown! I do so appreciate it. God Bless, MO
  8. I am headed in for my second treatment. Wish me luck. It will be interesting to see if I eat like a horse again tonight, lol. I have noticed a few minor side effects pop up over the past couple of days so we will also see if they increase with the second dosage. God Bless you all!! MO
  9. MO_Sugar

    Update on my Dad

    Prayers and good thoughts headed your way! God Bless, MO
  10. Sweetie, I am praying that the only news you get the rest of the week is GOOD news!! God Bless you and I will be praying for you, your friend and family. MO
  11. Prayers headed your way. God Bless, MO
  12. Adding your friend to my prayers. God Bless, MO
  13. Can't help with the how to's of this but I sure can say a prayer or two that no matter what they do it comes out well. God Bless, MO
  14. A roll in the sunshine sounds like a plan to me!! Hope the weather stays great for you so you can be out and about! Prayers headed your way! God Bless, MO
  15. I think a lot of it depends on the person and what they LIKE to eat. I found that "comfort" foods were something I really wanted like my grandma's meatloaf or my dad's tomato soup, lol. I had a had time eating because of the radiation, not the chemo. Now I have had a hard time starting to eat again as I got so used to NOT eating, lol. Last Dr.s visit his nurse took one look at me and said "Get your a** up on that scale!!" She and I have always had a good rapport, lol and she knew I had not been eating like I should. Made it easier to order the brownie delight for dinner the other night though, lol. Your Dad will let you know what he wants to eat but have a wide, easily prepared, variety of foods available for him. God Bless, MO
  16. Glad you got to spend some time outdoors. I know I always feel better when I have had some "nature" time. Hope the weather continues to cooperate! God Bless, MO
  17. (((((Francine))))), I am so sorry you are having to fight nausea. I hope they find something soon to take it away for you. Prayers are headed your way! God Bless, MO
  18. Welcome. Prayers that things turn around for you are being said. This is a great place to come for friendship, information or to just know that you are NOT alone!! God Bless you, MO
  19. Fantastic news!! Continued prayers and best wishes headed your way!! God Bless, MO
  20. I am so sorry for the loss of your Father. Prayers and good wishes being sent your way. God Bless you, MO
  21. I made it back from Omaha in one piece with no major side effects from the chemo treatment I had before I left!. Had a great time at the show, did some good business, saw some friends that I may not get a chance to see again..............all in all I would say it was a wonderful trip! Glad to be home though and looking forward to catching up here. Looks like it has been a busy week (aren't they all??). Prayers and good thought headed you to each of you! God Bless, MO
  22. Fantastic page! God Bless you! MO
  23. MO_Sugar

    T-Bone's Scans

    Prayers and good thoughts headed your way!! Hope the scans stay clear! God Bless, MO
  24. Gina, Congrats on 1 year! Prayers and best wishes for many, many more wonderful years to come!!! God bless, MO
  25. I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. It was wonderful that you could all be together the last night though. God does work in strange (to us) ways. God Bless you and prayers are being said for you, MO
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