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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. I had my monthly follow up with my Oncologist today and after looking at my x-ray he sent me back down for another one. This time they had my lay on my side and took it that way. He said I have quite a bit of fluid build up (pleural effusion) and he want's to get it drained. I go in Monday morning to have that done. I am hoping that will help with my breathing issues!

    He said everything else looked ok and other than still being anemic I looked good. I see my Rad. Dr. next week for that follow up so I hope he says the same things!!

    God Bless,


  2. I am on a first name basis with every clerk, nurse, assistant and window washer at my Dr.'s office! I call them for any and every thing that I don't think is right or any time I have a question. They have always been very helpful and very understanding.

    God Bless,


  3. I just got back from working the KC Sport Show which I have worked for about 12 years. I have a circle of friends that work the show also and we see each other once a year. Well, lol, they have not seem me since I was dx'd and they all came up and said how good I looked and what had I been doing to lose so much weight and they REALLY liked my hair............I didn't know if I should tell them about my cancer or if I should just accept the compliments, lol. I ended up telling them about the cancer BUT told them I was stable and THEN thanked them for the compliment, lol!

    God Bless,


  4. I just read my "hometown" newspaper on line and found out that the 23 year old niece of my best friend (in high school) passed away from "unknown causes". I called my friend and she said they had to wait till the reports come back next week to see what happened. She had given birth 3 months before but they don't think that played a part. My friend is beside herself with grief (as I would be too) that this could happen to one so young. You just never know!

    God Bless,


  5. Has anyone else had this happen? I am sitting at my desk working away and all of the sudden it is like someone flipped a switch and I can hardly keep my eyes open! Happens every day about 1pm and I have tried to track what I have done prior to that but each day has been different. Guess my internal clock thinks 1pm is nap time, lol. Now if I could just get my boss to agree?? Hmmm, wonder if I could skip lunch for a nap??

    God Bless,


  6. The lowest I got was .4 and then they put me in the hospital in reverse isolation for 3 days with transfusions. Felt better by the second day but they wanted to be sure I hadn't "picked up" anything. After that I could always tell when my count was low so I would call and get a shot or a transfusion if needed.

    Hang in there cause it does get better!

    God Bless,


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