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Posts posted by MO_Sugar


    Dave and Bob,

    I have 2 great courses at the resort I work at. Come on down and play, they were playing today in 62 degree weather, lol.

    God Bless,


  1. Some of you know I work at a very large resort, hotel here in MO. Well, we just opened an indoor water park last month and I decided to take my daughter and grandson tonight (we get in cheap!!!). We had such a good time! I spent most of the evening in the hot tub or floating on the lazy river and I am sooooooooo tired I may actually SLEEP tonight!! My grandson (age 4) thought he had gone to heaven with all the water toys and games to play with. We spent about 3 hours there and we were all pooped, lol. I may have created a monster however because he is already talking about going back!

    Hope you all had a great day also.

    God Bless,


  2. Pam, I am so sorry for the loss of your Father. It sounds like you, your Mom and your son did everything you could to make his time as pleasant as possible. I am sure he is still with you and always will be!

    God Bless you and yours,


  3. I am so sorry you have to deal with unfeeling, ungrateful people in addition to the rest of getting on with life.

    I would tell them that they should be happy with what they have received and you will be sure that since it wasn't good enough for them that your Step Father will not make the same mistake again by trying to give them something. When my Aunt and Uncle passsed away several years ago I received a package from one of his nieces full of pictures of people I didn't know, broken costume jewelry and copies of newspapers that were torn and ragged. I just chalked it up to her being an idiot. I have my memories of my Aunt and Uncle and that is all I needed.

    Prayers that you will have an easy time dealing with these folks (or NOT dealing with them).

    God Bless,


  4. I have had a few headaches since PCI and also pain in my neck once or twice since then. As far as my Dr. can tell it is part of the side effects of the PCI. Your Fathers Dr. will be better able to tell what is causing his headaches though.

    God Bless,


  5. As part of my job I end up in different cities for a week or so from time to time and it looks like I am going to be in Kansas City from the 5th to the 12th of January, ST. Louis the start of February and Omaha the end of February. If anyone is close to those 3 cities I would love to have the chance to meet you. Please PM me and we can set something up.

    God Bless,


  6. (((((Cindy))))),

    Thank you and God's Blessings on you and yours at this most Holy time of year.

    Being dx'd with SCLC has truly been an eye opening expreience for me. I have learned so much from the folks here and want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a most Blessed New Year!

    God Bless,


  7. Kim,

    I am so sorry you have to face this at this time of year (or ANY time of year). Please know that there are people here who are praying for you and your Mom that she and you both find Peace. I lost my Mom 11 years ago and I remember the last few days as the hardest. I, like you, did have the chance to "make things right" with my Mom before she passed on and I will always treasure that. We both knew that we truly loved each other and would be together again one day.

    God Bless you and your family.


  8. Faye, I had the same thing happen! Looked like peach fuzz for a week or so until it started to look more like hair! Mine came in total white at first and then I got a darker hair here and there. I lost them all with the PCI treatments but I am hoping it comes back in the same way. Looked sort of cool!

    Congrats on getting hair for Christmas!!!!!

    God Bless,


  9. I also posted this under prayers but I was so excited I had to post in both places!

    Thank you Friends for the prayers and good wishes. I got my results from the CT Scan and it was GOOD NEWS! Whatever is showing on the CT scan (The scar tissue, tumor, gremlin) has continued to shrink! My Oncologist is not sure what it was that was showing on the x-ray last week but he thinks I may have had a slight case of something.

    In any case, I am still STABLE and have received the best Christmas present of all!!!

    God Bless you all and I hope you have a most Blessed Christmas,


  10. Thank you Friends for the prayers and good wishes. I got my results from the CT Scan and it was GOOD NEWS! Whatever is showing on the CT scan (The scar tissue, tumor, gremlin) has continued to shrink! My Oncologist is not sure what it was that was showing on the x-ray last week but he thinks I may have had a slight case of something.

    In any case, I am still STABLE and have received the best Christmas present of all!!!

    God Bless you all and I hope you have a most Blessed Christmas,


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