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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Ok Kids, I just happen to work for a hotel company that has a pretty nice hotel in dowtown Dallas. I spoke with the Director of Sales today and she said she could offer us a "Group Rate" depending on how many rooms we were able to book. If you are serious, please let me know and I can set it up with her. It would be all on an individual reservation system but we would hold a small block based on the response.

    Either PM me or post here and once I know more what you would like to do I will contact her. She did mention a $99 per night rate if we had 10 - 15 rooms and we can maybe?? do better if we had more.

    God Bless,


  2. Thank you for sharing your heartfelt story. I believe that God DOES put people in our lives for a reason. I know he has put some remarkable people in MY life when I most needed them.

    God Bless you all,


  3. Jay, I can only add that I will be praying for you and I admire the courage you show. My heart breaks that this terrible beast has you in its grip but I do believe in the power of prayer and that prayer can work miracles. In this season of miracles we can all pray for one more!

    God Bless you,


  4. Jen,

    It is hard to say what may or may not work. Ativan worked for me but then again I had a different chemo regime. Maybe stay away from fried food in the morning? Try oatmeal or something that doesn't have the oils? It is all a learning experience. You may just have to keep trying things till you find what works. I would also ask the Dr. if there is something else she can take.

    I will be praying for your Mom and family.

    God Bless,


  5. Cindy,

    I am sorry to hear of your friends passing. We know he is in a better place but that still does not dull OUR pain. We can take comfort in the fact that we will see our friends and loved ones again.

    God Bless,


  6. Norme,

    I am sorry the news was not as good as hoped for but I do know the power of prayer can change it so you have my prayers along with the others here. I have a couple of bucks to throw in the "Island" kitty! Just pick someplace with warm trade winds and wonderful beaches!!

    God Bless,


  7. ((Lynne)) I am so sorry to hear this about Dean. You will both be in my prayers. I have to agree with Hebbie on this also. You don't want your Dr. to lie to you but you do want them to have some compassion. I was telling my Rad. Dr. about this board and how some Dr.s say you have x amount of time. His answer was "How can they say that, they aren't God". I agree with him. They are not God and they don't know. A best guess is all they can offer.

    Please keep your chins up, alot of people are rooting for you both!

    God Bless,


  8. Sometimes it DOES seem like the treatments are worse than the disease yet all we can do is make the most informed decisions possible and go from there. I have great admiration for those who have selected to end treatment for whatever reason. They have made THE most difficult decision they will EVER be called on to make. God Bless each of you and my prayer is that one day there will be NO cancer to claim us or our loved ones.


  9. Only your Mom and your family can make the decisions you seek and WHATEVER decision it is WILL be the right one. Please don't try to second guess any decision as that will only create heartache.

    I will keep your Mom and your family in my prayers. Please know that there are people who care deeply even though we have never met "In Person".

    God Bless you,


  10. I had my last PCI treatment today and it came at the perfect time. We are supposed to get 6 inches of snow tonight so I won't have to make that 65 mile trip in the snow!!! So far the side effects have been minimal, a little dry skin on my forehead, hair loss (of course), a bit of short term memory loss (but for silly things)and thats about it. We will see what the next month or so brings as my brain adjusts to NOT being blasted awake each morning, lol.

    I see my Onc. next week for a 2 month follow up and then a follow up with the radiologist on the 20th of Jan. As long as I remain "Stable" I will be happy.

    God Bless you all and thank you for the inspiration and good wishes I have received from you all.


  11. Tomorrow is my last PCI treatment!!! I did lose just about all my hair except for that on the back of my head. No skin problems other than my forehead broke out this week end. Not red or anything, just a little itchy and a few small bumps. Dr. gave me some cream and said it should be gone in a few days.

    Thanks for the information you all provided. Maybe by summer I will have a short and sporty hair do!!!

    God Bless You all,


  12. I had swelling in my face each morning when I awoke. Went in thinking it was an allergy and found out it was vena cava syndrome. As they say, the rest is history. I was lucky though because it was caught early and they have been able to treat it aggressivley.

    God Bless,


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