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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Ethyol is the ONLY drug I took during chemo or radiation that made me sicker than a dog, lol. We tried it twice and I threw up with in 1/2 hour of each shot and continued to throw up all day. Needless to say, twice was enough on THAT one, lol. Now another lady geting treated at the same time had NO problems at all so it can certainly affect everyone different. Mr. Dr. did have me stop all anti oxidants during treatment so be sure to speak with yours on what they recommend.

    God Bless,


  2. This REALLY has NOTHING to do with liver mets BUT when my son was born (1977) he had problems with his liver and the DR's had us make sure he got a lot of sunshine for the first month or so. The vitamins produced by the sunshine helped clear up his problems. He is a healthy, happy 26 year old now. Maybe a nice sheltered spot in the local park would be just what the Dr ordered, lol.

    In any case I will be praying for you!

    God Bless, MO

  3. Aruba is wonderful any time of the year. Be sure to rent a car and go to the Grotto, the California Point Light House and be sure to have dinner in the "Old Mill" one night. The Bushiribana ruins are worth a visit also. If you like to dive there is an old WWII wreck, the Antilla that you can dive on. I brought back lots of shells from wandering the beaches and memories that will last a life time. Did have to laugh though because we asked at our hotel where the best place to eat on the island was........ they told us Tony Romas! They also pushed KC strip steaks and since I live in MO that is NOT a high priority, lol! I can do those at home, lol.

    God Bless,


  4. I didn't start with throat pain for at least the first 3 weeks of radiation. After that it took 3 months before I could REALLY eat again but I made it through. Be sure she drinks LOTS of water and by that I mean at LEAST 2 liters a day. It helps alot!!!!!

    God Bless and prayers will be said for a successful trial!


  5. Kat, How long was it until it started coming in again after PCI? Mine was about 1 1/2 months after chemo and it was growing well till we started PCI.

    My Mom, before she passed away, lost her hair several years ago from chemo and it came back brown and curly (had been lanky, dull gray before chemo). That lasted about a year and then she started going gray again, lol.

    God Bless,


  6. I quit smoking the day they told me I had cancer. No drugs, no patches, cold turkey. I think what got me through the first days was the fact I was in the hospital for chemo because they started that right away. I won't tell you that there are days I wouldn't love to have another cig. but I look at my 4 year old grandson and would rather spend a few more days with him! I have also become a RABID, in your face, EX smoker, lol. Light up close to me someplace you aren't supposed to and you will get BOTH barrels!!!!! I would rather pis_ off a couple people in the hopes of getting 1 person to stop than have to welcome 100's more to this site!

    God Bless,


  7. Well, lol, the pain has gone away cause it has started to all fall out.......again!

    Wonder what color it will come in next time as????? I too started turning gray at 17 but I had colored it for so long I wasn't sure what color my "real" color was any more, lol. This came in WHITE!!!!! Sort of look like Susan Powter (sp) or will until tomorrow when it is all gone again, lol.

    Rad. Dr. checked my scalp today and said it looked good, not red or anything but I am sure that is still to come. I have 4 treatments left and then we start the waiting game!!!

    God Bless,


  8. I had my flu shot, always wash my hands and got a package of "dust" masks to wear when I am in large crowds. If anyone says anything I will just say it is my Michael Jackson impression! My biggest challenge is my grandson and what he brings home from daycare!

    God Bless,


  9. You can also contact your State Attorney Generals office and ask them to look in to it. They usually gave governing power over just about everything in the state and may be able to help. I am lucky I guess, a chest x-ray at my hosptial is $38.00 (and $58 to "read" it). Is there a county hospital or a hospital associated with a college near you? Usually you can get services like these done much cheaper at one of those and as long as you are getting your treatment someplace else you should be ok.

    God Bless,


  10. I have to relay these stories to you because they just go to show that things can ALWAYS be worse that even what WE are facing:

    Saturday night when I went to church there were 3 children being baptized. Their Grandma and Grandpa are members of my church and as all the "kids" were home for Thanksgiving they decided to do it all at once. It was so moving, brought tears to your eyes to see the love and pride in these Grandparents faces that 3 of their little ones were coming to the Lord. Well, yesterday " Grandpa" went to take his Mother in Law back to Arkansas where she lives ( maybe 4 hours away from here ) and when he arrived at her home he got out of the car and dropped dead of a heart attack!!!!! No warning, no illness, NOTHING!!!! This family has gone from great joy to great sorrow in less than 5 days!

    In Colorado a lady went out to feed and care for her horses and was mauled and killed by a pack of Pit Bulls! Even the experienced EMT's and firefighters who responded to the scene had a hard time with this one.

    Just goes to show that NONE of us know how much time we have or when our "Number" will be up. I agree with Ray that we need to live EVERY day like it is your last cause you never know, it could be!

    God Bless you all and do me a favor...........call someone you haven't spoken to for awhile, family, friend, old school mate and tell them that you love them. It will make BOTH of you feel good!!!!!


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