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Posts posted by MO_Sugar

  1. Thanks Greg and Kat. I found a really soft winter hat today and tried it on, it felt sooooooo good on my poor head, lol! I think my co workers are going to have to get used to me in this hat every day, lol.

    I will try the soaking and see it that helps. So far the skin on my head looks ok, not dry or flakey, it just HURTS, lol. My hair hasn't started to come out from the PCI but they tell me it will soon. 2 weeks to the day after my first chemo and it ALL came out in 1 day, lol. I was in hospital at the time because I had a reaction to the drugs and came out with no hair. My 4 year old grandson was a bit taken aback by that, lol. Greg. you are right, it is a SMALL price to pay and I only have 6 treatments left.

    God Bless you,


  2. Ok, I know this is a bit strange but my HAIR hurts! Actually, the skin on my head hurts from the PCI tratments but it had gotten so that when I put on my wig or a scarf, the movement of my hair hurts, lol. Dr. said I should start losing what hair I have in the next few days and I am here to tell you, I AM READY!!!! Can't imagine being GLAD to lose what hair has grown back but if it will stop this pain I am all for it. The other side effects I am feeling are major fatigue (gets worse every day) and a bit of a headache in the afternoon. I have gotten so I close my office door, turn off the lights, whip off my wig and lay my head down for a few minutes every afternoon, lol. I am so blessed to work for a great company that has been nothing but supportive through this whole process.

    Any recommendations on how to stop my hair from hurting are Welcome, lol!

    God Bless You All!!!

  3. Tami,

    It will take a lot more folks like you to see that there IS a World Cancer Day at some point. Especially a World LUNG Cancer Day. Sad thing is, most of us who have it don't live long enough to champion the cause. We are to busy trying to survive from day to day. I have talked to tons of people and have become an "In your face" type of activist when it comes to Lung Cancer. My only hope is that 1, just 1 person will hear me and NOT start smoking or if they have been smoking awhile will get to the Doctor and DEMAND a CT scan (at the least) to check for cancer.

    The statistics are awful but maybe we can do something to change that!

    God Bless you and keep on talking Tami!!!

  4. KimD,

    I agree that HE will not give us more than we can handle but some days it seems like his idea and ours are wayyyyyyy apart! On those days I just try and remember all the GOOD things that he has given me (starting with THAT day). It helps. God Bless you and I am praying for your family.


  5. Rosie,

    I also agree with Don. Please don't wait until it is to late. I was diagnosed with sclc in June of this year. SCLC can double in size in 30 days so left untreated it does not give one a long time. It is good that there is family close to be able to help your Mom right now. I will be praying for your Mom and for your family.

  6. Adam, I had several transfussions while undergoing chemo and I always felt better afterward. Takes awhile to get it all in but they always gave me Benadryl before hand so I slept through most of it. I am sure your Dad will be feeling better soon.

    God Bless,


  7. Linda,

    PCI is "Preventative Cranial Iradiation" in other words, I am having 15 blasts to the brain in hopes of NOT getting brain mets. I have had 8 so far and other than fatigue, a bit of a headache and some minor depression, I have been doing well. I think the depression is more caused by the holiday than the treatment but that is another story.

    I hope they can take care of your Dad and prayers will continue.

    God Bless,


  8. Michelle,

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers of healing for your family will be said.

    My Mom did the same thing when she passed. It did help a little knowing that she was in a better place and there were folks waiting to care for her there.

    I can only hope she is waiting with open arms for me when it is my time.

    God Bless us all,


  9. Sheesh, I think the short term memory loss has kicked in! I am cooking tonight (side dishes and such) for tomorrow as we are having our Thanksgiving dinner then. My daughter had to work Thursday and my son has in laws so rather than make them come here part of a day and then go there part of a day I said we would do ours on Sunday. Anyway, lol, I am baking pies and they JUST don't seem to be getting done. I finally get the Cherry Pie (for my daughter) done and put in MY pumpkin pie. Time is up and when I go to check on it the dang thing is barely cooked. Look at the temp gauge and what did I see???????????????? I still had the darn oven on PREHEAT!!!!! Can you say DUHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Has to be the radiation to my brain, lol, I couldn't have done that other wise!!!

  10. Cheryl,

    Loved your last one. I am going to give that to MY Onc. when I see him next!

    There is another one I saw in church tonight and that was............

    If you want to give God a good laugh, tell him what you have planned for your life!

    God Bless us all,


  11. Ellen,

    Your sister no more "Deserved" to get lung cancer than she deserves to get hit by a falling star! Only 10% of smokers get lung cancer so does that mean that 90% DON'T deserve it??? This is something that happens and no one knows why (YET!!). There ae lot's of folks here who have never smoked and they are fighting the same beast we are. With God's help we will beat it!! I hope your sister can fins an oncologist who will be aggressive in her treatment. God Bless,


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