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Posts posted by jaminkw

  1. Dawn, sorry you have to deal with all this. That episode you describe sounds terrifying. No more of those I hope. Hope in Stephanie's description of her friend's experience. Wishing a relatively comfortable life for you too. I need to get back on FB. I miss Becky's funnies. She makes me laugh so much.

    Will look forward to your update after your next appointment.

    Judy in KW

  2. Ronnie, thanks for sharing your holidays with us. Sounds hectic but worth it to share with your family. So glad you have Erica to be a support when you most need it.

    Continued good things for you going into 2012.

    Judy in KW

  3. Jim, I second Stephanie's suggestion to go to the docs at cancergrace. It's free and they are very good at giving an early response. I suspect it's that pesky effusion that they are looking at. It's what threw me into advance stage but mine did have cancer cells in it. But then I didn't have the tumor, so????? I surprised they biopsied the lining. I assumed that was not an option for me--either in the pleura or the abdominal wall. Then again, I suggested a look-see in the abdominal wall and my onc said they didn't want to put me thru it. My RN daughter suggested it wouldn't add anything to the pic. In your friend's case, I can see why. Let us know what you find out. Any chance here for a second opinion?

    Judy in KW

  4. Morning All! Mike, glad to see you turned off the lights last night. Sun's up and I get to open the window and let in the Air as Ann would say.

    Got a bare 6 hrs split sleep last night but am not complaining. It will get me through what I plan on being an easy day. In town for shot at 2 pm and a trip to the bank. Going to keep it slow and easy because I'm going to the flea market tomorrow (early I expect) with a friend. A real treat since I've hardly gone the past few years and need some reading glasses I get there.

    BTW Muriel, I drive myself back and forth to the hospital. It's only a 10-15 minute drive and the bag of benedryl doesn't seem to affect my concentration. Mostly all straight road home.

    Hope to see you all here again today. It's been fun!

    Judy in KW

  5. Evening All! What a treat to get done my chemo by 2 this afternoon. It's usually 3 or 4 and I go in at 9 am. Stan's gone and Ann, I'm snuggling by my space heater lol. Knew you'd be loving it. We don't expect to get out of the 70s for ten days at least. One day high 79, most lower. It will be nice wearing some of my warmer clothes.

    Judy, what a time you are having! I hope things turn around for you ASAP, first getting that private room. I don't like private rooms for my chemo. Had one for awhile at MDA (in a chair) and get one most of the time at this Key West hospital in a bed in a regular room. But I don't have to sleep there. I just miss having someone to talk to. Hope you are walking out of there soon.

    I slept well last night even though I got up at 5:30 am. I'd had a late am and a 7 pm steroids so I did good going to bed around 9:30. Two pills again today and a bag of the stuff--don't expect much tonight.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Judy in KW

  6. Oh Kasey, I remember the day we sat at lunch and you told me your inspiring story. I'll be it's as fresh in your mind as it was that day. Congratulations on your 7th year! Hope to see you in Washington in May.

    Judy in KW

  7. Stan made really big points today when I finally said I really didn't want to go to town. He suggested I didn't need to go. Neither of us need the pizza and our neighbor would be glad to take him in for his rental car. Yippee, seems that's what ailed me all along.

    Well now Eric, two dinner cancellations in a row would be just too much. Hope it comes off for you. Your connection with Jim at the gym sounds very nice, babysitting the dog once a week not so much.

    Janet, Stan has travelled most of our lives together. I've never been afraid even minus the dog. I'm with you about eating whatever I want whenever I want. With him not cooking, I may even lose some weight. I wouldn't be the one to recommend Angry Birds, I'm not past level two lol.

    Wish I could do JBs on Broadway but I hear the troupe at Lauderdale was great last year. Ginny, am sure I'll know the words too lol! As for New Orleans, I was there with a group of girlfriends, I think 5 of us. With enough wine, I remember we joined a congo line. What a blast! We waited in line to get a table and order those famous pastry thingies. Terrific.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone. Have a great evening everyone.

    Judy in KW

    Diane, I was pretty sure it was an obnoxious sounding quacking device. I heard about the lack of snow on the mountains, another blow to local economies.

    Stephanie, I loved the story of the birth of the Slugs. Those students had their priorities right.

  8. Morning All! Good to see you Lily. Glad you are enjoying your time with family. Sorry you all have to deal with yet another loss.

    We're on count-down for Stan leaving for OH again. I've been feeling down and out this week and he asked if I was sad he was leaving. There's no good answer to that. Yes makes him feel bad for going, no means I don't care lol. Truth is I'm starting to get this way every week going into chemo. I'm so tired of it. I will definitely inquire about that break in February. Am charging my ipod and nook color for the day-long infusion. I will never master angry bird!

    We're going to town today to run some last minute errands and then for pizza. Don't think there'll be any eating it at the beach. It's cold!

    Diane, I'll have to google "quacker" and see what comes up. Bet it's a feathered friend lol. Ginny, what a great idea giving yourself a BDay party. Sorry you're taking a turn with this winter's cold/flu. Ann, we did start cold yesterday but even colder today. The local Weather on Demand said it was going to be 39 last night. I prefer Miami's forcast for us--low forties. It's just the thought of it. Janet, I'm still digging deep for energy and it's returning gradually. Just in time for another infusion tomorrow. I'm trying to plan a trip to the mainland to see Jersey Boys and hope I'm up to it. Have to get busy on MEI taxes first. Sigh.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  9. Eric, you don't know confused! Judy, after I read your post, I went looking for "errant" post. I didn't know you could edit someone else's post lol.

    I can see how your recipe would work. Growing up, I saw my Aunt boiling them on top of the pot the chicken was cooking in. When I tried it, they were still gooey on the bottom.

    Judy in KW

  10. Morning All! Eric really started the Air but thinks it's Wednesday. That NY's party must have really left you a little dizzy.

    Yesterday I forgot to report on Sunday's fishing trip. It was fun. I caught three or four little fish my first casts. It was like the old days catching crappy bass in PA. The end of the day we put three lane snappers, one grunt and a lovely rosey grouper in the cooler. No real size but enough for three little bags of filets for me to cook while Stan's away. It was rough so we couldn't go out far and three hours was enough for me. We were glad to just be on the water wetting our lines.

    Stan wasn't ready with the office stuff yesterday so I did laundry all day. Sounds like the office stuff will be the last minute before he leaves as usual. Never on my schedule lol.

    Diane I L'dOL at the quacking. Never heard of them but think they'd send me running too. Love your new pic.

    Anne, glad you're feeling better and hope you're enjoying the cool weather. Hope you're doing o.k. too Katie. Judy, that dinner sounded fabulous. I love dumplings but never really got the hang of them. Wait--are they the ones that cook on top of the pot or noodles? I learned to make homemade noodles they called dumplings in PA but never mastered the others and love them.

    Eric, I'll try to merge your Wed with Tue. Don't you need a rest after all that holiday socializing? It sounded like great fun.

    Oh, the rooster was back crowing this morning according to Stan who is up before the bird. I'm on the other end of the house and don't even hear him if I'm not already awake.

    Hope I didn't miss anyone but have a great day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  11. Morning All! Glad so many of us had a happy and healthy holiday. Thinking of you Katie with the shingles though. Hope they give better pain meds now than they did years ago when I had them.

    Stan's mourning the new rooster that moved into the neighborhod for a few days. He didn't show up today. The first day it was in our tree. If some of you don't know, KW has roaming chickens that cause quite a controversy from time to time. You have the love the chickens group and the hate the chickens group. Frankly I love them for the baby chicks. Makes my day when I come across a brood in town. Funny but we have few of them out of town and this is the first we've heard in the neighborhood. Stan's a love the chicken guy but I'm sure there are haters when he crows at 5 in the morning lol.

    It's a work day for me today so I'm off into the office a few feet behind me lol. Have a good day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  12. Morning All and Happy New Year! Good for you Judy getting in the first post of the year. Maybe you can come back with some cool stuff like colored hats and confetti and stuff. Me, I almost made midnight but thought better of it. I didn't get up til after 8 as it was.

    The early evening party was great. Good food, nice people and conversation. The couple who had it are really into Christmas so the decorations were awesome.

    We're going fishing! I'm really nervous. I know that sounds strange. I was an avid fisherwomen most of my married life but it's been so long. Wonder if it's like riding a bike? Oh no, the last time I tried to do that I fell off lol. Stan's out getting the squid. We are just going to drift close to home for Lane Snapper so I should be o.k.

    The holiday is over and I need to start shedding some of the pounds I knew I'd gain. I don't eat a lot of food, it's just the party variety that does it to me. Too bad I still have a bit of it in the house sigh.

    I know tomorrow is another holiday for the d@m# postal workers. I know it wasn't my regular mailman but he/she put the mail on top of the mail to go out. We didn't get the mail from the box that day, so now our quote and invoice and worst yet my sister's BD card are sitting here waiting til Tues. Bummer.

    Hope you all have a great day.

    Judy in KW

  13. Morning All! Bud, I deleted two spammers just before I started the Air yesterday. Thank goodness he apparently wasn't online when I was. Sorry for the mess. I know what it is. I deleted about a dozen once but they were already there when I came online. Katie, I can't be sorrier for you. I've had shingles and it is the worst! I hope they give you good drug because the pain is hideous.

    Judy, thanks for the poem. It was lovely. Eric, Sally stayed sober at the party, what about you? Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Hope you all have a good time at your parties tonight. We used to go to one--an old folks party that started at 6 pm and ended at 9 pm. I didn't mind at all. I haven't made it up til the ball dropped (on ABC in Times Square of course) for several years. Think I DVR'd it last year lol. Anyway, I digress, the male of the couple who had the party died this year. No one has stepped up to replace it yet. We will be stopping in early for a little open house a friend is having to show their Christmas decorations I hear are awesome.

    Our little gatering was great last night. Just seven of us around the dining room table. I probably overdid the appetizers but no one would have to have dinner when they got home lol. It lasted about 3 hrs and that was just about as long as I could handle. I was really tired when it started!

    Have a great evening all and Happy New Year if I don't get on early or at all tomorrow. If the wind lays down, we are going fishing. Happy day.

    Judy in KW

  14. Morning All! Happy Friday for those of you working outside your home. Some of you might be lucky enough to already be off.

    Congratulations Bud! How nice it must be to be knocking off those 5 miles a day early. Your shoulder is bad but your knees are working. Stan stopped riding a bike years ago because it bothered his knees. But then, he is a bit older than you. For that matter, he's older than I lol.

    Judy, are you in trouble!!??!! With all docs gone, I wouldn't be able to even remember what was missing until I went to get it. On the crime shows, they have techs who can find stuff still hidden on the hard drive. Any chance of finding on of them. I have an AT&T Mobile device and am thinking of getting rid of it. It costs a bit of money (my phones, cable and internet are next to the biggest bill we have a month) and I get frustrated traveling through areas when I can't get on. I think of all that money I'm paying....We'll see.

    Ann, that's so funny. It happened in the company BR. Edges and corners that had obviously not been cleaned in awhile. Another edge of floor going into the main living area--very visible and obviously neglected for some time. Oh well, I'm finishing the touch up in the LR, DR and kitchen today. Think I'll do it with one eye closed lol.

    Stan was dressed and ready to go to his appointment early and came back in saying he forgot the doctor's name. I got up to help but by the time we found it, he'd be just on time. They ask (like all docs) you to come in early to fill out all that paperwork. That's why I wish I could have gone with him. He HATES paperwork and will be a bear by the time he gets to see the doc.

    O.k., up and doing to get ready for tonight. Just drinks and appetizers so without the cleaning, it would be a snap.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  15. Morning All! Was up to midnight last night. Unlike a lot of you, I don't get on the computer for fear I will get caught up and be up even later.

    Wendy picked up Dominick yesterday and after feeding and visiting with her, they were off. I'm on my way to getting my house back together. Good thing, we're having company tomorrow night. I had to tell Stan this morning that I couldn't go to the doctor with him tomorrow. He's o.k. with it, but I feel bad. His appointment is 9:45 and the orthos here are notorious for long waits. I'd be spastic thinking of getting home to get ready for company at 6 pm.

    Judy, good luck on the next step. Alan, you did a great job covering the biopsy. I wouldn't be too anxious to get that other lobe removed Judy. Ask Muriel.

    Bud, when Dominick and I were at the bridge where he was taking pics, a couple came around the bend in a kayak. I told Dominick I really wanted to do it but Stan says his shoulders wouldn't handle it. Dominick and I have plans to do the backcountry together next time he comes down. I can ooo and ahhhh while he takes pictures.

    I have to get in the office to do a quote and finish some touch-up cleaning. My lady says she has a part-time job now and can't come for touch-ups when I have company. Sucks. I know, I am spoiled rotten but I clean better than she does when I do clean lol.

    Have a great day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  16. Morning All! Coming in a little late, gathering the young man's stuff up preparatory to his leaving. Of course, he's 13 so still sleeping lol.

    Dominick hasn't uploaded the photos to my computer yet. Then I want to install my new Adobe Elements and see if it's easier to resize and send a pic here.

    Ann, you must be loving this weather because I'm cold lol. Put on a sweater, slippers and a little blanket to sit on the porch this morning. Dominick is thrilled it's getting cold. He can wear his new Drop Dead jacket we gave him for Christmas. Glad that other kind of cold is getting better. That's about how long mine took.

    Going to go wake the kid and make pancakes. Have a great day everyone.

    Judy in KW

  17. I agree with Randy that two infusions is too soon to assess if a chemo is working. It sounds to me that his quality of life is what is bumming him also and that might come significantly from the bicep pain and the pain meds making him sleep all the time. That fatigue is compounded by the chemo. There is at least one member onsite who is a survivor from NIH with a wonderful story/outcome. Maybe Kasey will pop in soon. I hope his drs will heed NIH recommendation to look at that bicep again. Also, sounds like some different pain management could be tried.

    Do keep in touch and give us more info along the lines Randy suggested.

    Judy in KW

  18. Jim, we can certainly stay in touch here. Except for infrequent usually brief lapses, I'm pretty regular onsite and there is always the pm. I get email notifications of them.

    Duh, time flies when you are having fun. My chest wall has shown no evidence of disease since 2010, making it two years this Feb. I might mention, if I haven't already, they never did find a tumor in my lung or anywhere else. That made radiation and surgery not an option. My cancer manifested itself in a malignant thickening in the pleura or chest wall (now gone) and then in the lining of my abdominal wall. In any case, the fact of the pleural effusion and the malignancy in the chest wall constituting a matasticism (sp?) is what makes me advanced LC. It really has had no relationship for the most part to symptoms or how I feel except for chemo side-effects. I had fluid again in my abdomen (again with evidence of cancerous cells) so the fluid is something I really seek to avoid.

    Hang in there.

    Judy in KW

  19. Good job Judy on the test and setting up the possible biopsy to suit your preference.

    Am I going to miss this boy who is leaving tomorrow! We went to town, got Starbuck's in the Marriot's lobby and lunch from their tiki bar. Sat forever chatting, then to Ross's to get him an Asian bowl for our house here. Next stop Office Max and a quick duck into the Dollar Store for a BDay card. On the way home, we stopped at a quaint little bridge on our road where he wanted to take pics with the new Canon camera his mother bought him for Christmas. What a great day! He is just a joy to be with.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    Judy in KW

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