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    Cooking, Sewing, Gardening
  1. Newbie

    Jenny G.

    Hi Jenny, Did you get my reply to your last email? I don't have a copy in the sent box so I'm wondering if it went into the ozone.
  2. Hi Jenny, Just checking up to see how you're doing.
  3. Hi Bud, Were your lungs completely clear when you had PCI? Reason I ask is I am having PCI, had my 3rd of 10 today. My gp gave me a copy of the scan report and there is still a node that is affected in my right lung. His opinion of it is not nearly as optimistic as the radiation oncologists. Needless to say I'm worried.
  4. Hi Jenny, I guess it's a small thing but my hair was just starting to fill in again. Oh well, that's why I bought a wig. Yes Dexamethasone is Decadron, I'm not sure but I think Decadron may be a type of brand name and the other is the pharmaceutical name. I'm having a total of ten treatments, so nine more to go. How many are you getting?
  5. Hi Jenny and Karen, It's interesting that the oncologist wouldn't have mentioned headaches, nausea, etc. The very first time that the med onc and the rad onc talked to me about brain radiation they both mentioned headaches and nausea. And everytime the subject came up after, they'd remind me. I just had my first brain rad this afternoon (a couple of hours ago) and they gave me an information sheet that mentions nausea and headaches as well as things to watch out for and call the dr. So far I'm a little headachy, hopefully that's all that will happen. Hope your hubby feels better soon. Jenny, is the steroid they're giving you Decadron?
  6. Hi Sandy, I too have a scan today at 6:30 p.m. I guess our healhcare system is so overloaded that they're working nightshifts. Anyway this will be my first since chemo and radiation, so I'm really nervous. Best of luck and I will pray for you.
  7. I just went for my first lesson in Qi Gong this afternoon. While I was far from a star pupil I definitely enjoyed it and felt better afterward. It got rid of the depression and even if it's temporary, that's good enough for me. But, it is said to be healing as well. The class I went to is outdoors and is especially for cancer patients and survivors. Just wondered if anyone else has taken this up and what the result were.
  8. Have you noticed a change in your fingernails and/or toenails either as a result of your disease or chemotherapy. If so, what changed? I'm curious because my oncologist asked how long my nails had been like that. The nail bed has a high curve instead of flat and I have developed vertical ridges in my nails.
  9. Thanks for your responses and the hugs. It helps to know that other people understand what you're experiencing. I'm lucky I have a supportive family but they can't understand how I feel even though they try. So thanks again for your support.
  10. Hi Jennie, I admire your strength. There was no way I could have continued working as I was fairly sick and maximum stressed. My concentration was nil, other than brooding. I completely understand why you would continue working, I didn't have that option because I would have been totally useless and they would have insisted I go on disability. But I think I would have been a lot less depressed had I continued to work. Not very helpful to my employer perhaps but better for me.
  11. I need a hug or something. I am having a really tough time with depression. Unfortunately I'm extremely sensitive to anti-depressants. Yesterday I decided to up my dosage from 50 mg to 75 and spent the day feeling totally weird, dizzy, light-headed, short of breath, etc. I know that I don't have anymore reason to be depressed than anyone else on this board, but that doesn't help either. Any suggestions????
  12. Hi Jenny, When do you start the brain radiation series? I'll be sending good vibes your way. Also you mention working shorter hours during the radiation. Have you worked through your treatment, or just gone back recently? My oncologist said no work for 3 months after treatment completes, and I envision myself going bonkers. Sure would like to have your oncologist (I think).
  13. Although I have just recently joined myself I find the people here encouraging and supportive. I'm sure you'll find the same. Welcome aboard.
  14. Hi, I was just reading up on IP6 and wondered if anyone here has tried it or has additional information. Thanks!
  15. Newbie

    Jenny G

    Thanks for your reply Jenny. You're always so informative, it's wonderful. Anyway the dr said after my last visit she took another look at the CT scan report and wants to review the scan with the radiologist. There was a shadow on the brain that the radiologist thought was dead brain cells, apparently quite common in older people (like me). That according to my gp. She may decide I need an MRI so now I'm all freaked out again. What is the treatment if there is something there, do you know? I should have asked her but my mind was kind of racing, so I missed my opportunity. She is supposed to call me on Monday, so I guess I can ask her then. Thanks again for your info.
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