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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Nancy B

    Surgery again

    I had my upper left lobe removed and then 5 years later had most of the lower left lobe removed. My surgeon told me that we have far more lung capacity than we need. I do still have my entire right lung, but even with most of the left lung gone, my lung function is still 97%. If her lungs were in good shape before the cancer, I don't think she should have any problems. Good luck to her and take care of yourself too. Nancy B
  2. Fay, you are soooooo wise. I never looked at it that way but - WOW - you are so right. Thank you. I don't know what we would do without your kind heart and rational reasoning. You really do help me keep things in perspective and I am very grateful for that. You are in my prayers - let me know if you need anything. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  3. Hi Sandra, welcome. I don't have any answers for you but just want you to know that there are many caring people here, and someone will have the answers you are looking for. Hugs, Nancy B
  4. Thanks Fay, you are a sweetheart. You are also a very creative person - any ideas? Love ya Nancy B
  5. We have a Top Alcohol Funny Car and we will be racing at a very major race here in SO CA in February. Until we land a major sponsor, the whole side of our car is blank. My husband and son have offered to put something about lung cancer on the side of the car for this event. This race usually draws 30,000 to 50,000 people over a 4-day period. Besides being a 250 mph billboard, the spectators are able to walk through the pits to see the cars and talk with the drivers (our son). So, what should I put on the side of the car (both sides). My son suggested the breathDeep bracelet. I thought about Lungevity as I want the focus to be on lung cancer research. I will have the LCSC flyers to hand out at our pit area. We can't sell anything (NHRA would take the profits). But this is free advertising and our son knows the announcer so he might be able to get it brought up when we are on the starting line. This is drag racing (only 2 cars on the starting line at one time). I would appreciate any ideas. If anyone wants to see a picture of the car, I can e-mail it, I don't know how to post pictures here. Please let me know if you have any questions about the race or the car. Thanks for your help. Hugs, Nancy B
  6. Nancy B


    I am so sorry to hear this. Addie, classy lady, we will miss you so much. Prayers for her family and friends. I just keep crying.
  7. Fay, you are soooooo due to have things go your way. Please let me know what's going on and if I can help in any way. If you have surgery, where will it be? I am praying for only good things for you. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  8. Jlynn, welcome and let us know what we can do to help you. Hugs, Nancy B
  9. Nancy B

    Cindi says.......

    My first visit to the Pub also, but that group hug sure sounds good. A Pinot Noir sounds nice too. Too many tears, need lots of hugs. Love to all, Nancy B
  10. I can only cry and pray for peace for Leslie's family.
  11. Prayers for Uncle Doug. Thanks Pat for the up-date. Hope you are doing OK. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  12. Dear Heather, this must be so hard for you guys - you are so young. Please let us help you. Let us know what you need. Hugs, Nancy B
  13. Suzie Q, so sorry to hear about the loss of your Dad. My prayers are with you and your Mom. I pray that your Mom is doing well. Hugs, Nancy B
  14. Millie, I pick 1, just because I really hope it didn't happen. Actually, I did surf most days but I never did drive a rocket-powered car (came close but just didn't get the chance). Don't know what I must have been thinking, it went over 300 mph.
  15. 1. While living in Hawaii went surfing most days. 2. Managed an auto racing track in the late 70's. 3. Drove a rocket-powered car.
  16. Hi Melinda, my Mom and Dad live in Ft. Myers and they might know of a cancer center there. Their neighbor had lung cancer. They also work at Gulf Coast Hospital (volunteers) and they can ask around there. I will talk to my Mom tomorrow and will let you know what I find out. Take care, Nancy B
  17. Hi Andrea, I just put a check in the mail for 3 more. Thanks, Nancy B
  18. Hi Marie, I know how you feel. My veins are junk also. My last MRI had to be stopped because after 6 tries they couldn't get the contrast injected. I made an appointment with my chemo nurse to put in a line, tape it up and then I went over to finish the MRI. Chemo nurses are used to bad veins all day, every day. I was also told to drink lots of water before hand, that may help. Just hang in there and it will be over before you know it. When they have to stick me more than once I don't hesitate to cry if I feel like it. Hugs, Nancy B
  19. Carleen and Keith, I am so happy for you both. This will be the most beautiful and loved baby. God bless you all. Hugs, Nancy B
  20. Bunny, what a neat experience. I love hockey (LA Kings). I've got to get to a game soon.
  21. Kasey, great news, I am so happy for you. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  22. Hi Bonnie, welcome. So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mom. Mom's are special. Please let us know what we can do to support you in this trying time. Hugs, Nancy B
  23. Congrats Karen. Keep up the good work and let's get together sometime. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  24. Welcome Ginnie, looking forward to getting to know you. We will all ride along with you. Hugs, Nancy B
  25. Bill, so glad you are back. You will be done with radiation before you know it and I am praying that you will have very minimal side effects. Hugs, Nancy B
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