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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Lori, I can't help you with either of those options, but just wanted to tell you what a sweetheart of a daughter you are. Bless you. I hope everything works out for your Mom. All of you are in my prayers. Hugs, Nancy B
  2. Nancy B

    Hello God

    Thank you Donna. I really like this.
  3. Pat and Brian, Thanks Pat for posting, I have been wondering and praying. So glad Brian seems to have rallied somewhat. You guys just hang in there - my prayers are coming non-stop. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  4. I saw a poster the other day. "If you're smoking in here, you'd better be on fire". I am going to put that one in our race car trailer. Too many smokers at the races.
  5. The Wellness Community in Pasadena, CA is holding a "Frankly Speaking About Lung Cancer" Workshop on November 12th - 8:30-12:30. There will be current information about diagnosis, staging, and treatment of lung cancer including novel therapies and side effect management. There will be a lung cancer survivor's panel (3 of us). A thoracic surgeon and a radiation oncologist will be speaking. The workshop is free and a continental brakfast is included. LCSC is having a table there and I would love to meet any of you that can come. Wellness would like an rsvp so if anyone wants to come, just let me know and I will let them know. Thanks and hugs to all. Nancy B
  6. hot chicken broth (if I can find it with no msg)
  7. I agree with you. Every store, gas station, dry cleaners I go into, they ask if I want to contribute to breast cancer. I tell them no, if it was lung cancer that is a different story. Even though I have very good friends that have had breast cancer and I have supported them, I am "up to here" with pink. My breast cancer friend and I went to the Cure Forum in San Diego. There was a 20 minute talk on breast cancer and then the next doc was speaking on lung cancer. After the breast cancer talk, at least 50% of the people in the room left. We thought that was rude. Theirs isn't the only kind of cancer out there. My friend and I stayed for the prostate, lymphoma and colorectal talks - we just thought it was the right thing to do. Those people are important too. Well, boy, you got me up on my soapbox. Thanks for reading. Nancy B
  8. Nancy B

    Safely home

    Pat, I am sure it feel's good to be home. I am sorry things didn't work out as planned. I hope Brian feels better soon. My prayers are with you guys. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  9. I have talked to my Mom and Dad and they are fine. No power, trees down but no major damage. Thank God. They were without power last year for 4 days, they are better prepared this year. Thank you everyone for your prayers. Hugs to all, Nancy B
  10. Hi Marie, welcome. Sorry you have to be here. Try to stay calm, I know it isn't easy. There are plenty of folks on here that have had 1 or 2 lobes removed and some a whole lung. It is doable. Stay close, there are great people on here to encourage you and help you. Let us know what we can do. Hugs, Nancy B
  11. Prayers please. They are not near the beach but I am still afraid for them. They had no where to go so they are staying. Thanks Nancy B
  12. I am so sorry you have to be feeling like this. Ry's list thing is a good idea - maybe getting the good and bad down on paper might help you sort things out. I really think I would be feeling the same way. When is your husband due back? Wish I could be more help. Just know that I am praying for you and Carolyn. Hugs, Nancy B
  13. Yes, that was a great book. I just finished The Two Doors of Heaven by John Bolin. WOW! It is a very short book and large print - very easy reading, but, boy, what a message. I love to get book recommendations - love to read. Thanks Nancy B
  14. Wonderful news - what an inspiration Lucie is. God bless you both. Hugs, Nancy B
  15. Lots of prayers for Brian and Pat always.
  16. Thanks Ann, I needed to read that today. Nancy B
  17. Hi Donna, I know when I had PCI I had no appetite so my poop was not a normal color, I just wasn't eating enough. I think what we eat has something do to with the color, maybe? Just know that you guys are in my prayers. Take care. Nancy B
  18. Thanks Surveyor, for taking such good notes. It was a fantastic weekend. I really enjoyed meeting you and your darling wife. Wish we had more time to get to know each other. Hope you can come down for the Wellness Community's "Frankly Speaking about Lung Cancer" in November. I didn't learn much more about my cancer, but the break-out workshops were great. There was Spiritual Fitness (not necessarily religious unless you wanted it to be), Healing Touch, You Can Handle More than You think You can, and Walking Well. The lung cancer doctor didn't mention SCLC and when I asked him why he said because there aren't any really new drugs on the market. He focused on NSCLC and the several new drugs just out this past year or so. A great weekend. Next year the CA one is in San Franciso and I plan on attending. Everyone was so nice, especially Surveyor and his wife. Nancy B
  19. Pat, so sorry to hear this. I am praying for you guys, and Brian's doctors that they figure out what is wrong and fix it. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  20. Addie, you are beautiful. You look great with no hair - and yes, you are radiant. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  21. Good for you! I don't write things very well so I am no help to you there, but I am sure there are plenty of people on here that can help you. If you go to lungcanceralliance.org they have alot of information that you could use. Thanks for doing this and good luck. Nancy B
  22. Beth and Bill, many prayers for strength and comfort. Hugs, Nancy B
  23. Stephi, sounds like you have got alot going on. Stay with us here and we will help you. Take care, Nancy B
  24. Good news. Normal is as normal does (whatever that means). Not really sure what is normal anymore. I just get up in the morning and whatever happens that day is "normal" So glad things are going good for you. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  25. Nancy B

    Charlie is Good

    Tina, great news. Prayers do work and miracles happen. Hugs, Nancy B
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