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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Debi, So glad your MRI was clear. I do know about the anxiety!!! I almost didn't read this because I am going for an MRI in about an hour and I was afraid to see what you were going to say. I got the same thing with the music (loud and hard rock), I think I am going to request classical this morning, maybe alittle more soothing. I hope you can find the cause for your dizziness and that it is nothing serious - could it be dehydration? I have not been dizzy but have some vision and balance problems - I am hoping that it is just the residual effects of the PCI. Thanks for sharing your story - it made me feel not quite so alone this morning. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  2. Hi Bev, I finished 20 PCI treatments about the middle of November. I got through surgery, 4 chemo cycles and the PCI without losing a pound (didn't gain, just didn't lose). Right after Christmas I started feeling very nauseous, the thought of food made me sick. I finally thought maybe there was a carbon monoxide leak in our house (older house). I read up on the symptoms on the internet and I had them all except for the ringing in the ears. I called the gas company on a Sunday morning and they told me to get out of the house and they would be here shortly. Mollie (my dog) and I sat in the car for 2 hours waiting. Well, there was no cm, so finally my gp gave me some suppositories to stop the nausea. I guess this lasted about a month. They suggested Ensure or Boost. Gosh, this is getting long....but, I have lost 30 lbs - needed to, but I still don't have my appetite back. I eat healthy and just til I'm full (doesn't take much. They don't want me to lose anymore weight. But no more nausea! I really thought I had like a 2-week stomach flu - no one ever told me there would be side effects that long after treatment. I am not sure if it has to do with the radiation, but food just doesn't taste that good anymore, which is not an all bad thing. I would be interested to hear from others that have experienced this. Bev, you are the first one I have heard from but sounds like exactly the same thing I had happen. Just be careful to not get dehydrated and see if you can get some anti-nausea drugs from you doc to get you through this. Best of luck to you. PM me if you want to talk. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  3. Frank, I am so glad you aren't planning on going anywhere anytime soon - we need you here. I don't post often but I really like reading your posts and I love your jokes. Keep up the great attitude! Hugs and prayers Nancy B
  4. I walked the Survivor's lap at a Relay for Life this morning. All over the place were signs about quitting smoking. I had printed out the ad from the Wall Street Journal about the gal who couldn't quit smoking, because she had never started. I took it to the booth that hands out information and asked if they would post it and they said they would be glad to. I didn't contribute as I like all my donations to benefit lung cancer concerns. Is there a place to donate that you know the money is going for lung cancer research? Before I got hit with this again, I was looking into doing a Run for the Lungs marathon for the Lung Cancer Alliance - I may still try. Prayers for all. Nancy B
  5. Shelly, oh my gosh! It is no wonder you are so proud of Nick - he has really been through alot (you too). I can't imagine. I have a 23 year old son and I have been called to the ER more than once (high school baseball accident, car accident at work, etc.) but nothing as serious as Nick's accident. I signed Nick's guest book. I can see why you are so proud of him. Good luck to you both. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  6. Hi everybody, I have a very dear friend that is going through treatment for a brain tumor. She has had surgery and radiation and now chemo. The Decadron is causing her to have an unsatiable appetite. It is really concerning her - she can't stop eating. She has gone from being very thin to, well, very heavy. Any suggestions for her? She is on 12mg a day. The Decadron affected me the opposite. I am so "not typical". I lost my appetite and lost 30 lbs so I just don't have anything to help her. Thanks for your help Love and hugs, Nancy B
  7. Hi Fay, It went OK. Only one other gal showed up to start and then later an older couple. They hope to get the word out and attract more people. Not sure an hour will be enough time when things get rolling. My surgeon and the Radiation Oncology Social Worker are the facilitators. They are very open to any suggestions that we have as to how to run the group. I did give the ROSW this website and literature from here. They only meet once a month but it is a start. I wish you lived closer so you could come too - I think you could offer alot to the group and hopefully take something away too. If anyone has suggestions on what you would want out of a group like this, I would love to hear them and pass them on. They seem like they are really trying hard to do "something" about lung cancer. I would like to see this group grow strong and spin-off to help other people in other areas. Praying for us all. Hugs, Nancy B
  8. Oliver, Nice to meet you. Glad your are "out of the shadows".....welcome aboard. Sounds like you are doing all the right things. I have a 23 year old son - he is taking me to lunch and a movie today. Thanks for the Mother's Day wish and looking forward to getting to know you. Nancy B
  9. Nancy B

    Crash & Burn

    Oh Sandy, what rotten news. It sure seems like they play with our emotions. Definitely get a second opinion and if they say take it out, then get it out of there. I am praying for you. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  10. Jen, I am so sorry to hear this, but don't forget, miracles do happen. You don't need to pretend to be OK, of course, you are not OK for now. Can you take something for depression? Zoloft works for me. Just know that we all are praying for you. Take care and please call me if you want to talk. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  11. Nancy B

    Hot Diggity!

    Sandy, Wonderful news - I will be praying for no change for many, many years. Hugs and Prayers, Nancy B
  12. Betty, Your are in my thoughts and prayers every day. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  13. Peggy, So glad to hear your son is on the mend. Prayers going out to you and your hubby. I only found out this morning that my husband had an appt. with an ENT doc. He has had something in his throat for a while (which he also didn't say anything about). After a few anxious hours (me, of course, thinking throat cancer)it turns out it is an infection and he was put on antibiotics. It is good that your husband will tell you medical things but it sure is like pulling teeth to get these guys to a doctor. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys - your son too. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  14. Hi Everybody, The Huntington Cancer Center in Pasadena, CA is starting a monthly support group. Both of the facilitators are Drs (one of them is my surgeon). I am really excited to meet other lc's face to face. If anyone on here (survivor, spouse and/or family) is in the area, the first meeting is tomorrow 5-6pm at Huntington Hospital. They will be meeting the first Tuesday of the month. Hugs and prayers to all. Nancy B
  15. Cathy, so glad you had a good week. It think it is so great that your family has joined us. Just keep on having good weeks. You are in my prayers daily. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  16. Gosh, Beth, I don't know anything about pneumonitis but I have a problem with very thick mucous (sp). It was even noted in my surgical report. My allergy doctor and my pulmonologist recommended Mucinex (twice a day)to thin it out. I recently got bronchitis that turned into pneumonia (mild case) and I was told by my pulmonologist to get back on the Mucinex (it is over the counter). It really does help. Some times I can't even talk without clearing my throat constantly but this does help. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys. Nancy B
  17. Don, prayers coming. I have a 23 year old and it's just as scary when they get sick at that age as when they were babies. Praying that everything will check out just fine. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  18. Nancy B

    Jen / jca...

    Jen, my thoughts and prayers are with you just about hourly. You are a strong lady and you can get through this - there are alot of strong thoughts and prayers from everybody here. Please let me know if I can do anything at all or if you just want to talk. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  19. Cindy, so glad you are home and doing well. Versed is great stuff - I get that for my colonoscopys (5 of um) I woke up during a breast biopsy but I couldn't talk, scary deal. My surgeon was very surprised when I quoted to him what he said the last 15 minutes of the surgery. He said "that's not suppose to happen"!!! Prayers for a quick recovery and everything gets back to normal. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  20. Dean Carl, so glad to see you post - I just love reading everything you write. You really should write a book. Take care and hope you can get out more with your wheel chair. Thinking of and praying for you and Gay always. Hugs, Nancy B
  21. Trish, Welcome. You will find much support and information here. Sounds like your husband is young and in pretty good shape and sounds like you are being very pro-active about his treatment. You guys hang in there and we will be here to help. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  22. Nancy B

    A wee favor...

    Becky, I am praying for Nathaniel and his family. It is sooooooo scary when little kids are sick. But they are tough little buggers. Hope all is well real soon. Hugs, Nancy B
  23. Prayers for your Mom and you. Sounds like you are a good advocate for your Mom, we all need that when we are in the hospital. Stay strong and know that we are all here for you. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  24. Sharon, I wish you peace. I always looked forward to your posts (your Dad looks like such a sweetheart and reminds me of my Daddy). You and your family will still be in my prayers. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
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