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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Hi Andrea, Sorry to hear about your friend. I have had both, only at different times, nsclc in Feb 2000 and sclc diagnosed this year. I have just finished chemo and then 20 PCI treatments. Don't know if I can be of any help but if you have any specific questions, please feel free to PM me. Also, I am just up the road from you and will get my phone number to you if you want to call. Please let me know if I can do anything at all. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  2. Nancy B

    Sandy blew it!

    Sandy, Prayers coming that everything is clear. You just hang in there - everything is going to be OK. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  3. Fay, so sorry to hear about your aunt. Sorry I didn't see your post sooner. Did she live close to you? It doesn't matter the age, it always hurts to lose someone special. My prayers are with you. Call me if I can help in any way. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  4. Oh my gosh Ken, sounds like you are doing great (after what you have been through!!!). Just be sure to take it easy and don't over-do (it's easy to do that). Just take it easy for a while and take care of yourself. Prayers for continued healing and good recovery for you. Hugs, NancyB
  5. Hi Doug, I flew to Florida 4 months after surgery 4 years ago and had no trouble at all. I did arrange for a wheel chair in Atlanta (just too far to walk carrying a bag). Actually my Mom arranged it - I probably could have walked, but figured why wear myself out before I get there. Take care and have a good trip. Nancy B
  6. Hi There, Welcome to the most caring and supportive group of people ever! Sorry you have to be here. I just (two weeks ago) finished 4 weeks of brain radiation. I was diagnosed with sclc in April, surgery in June, 4 months of chemo and then the radiation. I am a 4 1/2 year survivor of nsclc and I definitely plan on surviving this one also. My radiation oncologist told us that without the brain radiation the percentages of having it go to the brain are 30-50% and with the radiation, 4-8%. I didn't have to think twice. She was going to do 15 treatments, then upped it to 17 as she had a failure at 15 and when she saw that I was tolerating it well, we went to 20 just to be safe. I had a few side effects the first week so she started me on Decadron. I did have residual burns to my forehead and ears but that is all healing now. Please PM me if you have any other questions. Take care, Nancy B
  7. Decadron is a steroid and it really helped me. I was told that there is a 2 week lag in the radiation. The first two weeks I didn't have many side effects once I went on the steroid, some fatigue and just generally not feeling good. The last 3-4 days my forehead and temples and ears have a really good "sunburn" - they gave me Aquaphor to put on it. They said the burns will intensify the next two weeks and will then get better - also same with the fatigue. I have been going straight to work from radiation but headed home if I started to feel shaky. I just try to sit down or lay down when I need to - I am not one to baby myself, BUT there is a time! I sure wish you didn't have to be so sick with the radiation. Take care, please let me know if I can do anything. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  8. Nancy B

    DavidC today

    Prayers coming Becky. Hope is out of there and home soon. Hugs, Nancy B
  9. Hi schmaydee, I just finished my 20th and final PCI treatment yesterday. The first week I had headaches, nausea and my eyes didn't seem to work right. They put me on 8 mgs of decadron and that worked. Mid treatment they dropped me to 4 mg a day and that wasn't enough. I went back to six and today I go back to 4. I sure hope you can find out what is causing you to feel so bad. Just hang in there and you will be through before you know it. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B ps to Di - I sure would pursue the PCI (they upped my treatments from 15 to 20 just to make sure).
  10. Dean, So glad to see your post. I wish you would consider writing or recording a book of all your wonderful thoughts and insights. I will look forward to seeing you back again here soon. Love and hugs to you and Gay, Nancy B
  11. Becky, Katie B sent me one of your pins when I made a donation to the site. It really is beautiful and I am wearing it proudly. Thanks. Hugs, Nancy B
  12. Nancy B


    Francine, Prayers coming your way for nothing but good results! Love and hugs, Nancy B
  13. Nancy B

    feelin sad...

    Tami, Sending you many hugs and birthday wishes. You are special - celebrate! Love and hugs, Nancy B
  14. Dear Kitkathi, sounds like a really neat Dad that worries about you first.....my Dad is like that too! My prayers are with you guys. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  15. Kitty, please take care of yourself. You are a special person and we need you here - do what you have to do to get you better and keep in touch. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  16. Mary, Vent away! Sometimes it seems like it all hits at once. I have dealt with; blood in the urine (all the tests negative), basal cell skin cancer (have 10 stitches in my nose right now), thyroid ultrasound coming up (high risk for thyroid cancer), irregular heart beat (on medication)........sometimes it sounds like I might be about 90 years old (only 57). Just hang in there, make a list and cross off the things you have seen to - I really believe in being very pro-active about my health so maybe that is why I have so many doctors. It does get somewhat frustrating. Just take care of yourself! Love and Hugs, Nancy B
  17. Cheryl, I have been wondering how things were going with the job. Sounds like you are taking the right steps to make things happen for you. I just hope and pray that everything works out for you. Just take care of yourself and your precious horses (they are so beautiful). Try not to stress too much - that's not good either. My prayers are with you. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  18. Cindy, Maybe your surgeon can recommend someone to follow up with in his absence. My first surgeon ( 4 years ago) was just wonderful, hopeful, and very helpful. When I went back for my 3 month check up with him I learned he had moved to another practice and another hospital. Talk about feeling abandoned!! But the surgeon I got in his place (this second go-around) is even better! I sometimes think things work out for the best. I am so glad everything turned out good. Just keep the good things going!! Love and hugs, Nancy B
  19. Nancy B


    Gail, so glad to hear the great news. You have talked me into a facial - sounds wonderful. Enjoy the holidays - you deserve it! Love and hugs, Nancy B
  20. The Los Angeles Times has a 10-12 page Health Section every Monday. I just sent off an e-mail to them. Hopefully something will happen. Thanks for the reminder, I just wouldn't have thought about it. (They're frying my brain right now).
  21. Oh Debi, I am so sorry about Casey. Casey isn't "just a cat" anymore than my Mollie is "just a dog". They don't know that. This must be so hard for you and I am sorry that you have to tell your son but kids can be pretty strong. I know Casey knew you loved him. You didn't do anything wrong, your were taking care of yourself and your son - don't be so hard on yourself. Think of Norme's Rainbow Bridge. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  22. It was not cancer! Thanks everybody for your prayers. Turns out it is a 5cm piece of fatty tissue attached to her heart. They are not concerned about it. We are so relieved. Many hugs, Nancy B
  23. Karen and Paddy, I am so very sorry to hear this news. My prayers are with you guys. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  24. Paddy, Sure hope things are much improved and you guys are home. My prayers are with you. Take care. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  25. Cheryl, Hope the transfusion fixes up your blood counts. Glad to see you are back posting. I love the picture. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Nancy B
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