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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Nancy B


    Rachel, just want to wish you the best. Just know that many prayers are being said and please keep in touch when you can. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  2. Thanks Andrea - way to go Heather! I am so impressed with the coverage you have gotten - you have really worked hard for us. Thanks. Hugs, Nancy B
  3. Good news Bruce - prayers and hugs coming your way!
  4. Nothing lit up on my PET scan. Alot of big sighs of relief around here. I was fitted for my mask yesterday. A 45 minute experience and I am slightly claustrophobic. I will have my first treatment today. My radiation oncologist is giving me 17 treatments instead of 15 (she said she had a failure at 15). Another interesting thing she said--we were talking about side effects of PCI and short term memory loss is one, but she said that there has been research done that indicates that sclc tumors can cause this short term memory loss even before treatment begins (something in the tumor causes it). Has anybody heard of this? I would sure like to do some research on it. Anyway, would love some prayers - I am alittle nervous about the PCI. Will report back and let you know how things go. Love you guys, Nancy B
  5. Prayers coming for Caleb. You guys have the cutest kids, they are just adorable - all of them. Prayers and hugs, Nancy B
  6. Rich, Here's hoping the spine lesion is just old scar tissue or something so you can get started on the chemo and get it over with. Just hang in there - we're all here for you. Hugs, Nancy B
  7. Heather, Prayers being said for Peggy. Please let her know that we are thinking of her and praying for her. Please let us know how she is doing. I have taken advantage of the Wellness Community here as well - great place for support. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  8. Hi Katie, welcome, sorry you have to be here. When I was diagnosed with nsclc 4 years ago, in December, I finally had surgery on Feb. 10th. They had to do alot of scans, bone, abdomen, pelvic, to make sure it hadn't spread before they did surgery. NSC is very slow growing. This last time I was diagnosed last of April and had surgery June 2nd. They really thought it was probably nsc since that is what I had last time, but this time it was sc - which grows very quickly. But, after 4 rounds of chemo, I am all clear. They really need to do all their tests to properly treat and stage - I KNOW it seems like forever but it really is best that the docs know what they are dealing with. Just don't let anybody tell you he is too old. My Dad is 83 and still plays tennis 3 times a week. If you can, go to his appointments with him. I know my parents tend to just take the word of the doctor and go with it. Sometimes you need to step in and insist on things....treatment, etc. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going. My prayers are with you and your Dad. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  9. Kathy, you bet it's BIG NEWS - WONDERFUL NEWS. Big sigh of relief and keep on goin. May you have many, many more clean scans. Hugs, Nancy B
  10. Don and Lucie, YOU BOTH ARE AMAZING! So glad to hear the good news and hope the final 2 treatments go by very quickly. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  11. Hi Joanie, I, too, am looking at PCI. I finished chemo on Sept. 9th and have been doing all the ct, pet and mri scans and will probably start PCI the end of October. My oncologist said that so many times they get the lungs all squared away and 6 months down the road, its in the brain. I would sure think that being 2 years out everything should be OK for you - I sure hope so. Looking foward to hearing from Dr. Joe too. Like Addie said, I want to be where you are. Take care. Hugs, Nancy B
  12. Hi Bet, welcome. Sorry you have to be here, but gosh, your Mom sounds like a real winner. Her comments have certainly changed my perspective. This group is so loving, informative and supportive. Please stay with us and keep us posted. Hugs, Nancy B
  13. The Wellness Community is a really great support group. I haven't been involved in the on-line support but I am a volunteer Orientation Leader at the Wellness Community in Pasadena, CA. I belonged to a participant support group for almost 2 years and I understand the groups for caregivers are great. Give the on-line support group a try, maybe you will meet some people that are near where you live. Good luck to you and your husband. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  14. Hi Joni. Welcome....and David is soooo right. Attitude is so important and good communication with the docs. Here's hoping your husband feels much better soon. Stay with us, you will find a wealth of information, support and love. Love, hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  15. None of my doctors (and I have plenty of them) had the vaccine-either they hadn't gotten it yet or were out. I called my friend Jackie, she is the medical assistant at my dermatologists office ( I get alot of skin cancers too). They order it for the staff but there were several that didn't want the shot - I went in yesterday and got it. Arm is alittle sore today but other than that - doing just fine. Boy, we do have to get creative don't we?
  16. Nancy B

    CT Results

    Yea Joe! God IS good. So glad to hear the good news - you guys really are a cute couple. Take care of each other. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  17. Rich, Glad you were able to get your pain under control. Here's hoping the new lesion in nothing and you can get on with your treatments and put all this behind you. Take care, Nancy B
  18. TAnn, sending prayers and good thoughts that the rest of your treatments go swiftly and smoothly. Take care, Nancy B
  19. Oh Debi, maybe he didn't know he had to ask. Maybe Ry could make it retroactive and how about shaped like a stethascope? Dr. Joe - have a safe trip and let us know when you get back. Nancy B
  20. I'm confused - my screen shows that you guys posted at 9:16 and 9:21pm and it is 5:25pm here in CA - the east coast is only 3 hours ahead of me. Somebody please explain - maybe it's chemo brain. Thanks
  21. Heather, Good luck tomorrow and thanks for all you are doing. Be sure to post a copy of the article when it comes out. I think you are a great spokesperson for this disease. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY Hope you have a great day with lots of treats, presents, good food. Be extra special to yourself today. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  23. Hi David. My first go-around with lung cancer was 4 years ago - nsclc-6 cm tumor, surgery-no chemo or radiation. I read your posts about exercise and keeping active. I completed 2 half marathons last year (walk/run) - 1 to raise money for cancer support. Your story was very inspiratioanal to me. Now I have sclc, surgery in June and 4 cycles of chemo (NO HAIR) and looking forward to (NOT!) brain radiation. I am still planning to do at least one more half-marathon. Your recent accomplishment was even more inspiration. I really want to get back into training. I just want to thank you, your fellow teachers and your students for taking the time and the energy to do this. I would really like to talk to you about your training schedule. I have read Lance's first book and it also gave me great incentive to complete the marathons. Thanks for all your support Nancy B
  24. Nancy B

    Scans :(

    Sharlene, So sorry to read your news. Please don't give up the fight - let us help you fight. Many prayers coming your way. Love and hugs, Nancy B
  25. Denise, I am so sorry that you are missing your Mom so much I am just 2 years younger than your Mom and have a 23 year old son. It is not fair that this is happening to any of us. Just remember all the love and the good times you had with your Mom. I just know she would want you to be happy (it's a Mom thing). Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Nancy B
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