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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Hi Ben, Welcome to our caring family. So sorry you have to be here. My son will be 23 in Sept. (he is our only child) and we are very close. I am the opposite of your Mom, I want to know everything and NOW. But my husband and son only want to hear that I am feeling good. They just worry alot I think. My son is very busy with his life but he makes a point of calling me daily and comes by the house often. Some really good suggestions here and a wealth of information - go up to search and you will find just about anything you want to know. Pamela's idea to put together a binder with copies of all reports and notes is a great one. I have done that and it sure makes it easier to talk with all the doctors. Sounds like you will be the one in your family to be the "knowledgable one" - there has to be one. Oh, in your research - completely disregard the statistics - they are depressing and don't mean a thing. Just love your Mom and lots of hugs are good. Your Mom and your family will be in my prayers. Take care of each other. Hugs, Nancy
  2. Angie, Well, I sure didn't find any differences and I was REALLY wanting a vacation I appreciate the link tho - I have been avoiding church since I am on chemo (there are about 1500 people at every service). I am going to try the virtualchurch.com. Thanks and hope you have a great day (great looking family). Love and hugs, Nancy
  3. David and Karen, Sure glad to hear the news is better than good. I just know this is something you will handle with flying colors. Take care of each other and that beautiful little girl of yours. Hugs, Nancy
  4. Nancy B

    The Michigan Bash!

    Boy am I disappointed that I am not a better planner. I've got 3 days of chemo this week or I would be there. Everybody have fun - take a group picture and have a BIG GROUP HUG! Love you guys, Nancy
  5. Cheryl and Jack, Prayers being sent your way. Love and hugs, Nancy
  6. David, So glad you had such a good day. Our son has been going to the races since he was a baby - he is 22 now. My husband used to drive Fuel Altereds and I use to manage Orange County International Raceway. Our son drove Jr. Dragsters from 13 to 17, then a front-engine A-Fuel car, he is now driving a front-engine Top Fuel Dragster but his Dad and I just finished putting together an alcohol Funny Car for him. We should have it on the track by September. What track did you go to? I think it so neat that your boys love cars at such a young age. You just keep buying whatever medicine you need to keep enjoying those kids. Try Good-Guys.com. It is the website of the nostalgia organization that we race with - they also have alot of show cars. I finish my chemo sometime mid-September and my goal is to be on the starting line with my son. Take care. Nancy
  7. Katie, So glad you have come to join us. Shelly is such a cheerleader for all of us - I don't know what we would do without her. Having gone through so much heartache yet she is still able to be such a positive influence and I look forward to her new little picture each day - it makes me smile every time~~~ My prayers are with you that you will come out of this cancer journey with flying colors. Take care of each other. Love and hugs, Nancy
  8. Nancy B


    Shelly, It is 10:00 in California right now and I am stopping right now to say a prayer for you........... I prayed that God would be there with you. Shelly, I sure hope everything comes out good for you. Take care. Hugs, Nancy
  9. Jen, I started out on carbo and vp16 and have not had any ear issues at all. My doc says the carbo is just as effective as the cis just less toxic. My next cycle starts next Tuesday - when do you go again? I am praying that the side effects will be less for you. Take care. Hugs, Nancy
  10. David, prayers going out right now that the chemo is doing its job and you are relaxing and enjoying a movie. Take care. Hugs, Nancy
  11. Sharon, Can you call your Dad's doctor when he is not listening to clarify results? Maybe you could just put in a blanket request for copies of all reports so your Dad won't be suspicious when they hand them to you. That way you can have them in front of you when you talk to the doc. My CEA marker was at 5.5 before my first surgery and 1.1 before my second surgery. Cancer both times. Guess I can't answer your question on this. The surgeon said my tumor didn't shed so it didn't show up in the blood. I am going to ask my oncologist about this during my next chemo. My prayers are with you and your Dad. I am very close to my parents and worry myself sick when they are sick. Take care of yourself too. Love and hugs, Nancy
  12. Sharon, Prayers coming your way - peace and strength to you and healing for your Dad. Love and hugs, Nancy
  13. Dean, So very glad you are back! Love and hugs, Nancy
  14. TeeTaa, Many prayers going up for T and all your wonderful family. I pray that God will ease his pain and make him strong again. Love and hugs, Nancy
  15. Francine, Good to hear from you. Please let us know before you go into the hospital and wishing you the best results with your surgery. Sure hope they can take care of the pain. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Nancy
  16. Sharon. My second surgery was 5 weeks ago - I did have some swelling after two weeks and asked my surgeon about it. It was fluid and he said my body would take care of it and it would be better not to drain it as that could introduce infection. I have learned after two bouts with this beast that if anything at all comes up that I have a question about - I call the doctor. Worrying is not good for you and there is usually a good explanation for what is happening. Don't take the chance that it might be something serious. Take care. Nancy
  17. After every test I have done, I ask when they think they will have the results. It is usually within 2 days. I then make a trip over to that office and request a copy of the report. I show my id and I get the copy. I then have it in front of me when I talk to my doctor. I usually get the results before the doctor does. Maybe this is just in California but they are my tests and my results and I have a right to see them. For me, the more informed I am, the more "in control" I feel. I never was very good at waiting! Nancy
  18. Cat, Listen to Fay and please keep fighting. Do you have someone near you that can help you with the paperwork and documentation so it isn't such a burden on you? I know the feeling of fear and helplessness waking up in the middle of the night. Try keeping a night light on and soft music playing - it helps the night seem more manageable. I am praying for you. Love and hugs, Nancy
  19. Thanks to both of you - my surgeon 4 years ago told me that there are high incidences of radon in Missouri - that's where I grew up. It is too late to test for it now. John, do you know the websites that list radon levels? Also, how do you go about having your house tested? I live in La Canada, CA which is just over the hill from Jet Propulsion Laboratory. There have been stories forever about the ground water there. There is alot of cancer in this relatively small town, even two boys from my sons class - they are 22 now - melanoma and colon cancer. I really appreciate the research you guys do - I wouldn't have a clue where to look for these things. Thanks a bunch!!!! Love and hugs, Nancy
  20. David and Karen, Prayers coming your way. Praying that your treatments will take care of this pronto! Love and hugs, Nancy
  21. Nancy B

    need some prayers

    David, Prayers coming your way that the pain will be alleviated soon. Maybe you just "overdid" it on your feel good days. Just pace yourself (I am learning that the hard way). Hope you are feeling better soon. Love and hugs, Nancy
  22. Thanks everybody for your suggestions. I was so sick and near fainting when I called the oncologist Tuesday morning. They had me come in right away. I was given iv fluids for two hours and they switched me to Zofran. I had been trying to drink as much water as possible but I was extremely dehydrated. My blood pressure was barely palpable at 60 and she could hardly find a pulse. Next chemo is in two weeks and I go for three days and then the 4th day I will go in just for iv fluids and Zofran. Sure hope that works. I feel so much better today and even was able to eat alittle dinner last night. I lost 9 lbs in 6 days (fortunately I needed to lose the weight) but now see that it was mostly fluid. Oh well, I will think about Atkins or South Beach AFTER chemo. Better yet maybe I will just go to the beach! Thanks again for all of you just being here. It is so comforting to have a place to go for good information, caring and prayers. I wish I could meet all of you in person......maybe a get-together somewhere between "here and there". I love you all! Hugs, Nancy
  23. Shelly, Please don't leave us now. I know sometimes praying is hard but let us do it for you. Just take one day at a time and try not to project too far ahead - it is far more manageable that way. I had lung cancer surgery in Feb. 2000 and Dec. 2000 a breast biopsy. Fortunately it was benign but I don't have to tell you the fear I was feeling. If you are taking anti-depressants and they aren't working maybe your doctor could try a different one. Just take care of yourself and please keep in touch. Love and hugs, Nancy
  24. Ginny, My prayers are for peace and strength for you and peace and comfort for Earl and MIRACLES for you both. I am so glad that Earl still has his hope -that is so important. Just keep hugging and loving each other. Love and hugs, Nancy
  25. I started chemo last Tues., Wedn. and Thursday - carboplatin and VP16. I was OK (no appetite but OK) til Saturday morning. I was sick all day Sat and Sun (no vomiting just extreme nausea). Thought I felt better today and tried to eat a scrambled egg and toast this morning - didn't work. I am very light headed, weak and nausous. I can't eat anything but jello and saltine crackers. I have tried Boost but it churns up my stomach. I have lost 9 lbs. in 6 days. I am taking Kytril for nausea every 12 hours but don't think it is helping. I am open to any and all suggestions - I just really don't feel good. Of course this all happens on a holiday weekend!!! I will call the doc tomorrow am and change the medication but til then I need help. Thanks y'all Nancy
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