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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Cheryl, I sooooo understand the monster thing. And I am really glad you brought it up. So many good ideas on how to deal with them. I am hoping and praying that your CT results will put your worrys to rest and you can start enjoying that boat. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Nancy
  2. Peggy, Take the time you need but don't be gone too long. I really need to do the same but really need to be here during this chemo stuff. Someday soon I will handle the dust balls and dog hair. My yellow lab Mollie likes to sleep on the couch on her back, legs every which way too. Take care of things but most of all take care of yourself and hurry back! Love and hugs, Nancy
  3. Sandy, Prayers that you get good results today. Hugs, Nancy
  4. Cat, It does make sense, go get some rest and hopefully you will feel better. Please don't feel like you have to edit your posts - just say what you feel at the time - I think we all do that. We are here for you and we need to hear from you. Take care of yourself. Love and hugs, Nancy
  5. Elaine, Sending prayers your way and hugs too for you and your Mom. Nancy
  6. Cat, Lots of good advice here. All I can offer are lots of prayers that everything works out for you. As far as the cancer markers, my CEA right before my surgery was 1.1. Anything under 5.0 is considered normal and my cancer was still in there. I don't understand the tumor marker (cancer marker) thing. Take care of yourself and I will be praying and thinking about you. Love and hugs, Nancy
  7. Shelly, I am so sorry this has happened to you again and I am sorry for your sis too. My friend, Meg, had agressive, invasive breast cancer 18 years ago. She had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation and is doing just fine today, although she did have a heart attack at age 55, but she is still doing good. My prayers are with you and your sister. Remember all of us here are family too. Please, please stay in touch. We care and we want to help. Love and hugs, Nancy
  8. Jamie, So glad your Dad's surgery ordeal is over. Just be sure he keeps taking the pain meds at home - he can't heal if he is in pain. The hospital I went to for my surgery told me they consider pain level as your 5th vital sign. It will get better but just takes time. You guys are in my prayers. Hugs, Nancy
  9. Welcome Sue, Sorry you have to be here but glad you found us. You won't find a more helpful, wonderful, sharing group. Please visit often and let us know how things are progressing. You and your husband will be in my prayers. Hugs, Nancy
  10. Jen, I meant VP16 in my post. They told me the Kytril and Decadron IV would last about 12 hours for the nausea - I woke up about 3:30 and took a Kytril tablet and have been fine since. I am trying to keep alittle something in my stomach at all times as that is my "weak spot" I think the Decadron is also suppose to thwart any allergic reaction to the chemos. This certainly is a learning experience. Good luck to you today, I will be thinking of you. Also, what a neat family you have! Love and hugs, Nancy
  11. YEA BECKY - WAY TO GO!!!! I am so happy for you and hope that you can have some peace of mind for awhile. My oncology nurse told me that she is going to have T-shirts made up for her patients that say "Its All About Me Now" so we will slow down and take good care of ourselves. Do it! Love and hugs, Nancy
  12. Hi Jen, I started mine today to - carbo and TP16. I feel fine so far but mine went from 4 to 6:30 pm. I came home and we ordered dinner delivered and I had somewhat of an appetite. It is about 9:45 now and I will be off to bed soon. Maybe you could schedule your sessions later in the day so you could just come home and go to bed. I am alittle surprised that I didn't get a headache - from the anxiety and tension. A friend of mine that just finished chemo and rad for breast cancer stopped by and the time went faster with her talking (she talks alot). I will sure be thinking about you tomorrow - I go at 1:30 tomorrow. Let's keep in touch and compare notes. The first bag they gave me was Kytril and Decadron, then the carbo and then the TP16. I took some ginger cookies with me and munched on acouple of them. Maybe they could switch you to the carbo instead of the cis if that seems too harsh - they are suppose to really have the same effectivness (not sure that is a word). Take care and keep in touch, Hugs, Nancy
  13. Sandy, Best of luck to you on Tuesday. I really am impressed with the motorcycle - I had a Moped once years ago and crashed it . (I am not very coordinated). My thoughts and prayers are with you - keep positive thoughts. What's your dogs name? I have a yellow lab, Mollie, she's 7 but still thinks she's a puppy. I sure will be thinking about you on Tuesday, I will be starting chemo that day and while I am sitting there contemplating "things" I will say prayers for everybody here. Love and hugs, Nancy
  14. Nancy B

    Lets be nice

    I say a thank you to Rick and Katie everytime I log on - I just can't imagine anyone not appreciating what they do. THANKS RICK AND KATIE!!!!!!
  15. Hi Everybody, I met with my oncologist last Thursday and he is starting me on carboplatin and Etoposide (VP16). I get both on Tuesday, the VP16 on Wedn. and Thursday and then 3 weeks off for four cycles. I am limited stage sc BUT the cells were a little larger than normal sc but still considered small cell???? I am pretty anxious about the chemo. I know alot of you have had this combination - what can I expect? Also, I will be having PCI after the chemo. I have a "friend" who has scared the heck out of me - he says that PCI causes your head to swell, your brain to swell and you permanently lose your hair. My oncologist said the only side effect is that you lose acouple of IQ points down the road. Needless to say I am really going to be relying on you guys - thanks so much for being here and being such a caring family. Love and hugs, Nancy
  16. Peggy, So sorry to hear about the loss of your wonderful Dad. I pray that God will give comfort and peace to you and your family. Love and hugs, Nancy
  17. Sandy, prayers for you that this is nothing. Love and a hug, Nancy B
  18. Jane, My heart goes out to you. You are such a loving sister and I am sure Alan loved you very much - you seem really close. That is special. My prayers are with you and your family that you will find comfort in your faith. Love and blessings, Nancy B
  19. My husband went out to buy a recliner on his way to bring me home from the hospital 4 years ago. It was the only way I could sleep for a week after coming home. I was so glad to have it again after this latest surgery. The only way to get some sleep for the first week or so. My prayers are going out to you and your Mom. Just keep asking questions. I am probably going to start chemo within acouple of weeks and alittle nervous about it but I have heard so many encouraging things on this board from people who have "been there, done that" and I figure I can handle it too. I am sure your Mom will too. Take care, Nancy B
  20. Heather, Bon Voyage! Have a great time! A cruise is the one thing I have always wanted to do - some day soon. Happy Honeymoon!!!! Please check in as soon as you get back so we can hear all about your trip (well, most of it). Love and hugs, Nancy B
  21. Oh Shelly, I am so sorry this is happening to you. I have several friends that are 15+ year survivors of breast cancer, even the most aggresive kind. There is hope. Maybe you could make an appointment with a therapist - maybe it would help to have someone see you through this. Shelly, don't quit, please stay with us - we all love you. My heart is breaking for you and I just hope and pray that things will get better for you soon. Love and a big hug, Nancy B
  22. Dean & Gay, Congratulations on the 20 years and I hope you have a wonderful evening. Anniversaries are so special. My best to both of you! Hugs, Nancy B
  23. Nancy B

    Jiminy Cricket!

    Cat Prayers and good thoughts going your way. Hugs, Nancy B
  24. Nancy B


    I am just two weeks out from my second surgery and was prescribed Celebrex. However, my insurance wouldn't cover it so they gave me Naproxen - 500mg. Is it the same? Should I just pay out of pocket to get the Celebrex? Thanks for your help. Nancy B
  25. Bob, Just out of the hospital and trying to catch up on posts. Sooooooo very glad to see one from you. Hope things are even better by now. Glad you are back. Hugs, Nancy B
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