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Nancy B

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Everything posted by Nancy B

  1. Cindi, prayers for good results. The blood....maybe you are just a quart low and they will fix that. Hugs, Nancy B
  2. Barb, welcome. Glad to hear your Mom is handling the chemo so well. There is always hope. Let us know what we can do to help you through this journey. Hugs, Nancy B
  3. Great idea Becky, that's a good one. I also like to listen to Celine Dion's "I'm Alive".
  4. It is 50 degrees here, heavy rain, thunderstorms, hail, gusty winds, snow level down to 1000 ft. (I thought I was in California). Me and my dog Mollie are staying home, making a pot of soup and lighting a fire in the fireplace. Not going anywhere today!
  5. Becky, hope all is well in your camp. Touch base when you are able - we worry about you. Hugs, Nancy B
  6. How fun, I got it the first time....and I thought my poor old toasted, chemo brain was history. There is hope.
  7. Nancy B

    Update on Ken

    Karen, so sorry that you are having to go through this. Prayers coming for all of you. Hugs and prayers, Nancy B
  8. I used to be very organized, but somewhere along the way, I lost it. I am reading "Clean Your Clutter with Feng Shui" and hoping that might help me recover. I am looking forward to getting some really good tips here. Thanks. Nancy B
  9. Hey Jim, wait up! A nice glass of Pinot Noir and I will talk racing all night.
  10. I agree with Katie. The Wellness Community offered me tremendous support, but I was the only one with lung cancer. I would love to see a real live LCSC support group in every community too. How could we do that? The Wellness Community offers a support group for survivors and a separate support group for caregivers, I like that idea.
  11. Welcome and congratulations on your 4 years. It is always good to hear success stories.
  12. I have had both nsclc and sclc. I quit smoking 20 years ago, never around 2nd hand smoke. I grew up in Missouri which has a high incidence of Radon in the ground. I live in smog filled LA. I was on hormone replacement therapy (estrogen) for 12 years. Who knows? My first surgeon told me that "some people are just cancer makers".
  13. Gracie, welcome. I was born and raised in Missouri - Grandview. Sorry you have to be here, but let us know what we can do to help you. It is not an easy thing to do, but it is doable. Hugs, Nancy B
  14. What a doll - put pictures on whenever you want. She is a sweetie. Hugs to you all, Nancy B
  15. On the local news here in the Los Angeles area all they are talking about and interviewing people about is her work with stem-cell, they are mentioning lung cancer almost as an after-thought.
  16. I am just sick. SOMEBODY HAS GOT TO HELP US! There are too many of us dying way too young.
  17. Congratulations Jamie. Sounds like a fantastic time. My gosh, all the hard work you did, I am so glad it was such a success. I want to come next year too, I love music. Let us know when - I have never been to Memphis and the Hilton sounds like a great place for a "family" reunion. Yea Jamie!!!!! Hugs, Nancy B
  18. Hi Darrell, Welcome, sorry you have to be here. My second go-around with lc was limited small cell. I had chemo and PCI and will be two years out in June. Hang in there, it is a scary ride but we will ride along with you. There are many caring and knowlegable people here - stay with us and let us know what we can do to help you. Nancy B
  19. Lori, so glad your Mom is doing better. So glad the meds thing wasn't more serious. Those things just should not happen. How scary for your Mom. After my second surgery I was given too many drugs in the recovery room and my blood pressure kept falling. The nurse is starting to panic and my Mom rushed off to call my husband. I was semi-awake through all this and it was scary. I question everything now. Hope your Mom can be home soon. Hugs, Nancy B
  20. Hi, welcome. Sorry you have to be here but glad to meet you. There is alot of info to be had here and lots of luv and support. Let us know what we can do to help you and your Mom. Hugs, Nancy B
  21. Hi June, sorry you had to find us but glad you did. I don't have any answers for you but there are plenty of people on here that will. I am in So Ca and have a sister that lives in Santa Clara. Welcome aboard, and let us know what we can do to help you. Hugs, Nancy B
  22. Michael, I will miss Fay so much. She was such a strength and support and fountain of knowledge about lung cancer for me. I think I met you at Conrad's in La Canada when Fay and I had lunch. I pray that you and your family can be at peace, Fay is free of pain now. Please let us know if we can be of any help to you. We all loved your Mom and will miss her. Take care, Michael Hugs, Nancy B
  23. Nancy B


    Bruce, I hope you feel better soon. I think Janet is right about hand washing. I keep a pack of those sanitized hand wipes in the car. Here's hoping you will feel better real soon. Just take care of yourself. Hugs, Nancy B
  24. Hi, I had 20 PCI treatments following chemo. I drove myself to the hospital, had the radiation and then got in the car, drove myself to work. During the first week I had headaches and they gave me Decadron because my brain was swelling. Every thing was just great after that. I do have some short-term memory loss now, but no big deal. My ears got some burns on them but they recommended Eucerin cream - it helped. Please let me know if I can help in any other way.
  25. Rich, many prayers coming your way. God, please heal Rich, we need him here. Love and hugs, Nancy B
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